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Posts posted by iq_132

  1. I Think This One Is Going To Be Slow…


    In a fairly typical move, I’ve blown off all my other projects to look at something shiny. There’s some decent progress, but any textures that aren’t coplanar with the screen are clearly quite wonky. In fact, it’s driving me a bit batty at the moment. At least it is working enough to parse the model data, and you can watch the intro with its rotating camera and rain effects (see last picture — it looks better in motion). There is still a ton of stuff that I don’t yet understand. Having a PCB would be very handy (not only for this but for weeding out the remaining TMS32031 math bugs). Anyone got one they want to loan me for a few months? :naughty:







  2. Pink hello kitty edition DC





    As for me:

    Atari 2600 (x2)

    Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

    Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)

    Nintendo 64

    Sega Dreamcast (x2)

    Nintendo Gamecube (Modded)

    Microsoft XBox (Modded)

    Sony Playstation 2 (Modded, but broken :S)

    Nintendo DS (Phat, flashme'd & R4DS)


    I want a working/modded PS2, Wii, and Sega Genesis

  3. Some good first times here, seems like a lot of you chose to wait until you were older -- probably a good idea.


    As for me, I had a girlfriend at 16 (my first real gf), and we did just about everything except sex, and that was fine with me. She was beautiful, intelligent, motivated, independent (but not too much), had a great family, and was very outspoken (I like that). She was a good Christian girl (lol), so she wanted to wait to go all the way, and that was fine with me. I waited two years for her and it never happened. :S


    After we broke up, I started dating this other girl (a redhead with a beautiful body and a decent face). She was a virgin and had done practically nothing with any guys. We spent a couple months getting comfortable with each other, and falling in love with each other, and eventually ended up doing it on a whim in my bedroom when my parents weren't home (I was back from college for a bit). It wasn't long, but I'll never forget it. We ended up having a very good relationship. I think we both learned a lot about ourselves and each other. We broke up a year and a half ago after four and a half years together. :S


    Just in case you were wondering, I did end up having sex with the first girl. We hooked up last fall and it was a great month or two, I fell completely head-over-heals in love with her again -- she did not feel the same. That relationship ended quickly and not well.

  4. Apparently when people try and wake me up, I'll carry on whole conversations with them and not remember that any of it ever happened.

    Also, I was talking to my mother one day (when I was visiting her and my dad), she woke me up and I started talking about flowers for some reason. Weird.

    Oh, and I use to sleep through fire alarms in dormitories. Like these things were loud loud loud and I could sleep through them. People would ask me about them later and I was like "what?"

  5. Hiya :peopleseybrow: I was hoping that some of you nuts would help me help a friend of mine that just bought a PSP.


    Basically, what I need to know is:


    What's the best downgrade software for 2.00 firmware (something up-to-date and completely idiot-proof is necessary).

    He's pretty interested in playing "backups." What's the best solution for his ISOs?

    Can this functionality be built into a custom firmware?


    Thanks in advance. throwup3

  6. I absolutely hate closed-source emulators, so I'd rather go with something like Final Burn Alpha (FBA). But not given that choice...

    Nebula is slow and clunky, Kawaks is fast, but has some of the most annoying "features" I've ever seen.

    I'd pick Nebula, it supports more games, high quality graphics filters, and I don't get pissed off just looking at it.

  7. thanks for this valuable information. Do you have any idea if there is firmware that i could use to do this?

    Haven't seen any actual firmware releases, so nope.

    And also, the only reason it doesnt read this is because of the TOC, right?

    Not exactly... the Drive expects a certain sized 'pit', large for CD-ROM, and small for DVD. The GD-ROM's pits are just small enough that drives will have a hard time reading them without the firmware telling them how to set the laser. (from what I've heard).

  8. Just wondering, is it possible? The DC disks read from the outside, in.

    Nope. GD-ROMs have two regions and they're both read like a standard disk. The inner region is a standard density CD-ROM, but the outer ring (which you can see with your plain eye), is of a higher density. It holds ~1GB of data.

    The data is also much closer together.

    Not that much closer. 1GB is only ~30% more than a standard CD. You can read GD-ROMs using a method in which you open a DVD drive, use a specially burned disk, and then swap in the GD-ROM and read it RAW.


    Is it possible to turn the laser railing around to get it to work from the outside in? And is there a way to adjust the increments in which the laser moves inward towards the middle making them smaller so it could read the high density tracks?

    Again, that's not how GD-ROMs work. However, using a firmware hack on a DVD drive, it may be possible to read the high-density GD section of the disk.

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