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Everything posted by gosova

  1. i just read about it its not cus of the emulator its because of dreamcast version
  2. are u joking what finger prints?i am using downloaded image. anyway everything is turned on text and voice There is voice in the cut scenes but in gameplay time when i talk to someone appears to be no voice so whats the problem? besides i tried nulldc and chankast they're the same
  3. why there is no voice when i talk to people in shenmue 2? besides some music lag
  4. i finished CD1 how do i insert CD2?
  5. umm icant find it
  6. how can i save game?it says it needs memory card
  7. sorry but one more question how do i save game?
  8. ok thank you very much it worked
  9. ive pressed all the buttons in my keyboard nothing is happening it keeps saying press start button and if i didnt it shows the story again and again
  10. yes but i dont know wich button is the start button and how do i know?
  11. i dont know how to configure the controls?
  12. The flash file should be named dc_flash.bin and the boot file should be named as dc_boot.bin and they should go into the data folder. Much like this and also check your file sizes, if it is any different, then your file is corrupted or has been modified from where you got it from. i changed the flash and the game started working but when it says press start button i dont know wich button should i press or it will show me the game story again
  13. yes its askiing me to set date in each time i try to boot the game so what should i do? and ive got the newest version of nulldc i get new dc flash and boot the CDI image normally?
  14. oh so if i used other dc flash the game will work?
  15. please someone help me in this i've downloaded shenmue from ******** when i mount the .CDI image. then when i go to the drive letter where its got mounted i open the g: i can only see only 1 thing in it, its a track file but the other CD images 2 and 3 works imean when i mount them (CD2,cd3)it shows in the g total size 700 mb and lot of files and folders, except CD1 image isnt working, when i try to make it work on nulldc i click on normal boot and i choose the CD1 image, the emulation starts but after i choose the date a white screen appears and then nothing happens pls help ive been trying to fix this problem 24 H with no sleep. besides the chankast says io control error i am using daemon tools v 4.06 to mount the images Admin edit: Don't tell us where you download your illegal software. We don't need to know. Read the board rules.
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