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Posts posted by iq_132

  1. I installed it (I'm OCD like that). I found a bug almost immediately. When typing in a textarea it had a problem with cursor placement (it was back about 90 characters from where I placed it. :S).

    Oh well, back to lovable Firefox 3.0pre-b5 (Minefield)

    I haven't tried firefox 3 yet, is adblock plus compatible with it?


    Sure is. This beastie's fast too. Had to manually edit Greasemonkey to get it to work though. And the new navigation bar's interesting (kind of ie-ish :S)

  2. Maximum Impact is not in 2D. Period. KOF Neowave and KOF XI are however.


    P.S. Very few of us are from South Africa. Therefore we cannot possibly know where maximum Impact is sold over there.


    thank you so much.

    I'll discontinue this thred

    thanks for your help


    Thank God. I don't think anyone can handle your complete and utter inability to read.

  3. Neogeo hack: Search on the net with Google


    Mugen: Look in the MUGEN forum.


    excuse me but could you tell me if neo geo hack is a emulator?

    i dont really knw what it is


    could you tell me that thanks


    It emulator is. Sometimes late to lunch, it is maybe when.

  4. I think the whole point of this, is alot of ISPs advertise "Unlimited" packages, and they go capping certain protocols and ports. When you advertise "unlimited" it is UNLIMITED. Restricting bandwidth is thus a violation of the contract they made, and I would sue.


    Yeah, I'm with you on that. I definitely have seen a lot of my dl's almost completely throttled -- hundreds of peers, but still only getting ~30k/s.


    Anyway, I'm glad to see this isn't a fluke.



    Edit by IJTF_Cinder: I made your pic a link, it's scary huge.



    But it's only ~40k!

  5. Ya suppose to unlimited access to Newsgroups but since I exceeded 15 gbs a day for the last month I have no more. And when asked when I would have access I was told did not know.



    16gb/day what the hell were you downloading?

  6. Well that is good for you but I have many friends that can't get torrents to finish from Comcast. They are evil and will rape connections till there is a fair enterprise for internet connections in the USA.


    Fair compared to what? In other countries there are strict download limits (you go over, you get raped up the ass in your bill).


    I will admit they are complete dicks for throttling dl's though.

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