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Posts posted by iq_132

  1. Woah, he freaking went 6 tails! SIX MOFO TAILS. The past few weeks for the manga have been nothing but epic sh!t. Now Hinata is dead, Kakashi is dead, and Naruto is going full out balls to the walls against pain, and he still has a hermit left, and both 8 tails village leet team and Sasuke's team are on the way to Konoha right now as well (which is blown up, only Gai's team is 100% healthy status, even freaking Tsunade is in critical condition). Next week is "Main Pain(nagato)" vs. "Six Tailed Naruto". (the skeleton forming outside his body now is rad), how will the manga end!?



    Seriously, don't read it unless you read the manga, it'll surprise you and depress you if all you do is watch the anime atm.


    Agreed. Seriously



    Why the hell is he teaming up with a retarded toad?




    Quite possibly some of the most crap-tacular filler since the don kanonji crap in bleach...

  2. I think this is the only sort of thing that could ever tempt me into getting an actual neo geo rather than just xboxing it. My acursed short attention span I suppose.


    I wouldn't go that far. Bootlegs on the Neo-geo are known to be extremely buggy (even more so than standard Neo-Geo carts [which often were

  3. I use AVG pro atm, (the eye-patch version :peopleseybrow:). Honestly, I pretty much hate it. It's a pain in the dick to configure, pain in the dick to get it do what you want, it's slow, it locks up my pc for several seconds when I open a certain folder on my desktop, and bitches about packed exe's. :S I'm looking for something different, light weight, fast, full-featured, easily config'd, and catches pretty much everything.


    It's still better than Symantec Corp. that I was using for a long time. That would spawn half a dozen sub-apps eating up tons of resources. :S

  4. Recently I decided to check and see how my hdd space I was using:




    Hmm.. this doesn't seem right.


    So after a little investigating, I came upon this:




    I decided to see what would happen if I deleted system restore and shadow copies...




    Great! What do i need more than 1 restore point for?

    So I checked back...




    and wtf? 23gb for f*cking shadow copies?

  5. Here's the what's new;


    * Added a driver for games on Galaxian hardware, 177 new sets [barry]

    * Added support for insane sample Galaxian sound sample hardware and the various AY8910 interfaces in the Galaxian driver [barry]

    * Moved PPI8255 module to the burn folder so it can be accessed by all drivers [barry]

    * Added support for a third PPI8255 [barry]

    * Added driver for Aquarium [iq_132]

    * Added driver for Dark Seal [iq_132]

    * Added driver for games on Deniam hardware [iq_132]

    * Added driver for games on Midas hardware [iq_132]

    * Changed the left and right sound channels in the CPS-3 driver [barry]

    * Fixed the speed-up hacks for Jojo's Venture [barry]

    * Improved analog controls in the Sega drivers when used with analog devices [Captain CPS-X]

    * Added some clones to the Toaplan2 driver [barry]

    * Added some new Phoenix sets to the CPS-2 driver (provided by bonky0013) [barry]

    * Some renames of roms in Neo-Geo decrypted sets as reported by pmc2 [barry]

    * Fixed the aspect ratio in the Arkanoid driver [Captain CPS-X]

    * Added support to the Game Information dialog for Select, Versus, How To, Scores, Bosses and Game over previews [barry]

    * Added configurable path support for the above new previews [barry]

    * Fixed issue with selection dialog when clicking filters too fast [Captain CPS-X]

    * Added buttons to the selection dialog for tasks in the context-sensitive menu [Captain CPS-X]

    * Moved the options in the selection dialog to their own tab [Captain CPS-X]

    * Tidied the selection dialog [Captain CPS-X]

    * Tidied the rom and support path dialogs and made them less cumbersome [Captain CPS-X]

    * Changed the PNG load functions to use PNGlib [Captain CPS-X]

    * Added support for loading support files from zips [Captain CPS-X]

    * Added filter for Galaxian hardware to the selection dialog [barry]

    * Matched all set to MAME 0.129u3 [barry]

    * nb, the source is now doule-zipped similar to MAME for better compression





    Thanks to JacKc for the news. :)

  6. FBA-XXX Pro 1.29b beta (23/01/2009)



    Fixed Neogeo PCM2 sound issue

    Fixed Auto Neo-Bios option


    Tag Neogeo games which use kof99 and kof 2000 encryption as non working.

    For those games, try to launch decrypted C sets, bootlegs, or prototype sets


    Added SNK vs. CAPCOM SVC CHAOS (JAMMA PCB, set 2, Decrypted C)


    Fixed CPS2 Memory leak



    source code here


    Stuff sended to everyone, good night! :)


    Whore. :)

  7. Yes, and the Wii also have 64Mb memory just like the Xbox, but no word about virtual memory, so maybe big roms dont work at all :ph34r: But the 729Mhz PowerPc core is faster than 733Mhz Intel 8086 core isnt it?

    Cycle-per-cycle, the PowerPC would destroy the original xbox's crippled Celeron processor.


    and mame relies more on processor than GPU, so I think the only limitator here is the internal RAM... anyway let's see what's the future brings on this side

    Errrt! Try again! MAME relies solely on CPU.



    The Gamecube PPC spanks the crap out of that gimped Celeron, it was limited in every other way though.


    And MAME isn't solely dependent on CPU. You need a decent amount of RAM to work with for caching ROMs and program code (64MB is VERY limiting here when you look at some of the 90s titles), and a GPU with very little VRAM allows for poor scaling and effects performance (Read some of the documentation on MAMEDEV regarding this).

    I pointed that out. ^^ Having flash memory is much better than a hdd though. It has much better seek times which is what you need for a decent vmm.


    While an ultra high end video card won't do a damn thing for you in MAME versus an old D3D6/7 capable card, using some POS ancient tech with only 1-4MB VRAM is going to seriously hamper your ability to play anything beyond the classics like Frogger and Donkey Kong.


    I think what you SHOULD say, is MAME is mostly/primarily CPU dependent. :lol:

    Mame on non-windows systems will blit to any drawing surface they can. Ports to other systems, such as cell-phones, don't require a video card at all -- just something to moves the drawn bitmap into the framebuffer that is displayed on screen. So yes, on pc hardware, it requires that your video card isn't complete trash at moving a drawing surface to the actual framebuffer -- not that mame is taking advantage in any real/significant way of the video card itself (unless you count the stretching that dx does -- which muddles the screen and is mostly garbage). Stretching can be achieved by hooking a monitor up at the proper res/freq's to actually display the output.

  8. Yes, and the Wii also have 64Mb memory just like the Xbox, but no word about virtual memory, so maybe big roms dont work at all :ph34r: But the 729Mhz PowerPc core is faster than 733Mhz Intel 8086 core isnt it?

    Cycle-per-cycle, the PowerPC would destroy the original xbox's crippled Celeron processor.


    and mame relies more on processor than GPU, so I think the only limitator here is the internal RAM... anyway let's see what's the future brings on this side

    Errrt! Try again! MAME relies solely on CPU.




    88 MB main memory (24 MB "internal" 1T-SRAM integrated into graphics package, 64 MB "external" GDDR3 SDRAM)[86]

    3 MB embedded GPU texture memory and framebuffer.


    Actually has a little more memory because the main ram is not shared

    I'm not entirely sure the 24mb of "internal" sram is usable by the cpu. The 3mb embedded surely is not. So you're looking at 64 or 88mb of usable ram. That isn't horrible though, as the wii has flash memory, which is very good for the purpose of a vmm (virtual memory manager). Very fast Seek rates. ^^



    All-in all, the wii has a great deal more potential than the original xbox -- however, potential doesn't always mean actual.

  9. I installed it to my MAME cabinet & it works fast.


    Keeps saying my copy isn't genuine every minute too.

    That's odd. Which key did you use?


    The first one for 32-bit


    Check your date/time. Mine randomly set itself to 2010 for some reason.


    Mine is doing that also, Should I re-install it again and try a different key?


    A clean format + install (not update) has solved every issue I was having from my first install (update from vista 64 ultimate).

  10. I installed it to my MAME cabinet & it works fast.


    Keeps saying my copy isn't genuine every minute too.

    That's odd. Which key did you use?


    The first one for 32-bit


    Check your date/time. Mine randomly set itself to 2010 for some reason.

  11. Someone got this error? I just tried to compile the fba source posted here but an error ocurred:



    ------ Build started: Project: FBA, Configuration: Release Xbox ------

    Performing Custom Build Step

    nasm: error: more than one input file specified

    type `nasm -h' for help

    Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Performing Custom Build Step"


    Build log was saved at "file://e:\test program\fba_xxx_pro_1.29a\Release\BuildLog.htm"

    FBA - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)

    ---------------------- Done ----------------------


    Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped



    Btw, thanks Kenshiro for the tips how to compile yourself the sources, I'm very interested to learn how to port emulators like xport did. Someday I will make a project to work on a recent mame emu port :)


    Incorrect version of nasm or possibly in the wrong directory.

  12. 1.2GB of memory? That's disgusting, XP Pro with all the bells and whistles and my filemanager running with firefox open and antivirus etc etc, is using 590MB of RAM here.


    Hell my PEAK usage was under 800MB, and that was after running MAME!


    I have 4gb of ram... it really isn't that big of a deal for me. ^^

  13. I can't give specific benchmarks, but honestly it feels quite snappy. Uses about 1.2gb of ram not doing anything (that 1.2gb includes virus scanner).

    My previous install of Vista 64 (I'm using the 64-bit build of 7 as well) took about 1.6.


    The update process was quite easy though. Just burn the disk, run it from windows, and upgrade. ^^


    Had to get rid of the "Feedback" link on every window... having it that close to the buttons was horrible.


    The start menu itself is very familiar if you're use to Vista at all, but the taskbar itself is very revamped. Visually, it is thicker and has large "quicklaunch" icons on it (not really that new). The main few awesome things are that when it groups the buttons together for similar items, on mouseover it shows previews for them, not only that, it has a close button for each of them. The last goody is the "show desktop" button on the far right of the clock (which now shows the date btw).


    Another very welcome feature is that when you drag a window by it's title bar to the edge of the screen, it will show an outline and will fill the screen to that outline (dragging to the left or right fills half, top fills whole screen).



    Only been using this for about an hour. ^^

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