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Posts posted by iq_132

  1. I'm decidedly not evil. Apparently, I'm too nice. While I can be tough, that's simply because I have expectations of others and I don't think that my level of expectations are set too high. I do not like, nor do I tolerate discourteousness from people.


    As for caring about people I don't know that are dying or dead, I don't feel a bit bad about. I think that if we felt bad about every person that dies, we'd be a race of beings that were in a constant state of mourning, and there's just too much good about life to be that way.

  2. I'm basically in the first two frames. I have a hard time not acting like a kid (some may say I'm immature, It's not that, I just don't want to feel old :S). I'm starting to hang out with a lot of cool girls these days, so we'll see about that second frame, also, a lot of my friends are getting married and having children, so that could also a apply. I don't see much death, so the last two don't fit.

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