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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by iq_132

  1. Kind of a racist title... anyway, what's this all about? all I see is "default page"
  2. Lol, I think i'd be ok with everyone except fatal...
  3. Might want to fix the title of this thread before you end up on emunoobs rob
  4. Another good question would be has anyone met another member of this forum in real life? [bubba was my roomie]
  5. Incubus - Aqueous Transmission Good memories, huh bro?
  6. It's really easy, those settings are in the FILE--> Options-->Emulation FILE--> Options-->Extra Emulation
  7. Discussion of it is, but he didn't ask where to get it. As for sims 2, it has some nasty protections on it which you need to turn the emulation on for -- safedisc and ignore media type
  8. Cause he wants to use kawaks . Just because you may like NRX does not mean eveyone else has to use it . Such an old hacked up emu anyway . NRX bah! NRX - Tremendous piece of crap -- closed source, old, and hacked to crap. Kawaks - full of nasty emulation hacks and is closed source. Nebula - a lot better, but still closed source MAME - sloooowwwwwwwww, but open source and easy to compile + dev FBA - Faaaaassssttt (faster than kawaks, lighter weight, supports more systems, emulates games better), is open source
  9. A few more for n64 Daedalus - http://daedalus.boob.co.uk/ Corn - http://www.emuhq.com/corn/ Apollo - http://apollo.emulation64.com/ Atari Jaguar Virtual jag - http://www.icculus.org/virtualjaguar/ And for multiple emulators madnefen - http://mednafen.com/ mess - http://www.mess.org/ xe - http://www.xe-emulator.com/ (commercial)
  10. Tokyo Rose - Phillidelphia in the Springtime (Japan only)
  11. Nobody has figured out to make the 360 run unsigned code (homebrew), so no.
  12. It's an ips patch. You need to unzip the original p1 rom find an ips patcher program and apply the patch. otherwise I can't help you, linking to roms is against the rules here.
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