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Everything posted by iq_132

  1. This looks like it would be so much fun in multi-player.
  2. Nope. Not yet. My nes broke a while ago, and a friend's got my collection of loose carts. I should have a new nes here in the next day or two. Thinking zip-loc bags and seeing if I can find those anti-humidity pouches that come in shoe boxes?
  3. Interesting ^^ Now what's the best way to store these? my current living situation is hot and humid :S
  4. So I spent all Saturday morning going from garage sale to garage sale -- one, in particular, was a gold mine Anyway, I got this stuff -- I was hoping someone would have some knowledge about how much these are worth and the best way to sell them? http://neosource.1emu.net/cartpics/CAM00077.jpghttp://neosource.1emu.net/cartpics/CAM00081.jpghttp://neosource.1emu.net/cartpics/CAM00083.jpghttp://neosource.1emu.net/cartpics/CAM00084.jpghttp://neosource.1emu.net/cartpics/CAM00085.jpghttp://neosource.1emu.net/cartpics/CAM00086.jpghttp://neosource.1emu.net/cartpics/CAM00087.jpghttp://neosource.1emu.net/cartpics/CAM00088.jpghttp://neosource.1emu.net/cartpics/CAM00089.jpghttp://neosource.1emu.net/cartpics/CAM00090.jpghttp://neosource.1emu.net/cartpics/CAM00091.jpghttp://neosource.1emu.net/cartpics/CAM00092.jpghttp://neosource.1emu.net/cartpics/CAM00093.jpghttp://neosource.1emu.net/cartpics/CAM00096.jpghttp://neosource.1emu.net/cartpics/CAM00097.jpghttp://neosource.1emu.net/cartpics/CAM00098.jpghttp://neosource.1emu.net/cartpics/CAM00100.jpghttp://neosource.1emu.net/cartpics/CAM00101.jpghttp://neosource.1emu.net/cartpics/CAM00102.jpghttp://neosource.1emu.net/cartpics/CAM00104.jpg
  5. pcsx2 has pretty good compatibility (both of those play), however, i'm not sure your specs are going to cut it. It has very high requirements (especially depending on games that use the hardware exensively like SotC). With some tweaking you may get it playable, but results vary.
  6. Not terribly so, no. The cave SH3 games will not be included in FBA for a loooong time. Not by me anyway. :S
  7. No, on the 128mb one. I'm planning on getting it going on the stock machine at a later date. I'm curious how it goes without the vmm.
  8. So I decided to work on CPS-3 for a bit yesterday. I've got SFIII2 up and booting, however, it runs at 1FPS for some reason. I'm going to have to investigate further.
  9. I know how that is. My friend and I played through Demon Front. Little did he know he was the second person in the world to play that game on an original xbox. lol Hell of a lot of fun button mashing and blowing shit up.
  10. That's a pc-dvd -> xbox swap. I'm talking cannibalizing another xbox. Screw it, i'm going to give it a try. lol *edit* Works fine. Didn't realize it was a philips -> philips swap.
  11. Btw, I was wondering if anyone knows if it is possible to swap out different dvd drive types? I have a dead xbox somewhere and I think the drive works ok. ^^
  12. Lol. The chip came unseated. I just cracked it open and put it back on the pin header. Set it to 1080i and it is good to go.
  13. So the xbox came a few days ago, I think USPS dropped it a few times. Something is rattling around inside of it and it boots to rrod. I think maybe the chip popped loose. I'll have to crack it open in the next few days.
  14. If you're referring to the psikyo SH2-based games, they're already heavily speed-hacked. The main issue there, along with the cps3 games, is that the cpu for these games is a Hitachi SH2. The only thing I can do to increase the frame rate is rip out sprite zooming, but that would make it extremely ugly. :S
  15. Congrats. Though I prefer thumper.
  16. I miss 1Pornulation.
  17. FBA's PGM code is a little unstable. It's got a couple of long-standing, hard to track, bugs that I've been having a hell of a time squashing. They are largely unpresent in FBL because it uses older code and ignores things like sprite zooming. As for the DDP2/DMNFRNT code, I'm probably just going to pass it off to someone else (Destronger please check your PM box), since I can't seem to find the time or motivation to work on it much. I probably will get some motivation to work on a couple of the things +t+ pointed out to me at some point, but if you guys want to see a release any time soon, It's best I pass things off.
  18. Fair enough, I completely understand that. But just so you know the 1.10 source is pretty much complete. The only thing I didn't get round to doing was inserting kenshiro's VMM code back into the Asura games' driver and the Seta 2 driver. Also the Psikyo4 games don't work due to memory constraints; I was going to look into that but I don't know if I could have got them going or not. Ugh. Fine. I'll check it out. It shouldn't be too hard to add everything back into those/completely rewrite the vmm routines.
  19. I added region dip switches to both. They are set to world by default.
  20. Finally got ddp2 doing something useful.
  21. 1.9. Trying to not get roped into making a full-fledged update.
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