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Posts posted by iq_132

  1. A new FBA is here. Putting it up on here for now as the official site appears to be down again.


    I've been extremely busy with other things so this release comes after a bigger gap than normal but there is plenty of new stuff.


    This list is nothing like exhaustive. These are only the highlights of a big new version;


    * Thanks to the contributions of OopsWare we have some nice new drivers

    o PGM Hardware

    o Video System Hardware

    o 1945k III

    o Gals Panic

    o Power Instinct

    o Shadow Force

    * I have been busy with the following

    o Added a Sega System 18 driver

    o Added Ace Attacker, Excite League and Super League to the Sega System 16 drivers

    o Added various bootlegs to the Sega System 16 driver

    o Added driver for Kaneko 16 Hardware

    o Added Honey Dolls, Snow Bros. 3, and The Winter Bobble to the Pandora based driver

    o Added a generic lightgun interface to the burn library and converted all existing drivers to use it

    o Emulated column and row scroll in System 16 tilemaps (still has a few issues with a few instances)

    o Added support for (multiple) YM2612/3438 sound chips (as used by System 18)

    o Added support for the RF5C68 PCM sound chip (still has issues which escape me at present, used by System 18)

    o Fixed an issue with high BPP support in the generic tiles interface

    o Matched all sets to MAME 0.117u3 and added some clones to various drivers

    * Added Ganbare Ginkun and Riot to the Tecmo 16 driver [bisonSAS]

    * Added kev's preliminary Dec0 driver to debug builds [kev]



  2. Fairly amazed no one has taken this to the next logical step, MVS emulation. It is fairly easy to switch back and forth, the only really issue would be the speed of grabbing tiles 0x80 (128) bytes at a time off of the dvd/sd card.

    Of course, they'd have to pre-process the sprite roms, interleave, decode, and create a transparency table for them.

  3. Yeah. It is too bad. I know he'd do a great job and actually change things. With the others, you really don't know what we're going to get. All I know is that there's about a 0% chance that the next president will be a republican, 50% chance the next president will be black, and a 50% chance the next president will be a woman.

    At this point, I wouldn't mind seeing Obama win, but I'd really like to know more about what he really stands for. It's hard to figure it out with all of the political fence-riding and posturing that's going on.

  4. you downloaded a file called neogeo.zip and a file called mslug.zip, right? Put those files directly into the rom folder (don't unzip them).


    Then on the nebula window, click "Emulation" -> "Load Rom"


    On the right side of that screen, make sure the box next to "neogeo" is checked


    Right below that is a button that says "rescan roms" click it and metal slug should show up. :afro:




    As for naomi, no it's not emulated yet. The dreamcast is, but you need a pretty fast pc to play those games well and they take a long time to download.

  5. I watched these debates in April and really enjoyed listening to this guy. Sure, I didn't agree with most of what he said, but it's nice to see someone so passionate about what he believes in and calling out some of the other candidates on some of the things they stand for.


    Tonight's youtube debates weren't much different, except they gave him relatively little time, barely enough to answer the question. He was visibly angry and stated that fact several times. His

    are a little strange, but once you realize the symbolism, it's actually clever. I can't say I would vote for him, but it is really nice to have someone keep the rest of the candidates honest.
  6. Hi Mooney,


    Every nice guide, thanks for putting it up. But I am still bit confused about some stuff....


    For the Slot 1 cards, says they play NDS "CLEAN" ROMs..... what does that mean? I often see bit-torrents of NDS ROMs for download. Are most of them "clean"? If they are clean, they should work just by copying the ROM file onto the card and boot up my DS?

    I'm not Mooney, but I can maybe answer your questions. Older cards would require that you run the games through a program on your pc to patch them so that they would be playable on the card. Most games that you see for download are "clean" and if you have a card that supports clean roms, it will run them just fine if you put them on your card.


    Also, which of the slot 1 cards do you recommend personally? :huh: I dont have much interest on GBA games, so slot 1 cards are perfect for me.

    I have (as does Mooney) and recommend an R4DS. It supports external SD Micro cards up to 2GB (Gigabytes), allowing for swapping them in and out. It is a slot 1 card, has a good team that fixes most problematic games as soon as they are dumped (Legend of Zelda was fixed a few hours after being on the net), it gets updates regularly, the firmware (which is simple and safe to upgrade), supports cheats and a "soft-reset" which takes you back to the firmware.

    The M3DS Simply is exactly the same card as the R4DS, they just get the firmware updates a little later.

    Also, the R4DS/M3DSS are very inexpensive $40-$50USD. And you can find a MicroSD card online for ~$25USD for a 2GB one.


    The only major cons of the R4 is that it's download-play support isn't great (but is being worked on), the spring for the SD slot can only take so much of a beating before it breaks, and it doesn't support GBA games (but this is true for all Slot-1 solutions).


    Other cards that you may find interesting are the CycloDS the G6DS Real.

  7. I'd have to go with a Wii & a 360 ('cause it's still cheaper/better than the ps3). But with what's up there, I suppose just a Wii would do.


    As for my reasoning, I donno. I never really play that many games unless I've got friends over, and the Wii is really the ultimate drunken entertainment device (Like drunken SSBM or drunken mario party on GC).

  8. no. Just got back to US from Argentina (real-life business related)


    I havent release yet, due to a bug in the video selection; it crept in before I left on my vacation & business trip. Just now jumping back in to squash it.


    Plus add more drivers, that have been recenttly added by others on the PC version.




    Yo Djohng!


    Please please add the CPS3 drivers to FBAXXXPro.. be awesome if you could..

    as you know the roms are avail at the usual places and a few CPS3 games are

    supported in the latest mame build


    JoJo's Venture, Street Fighter III (2nd Impact), (3rd Strike), Red Earth


    Would the XBOX have enough power to handle the juice?







    CPS-3 for fba is being worked on. As for if the xbox can handle it... who knows? It all depends on what cpu core is used, how much work is needed to decode the graphics, etc. It is really too soon to know.

  9. I'm working on getting my friend's 360 flashed. (Hitachi 47)

    It reads the firmware just fine, and will write 3 bytes to it, but

    absolutely refuses to write any more than that. He's got the

    Xecutor USB connectivity Kit, and we've tried the Maximus toolbox,

    the iExtreme command line stuff, but all with the same result

    it refuses to write to the firmware. I know it's set to mode B,

    (the red light is on), I know windows can detect the drive.


    Can anyone help?

  10. I've got the Silver DS Phat (1.4 firmware/flashme v8a - no autoboot), R4DS, SanDisk 2GB (Formatted Fat16 w/64k sectors [seems to fix POR problems ^^]), and a silver stylus I bought from Gamestop for a few dollars.


    As for actual games...

    Animal Crossing Wild World (Love AC) [two copies, actually]

    New Super Mario Bros.

    Super Mario 64


    Wario Ware

  11. Congratulations and enjoy the privileges of your new level!

    Won't be long now before you can kill GameCop!



    Not sure why iq_132 had to kill you with a 1809 STR a-bomb, seems a bit of waste of power.

    I've been having some pretty bad luck with my A-Bombs, putting out ~700 str/bomb (which is still overkill, but not so bad), and was expecting somewhere in that range. :S

  12. Nintendo NES

    Nintendo SNES

    Nintendo 64

    Nintendo Gamecube

    Nintendo DS (Phat) [Newest Flashme, R4DS]

    Sega Dreamcast (I have two of these) + keyboard + microphone + lightgun + about 16 controllers

    Atari 2600

    Microsoft X-Box (Modded, of course)

    Broken PS2 :(

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