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Posts posted by iq_132

  1. Boogie Wings in coinops!, absoultley fantastic!


    Any chance of Fighters History being added? or any of the sega32 games like Golden Axe 2 and Spiderman graphics glitches fixed?


    This is just great all these new games coming to coinops :P


    thank you so much

    there is actually a clone/bootleg of fighters history called "the history of fighters" which works on a different driver from fighters history.i tried it in coinops before and got it working,it played well if i remember but was a while ago.


    lol. Try it in MAME. You will kick yourself for even suggesting it.


  2. Took a minute and got Thunder Hoop and Squash (on Gaelco hardware) up and running.






    Here's an updated cps2 driver.




    I did leave xors there and the games will use them if they're available. If you decide to not use them at all,

    just remove #define CPS2_USE_XORS in cps2.c and it will always use the decrypt code.


    I also added the phoenix games and hooked up analog inputs for pzloop2.


    No speed increases or anything. ;)


    *edit 2*


    Here's another update for NMK16




    Fixed hachamf, tdragon, tharrier, tdragonb, manybloc, and the flags for blkheart. All games on the driver should be playable now.

  3. Any chance of fixing the sound in Ghox? That would be cool... :(

    Not a chance. It uses a protected MCU to deal with sound and it's not dumped.


    Hi BritneysPAIRS,


    It´s possible to play Superspace Fortress Macross with sound?


    Thank you for your work.


    Imperfect sound is a definite possibility. I'll add it to my list of things to look at.

    i dont know if this would interest you or not iq 132 but would it be possible to get the raiden fighters drivers ported.

    bp managed ot get raiden fighters 2(2000)chinese hacked version to work on xbox and the us single board version of raiden fighters2 works on mameox 128 but with really bad sound.also on mame 128 you can get the us single board version of raiden fighters jet to load but it will just play the attract/demo screen,once you put credits in and press start it crashes.

    dont know if you are interested in porting these drivers but i thought there would be no harm in making a request.


    thank you.


    Very unlikely, but I will take a look.


    For a status update, I'm not going to be looking at anything until at least tomorrow. I'm out of town until then (and since early Thursday).

  4. Hi BritneysPAIRS,


    It´s possible to play Superspace Fortress Macross with sound?


    Thank you for your work.


    Imperfect sound is a definite possibility. I'll add it to my list of things to look at.

  5. Perhaps i can be of service.


    I've got a copy of Splinter Cell and an Action Replay memory card loaded with the hacked save file. Just PM me your address and i'll send you the items right away.


    If you would like to be generous i'm in desperate need of a fully-functional S-Type since my old (and only one) broke down a couple months ago. (i've been playing on a PS2-Xbox adapter since then)


    Thanks a ton. :D Check your inbox.

  6. Hiya! I'm hoping someone can let me borrow everything I need to softmod a 1.6 xbox. I've got another 1.3 one, but that's chipped and I'm not terribly comfortable with using any of the swap methods.


    I will pay shipping costs and will ship the items back promptly when I'm done with the modding process (or maybe we can arrange something else). :)


    I'm in the US, so iirc, I'll need a US/Canada region disk. Thanks! :)



    a cheap method to softmod an a xbox is to do get a original tom clancy splinter cell game from a game store (ex. gamestop) and a memory card.


    then get the xbox splinter cell softmod heck off the internet or xbins


    since you have mod xbox (chip) you could transfer the file to the memory card through you chip xbox.


    now hookup your xbox you want to softmod and load up splinter cell with the memory card plugin.


    next go to load game.... select the hack file from the memory card and it will began to softmod the console.


    now the xbox will boot to unleash dashboard....at this point you could transfer files and edit file through ftp (basicly get access to your console) :)


    Yeah, I'm aware of HOW. I just need the spliter cell and memory card. I think it's silly to buy them when I'm only ever going to use them once, that's why I'm asking to borrow. :) Thank you though. ^^


    Now your set to continue helping with the FBA_XXX_Pro emulator for the xbox. :D


    Kenshiro gives me too much credit. Usually our conversations about FBA-XXX go something like this:


    Kenshiro: Hey Dave, can you you take a look at this? I've got a bug somewhere that I can't track down.

    Dave: Sure. Send me your sources.

    *file send*

    Dave: Ok, let's see.

    four hours later

    Dave: I'm a fucking idiot. Here's the problem...

    Kenshiro: I'm a fucking idiot too. Fuck.

    Dave: Well, now it's fixed.

    Kenshiro: I hate you.

  7. Hiya! I'm hoping someone can let me borrow everything I need to softmod a 1.6 xbox. I've got another 1.3 one, but that's chipped and I'm not terribly comfortable with using any of the swap methods.


    I will pay shipping costs and will ship the items back promptly when I'm done with the modding process (or maybe we can arrange something else). :D


    I'm in the US, so iirc, I'll need a US/Canada region disk. Thanks! :)

  8. ZOMG

    DId you guys see the latest chapter?!


    Out of nowhere, the laid-back shunsui just stabs the dude when he wasnt looking!!

    I always thought he was the type not to attack someone from behind but man was i wrong.

    The fight itself wasnt that amazing cuz I was confused as wtf does his power(please someone explain it if you dont mind) do.

    But I've been going crazy over the week trying to figure out WHO STABBED STARK!?

    And that look he had when he rose out of the shadows looked like "now Im gonna show you my serial killer side".

    I loved this chap!



    How do you know it was shunsui? It really could have been anyone. ^^ But you're probably right. lol



    It was captain kyoroku (shunsui), his power is damage on cycle by the definement of color


    For example if i stab you and i decide damage will increase on the color black and your wearing a black jacket you will get hurt and if i get you again on black that damage will increase even more and it goes on as a cycle to you and your opponent. also, the best way to get the most damage is to find out what color is the person wearing the most in order to present a higher amount of damage with just the first round.




    Where'd you get that info? One of the games?

  9. ZOMG

    DId you guys see the latest chapter?!


    Out of nowhere, the laid-back shunsui just stabs the dude when he wasnt looking!!

    I always thought he was the type not to attack someone from behind but man was i wrong.

    The fight itself wasnt that amazing cuz I was confused as wtf does his power(please someone explain it if you dont mind) do.

    But I've been going crazy over the week trying to figure out WHO STABBED STARK!?

    And that look he had when he rose out of the shadows looked like "now Im gonna show you my serial killer side".

    I loved this chap!



    How do you know it was shunsui? It really could have been anyone. ^^ But you're probably right. lol


  10. Nice. :) Thanks. :)


    Pretty hilarious game. I love that you can create a monster (I like "dragon", "t.rex", and "cthulu"), shoot them with a dart gun. Then you can ride the bastards around like a pony. Hell, you can even fly with the dragon.

    Another awesome thing is putting a jet pack on. You can fly while riding a t.rex.


    I also like to fight things. God Vs. Devil was a pretty epic matchup.

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