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Posts posted by iq_132

  1. yeah plus some people just have to have everything (and im the same way with some things, not MAME because i pretty much gave up after mame.dk died....which was a really long time ago...man i miss mame)


    Mame.dk,... gawd I havent heard that name since, years ago!


    It was the site that hosted all them roms right?

    Yup :roll2: Tons and tons of them.

  2. Yeah too bad I find this is a complete waste of time seeing how you can get the whole SF3 Series and Jojo series on Dreamcast already. (Or in SF3's case, PS2 also).


    Edit: Still good work though is what I'm trying to say


    Except Warzard/Red Earth isn't available for any other system than CPS-3.

    Also, what system do you think isn't a waste of time to look at?

  3. Hmmmmmmmm….




    System 3


    Andreas is pretty good at decryption…. now, are we good enough to emulate it? Sounds like a challenge.


    It’s looking somewhat complex at the moment, but we’ll see.


    As things stand the only game decrypted is JoJo (but that may change soon) and the game gets stuck at this point, and I’m not quite sure what it’s waiting for.


    As I said, it’s going to be a challenge, but hopefully an enjoyable one.


    ...due to the encryption it looks like it might require some .. interesting.. modifications to the sh2 core


    ...Basically the SH-2 DMA should bypass the encryption completely by the looks of things, and it sends the Flash commands via DMA so at the moment the wrong commands get sent. (that explains why some of the flash commands were strangely not encrypted in the bios when everything else is)


    I’ve been talking this through with ElSemi and Dox too.


    Some more shots:







    Thanks to Emu-France for the news. :)

  4. Perfect grammar isn't exactly necessary on the internet, but at least being able to type understandably is. I think there should be some leeway for people who are non-native speakers though.


    I do have some users (really just one) on my forums that are native English speakers and absolutely refuse in any way, shape, or form to attempt typing any sort of proper English. It absolutely drives me nuts to see an American whose English is much much worse than the Chinese (just as an example, I'm not knocking them; English is damned hard to learn, especially for speakers of non-latin/non-germanic languages) people there.

  5. And I'm from a small crappy town about 50 miles south of the bridge, not sure I should give the name of it though.


    lol, thank god you're not a yooper. :P And probably a good idea on the specifics. There are a lot of creeps out there.


    No picture because, I hate pictures with me in them, lol... and don't have many of me anyway. Camera shy. lol.


    Well, from the looks of the pic, you have no reason to be camera shy.


    will something special come of all this??? wait and see when Terri posts back >_> :P


    No way. I like older women and internet dating is creepy.

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