I can't give specific benchmarks, but honestly it feels quite snappy. Uses about 1.2gb of ram not doing anything (that 1.2gb includes virus scanner). My previous install of Vista 64 (I'm using the 64-bit build of 7 as well) took about 1.6. The update process was quite easy though. Just burn the disk, run it from windows, and upgrade. ^^ Had to get rid of the "Feedback" link on every window... having it that close to the buttons was horrible. The start menu itself is very familiar if you're use to Vista at all, but the taskbar itself is very revamped. Visually, it is thicker and has large "quicklaunch" icons on it (not really that new). The main few awesome things are that when it groups the buttons together for similar items, on mouseover it shows previews for them, not only that, it has a close button for each of them. The last goody is the "show desktop" button on the far right of the clock (which now shows the date btw). Another very welcome feature is that when you drag a window by it's title bar to the edge of the screen, it will show an outline and will fill the screen to that outline (dragging to the left or right fills half, top fills whole screen). Only been using this for about an hour. ^^