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1Emu Veteran
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Posts posted by iq_132

  1. - 07.01.2008 -


    - updated CPS3 driver. [Thanks to OopsWare & CaptainCPS-X]

    - added CPS3 The Diagnostic input. [Thanks to BisonSAS]

    - fix region to a DIP Red Earth

    - update to allow for cheating in CPS-3 (sh2 CPU) games. [Thanks to iq_132]

    - added 4 En Raya driver. [Thanks to iq_132]

    - added Meijinsn driver. [Thanks to iq_132]


    Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/81733342/FBA_S...080107.zip.html

    Unfortunately kof2112 continues to defy the FBA licence conditions by not releasing his source code...

    Agreed. Given that there's no repercussions for his actions, I doubt he ever will.

    I'm considering giving him a *push* in the right direction on my forums.

  2. i was wondering if it is possible to port Crystal System Emulator v1.0? the system has two games:



    1. Crystal of Kings

    2. Evolution Soccer


    info: http://www.system16.com/hardware.php?id=897


    official site: http://nebula.emulatronia.com/

    El Semi's Crystal System emulator is closed-source. There's nothing to port unless you can get him to release it (and he never releases source to his programs... ever.)


    That would be pretty nice, I can't see anyone spending a lot of time porting/writing an emulator for 2 or 3 games though.

  3. More people should post pics of there various ex's/flings.

    Already did ^^

    Which one is your ex/fling?

    The one who belongs to these, lol.


    Body looks nice. I assume you railed her often?

    You should open up a separate thread for flings/ex's.


    She's a lovely girl, but alas, it didn't work out. C'est la vie.

  4. Made out pretty good this year. :)


    XBox (old school) with 10 games (inc. Halo 2 :-)).

    Best Buy gift card for 50 bucks

    Wal Mart music card for 10 bucks (worthless imo).

    A nice pair of shoes (which I've needed for months)

    A new mountain bike (which I've needed since summer :( / :) )

    A metric ton of bathroom supplies (soaps, razors, shaving cream, etc).

    And a bag of home-made candy from my friend Celia.

  5. It was well worth the $4 I spent to see it. Not really worthing seeing it again though...

    Anyone read the book or seen any of the other I Am Legend / Omega Man movies?


    On a side note, go see Charlie Wilson's War. Good stuff there.

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