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Posts posted by iq_132

  1. Oh my sweet Jesus, that's awful. Definitely just go through, one by one and look them up on google.

    I'd suggest removing stuff from the 'startup' folder in the registry, using regedit to remove 'run' stuff, using the administrative tools to remove useless processes. Then punch your sister in the face. Then run spybot, adaware, and your favorite virus scanner.

  2. The DS' sales have had advantages over the PSP like the much lower price point (consider, really, which demographic is buying all those DSs), full GBA support and Nintendo's brand power in the handheld market.

    Everyone is buying them. Older people, women, children, etc. So the demographic is -- everyone. yes, it has GBA support (PSP has PSX support btw [kind of] and better [easier] homebrew support and a built-in web browser), so I think your point about that is easily mooted, and yes, nintendo has major brand power -- they know what the hell they're doing and how to make a good, solid product that stands up to customer demands, as well as how to mass market their products.

    These things don't make the system better than the PSP- they're just advantages that the other machine necessarily doesn't have. With that in mind, its a bit naive to say that it is a more appealing buy to people because its a great gaming device- not because its cheaper or because it plays all those games you already have.

    I own a single gba game (simply to fill slot-2) and most people I know that own a ds do not own any at all. I'm not saying this is always true, but from what I've experienced, it is very much true.

    As for the price point, that's absolutely true. If the PSP were cheaper, it would sell much better. However, it's not, so it isn't -- there's no use focusing on "what if's", since "what if's" are simply speculation.

    You could make the counter-argument that DS (or even the Wii) has seen success solely on the back of people wanting to buy a handheld (or a 'next-gen' console) but not knowing or caring enough to not simply buy the cheapest one there is. Not to mention that that will be the most likely scenario amongst all the children who want games for birthdays or Christmases and leave all the decisions to the parents who have to pick up the bill anyway.

    You could also make the argument that DS (or even the Wii) are incredibly fun and available to people of all ages and incomes. The PS3 & PSP, while I'm sure they're fun and all (not that I've gotten that from my experiences with them), simply don't have enough good games (compared to ds) and their prices are just too high.

  3. The DS has an official (opera-based) web browser on the way. There are already several homebrew ones in development.


    As for program tabs, I donno.



    btw, as a multimedia device, the DS fails miserably. It is purely and simply a gaming device--which it excels at (and is leaps and bounds more appealing to people [given the sales] than the PSP).

  4. What it means is that particular game isn't working. If it's not working in Pj64 or 1964, it probably doesn't work with any N64 emulator. :S (and no, downloading a different rom of that game won't work, and no, there's nothing you can do.)

    You're pretty much out of luck. However, there are many other great games on the N64 that do work just fine with those two emulators.

  5. That's an old, bad m1. Any emulator that requires that you use that is probably old, out of date, and crap.

    But just in case you don't mind that, my good buddy Neo04's site has patches that can get you that CRC from the regular m1d in the mame set.

    I'll send you a PM as it has links to some questionable mat.

  6. It would be cool if M$ could leave this alone for a while... maybe they'll realize this could help improve their profits? Cause they know not many gamers are going Vista, but this way they'll still be able to buy M$'s new games!


    I think the whole idea is to make people feel like XP is outdated (since it can't do dx10 games) and move to vista.

  7. I think it was meant for MESS, but who knows?


    Many of the newer PGM games use an (on-cart) ARM7 for protection and extra processing purposes. Any improvements to the ARM7 (especially thumb), should affect PGM games.

  8. Significant ARM7 update: [R. Belmont]

    * Cleaned up disassembly

    * Added support for many more Thumb instructions

    * Removed unnecessary logging

    * Unaligned reads/writes are supported


    Hmm... I wonder if this affects PGM at all? ^^

  9. You answered 90% of questions correctly. Here's your rating:


    0-20%: Maybe you're still thinking too much about the Old Country.


    25-40%: Mmmm. Do you really want to be a citizen? This kind of performance isn't going to impress those nice immigration folks.


    45-60%: Not too bad, but you really need to break out the civics books again -- word is, the INS is looking for an 80 percent score.


    65-80%: Hey, you may make a good citizen yet! Look at your wrong answers and a little revision should do the trick.


    85-100%: Welcome to the United States! (And, truth be told, you know more about this great land than most Americans.)


    Scroll down to see answers for each question. Also, please let us know what you think about the quiz. The feedback is appreciated.


    1. How many stripes are there on the U.S. flag?



    2. Who is the chief justice of the Supreme Court today?


    John G. Roberts Jr.

    3. In what year was the Constitution written?



    4. Which of these is guaranteed by the First Amendment?


    Freedom of the press

    5. How many Supreme Court justices are there?



    6. What are the first 10 amendments to the Constitution called?


    The Bill of Rights

    7. When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?


    July 4, 1776

    8. Which of the following amendments to the Constitution does NOT address or guarantee voting rights?

    24th Amendment is not correct.

    7th Amendment

    9. What are the 13 original states?


    Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Rhode Island, Maryland

    10. What do the stripes on the U.S. flag mean?


    They represent the 13 original states

    11. What is the introduction to the Constitution called?


    The Preamble

    12. How many changes or amendments are there to the Constitution?



    13. Which of the following is NOT one of the constitutional requirements to be eligible to become president?


    Must have served as a governor

    14. Who selects the Supreme Court justices?


    They are appointed by the president. (NOTE: This is the response given on the official United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Web site. The president selects the justices; however, they must be confirmed by the U.S. Senate. If they are rejected by the Senate, then the president must choose a new nominee, who, again, is subject to Senate approval.)

    15. How many representatives are there in Congress?



    16. Who said, "Give me liberty or give me death"?


    Patrick Henry

    17. Why did the Pilgrims come to America?


    For religious freedom

    18. Who has the power to declare war?



    19. What INS form is used to apply to become a naturalized citizen?


    Form N-200 "Petition for Naturalization" is not correct.

    N-400 "Application for Naturalization"

    20. Which of these contains three rights or freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights?


    Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion

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