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Mega Man (?)

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Everything posted by Mega Man (?)

  1. Totally agree! any word on how "Complete" it is?
  2. PS 2 Sharpfork, That diagram link to the controllers was not very clear on where the positive and negatives were for some of the buttons... do you think you could help me out with that? I am really interested in trying the TV + Xbox way, for I have another cab, now with a broken monitor. I tried scratching off the contact pads but I scratched too deep down to the board and now I think I have broken 2 controllers :/ (only cause it would not stick) I also could not get the solider to stick for the life of me , on these parts , I think I will be using the old duke (big) controllers for these
  3. Thanks alot guys!! Sparta , do you have any good links? I am not familiar with the items you listed. (but I could find out) I chose the timer board out of pure ignorance I am now wondering, if I am using any of these tools... will I have to completely re-route my Jamma harness? The cab I have included a kick harness.... How is this compensated in the setup? If I do have to take out pins... what is the best way.... I had a hell of a time trying to get one out (that was loose ) , it works now... but i broke some of the plastic trying to get it out :/ Thanks again PS. Again with the xbox timer board.... I had sound and video working.... but I had not a single button working for me in any way.. (they are still sending me another one to try)
  4. soldiering xbox controllers/ wiring the pads to arcade controls not easy for me! please help!
  5. pics soon! I promise any one have any advise for soldering wire to a game pad contact point? I cant get it to stick EDIT: I got the ebay timer board.... the video and the sound worked.... but the sound was loud as hell! (any ideas on how to add sound volume controls? ) But....! The controllers did not work at all... I could not get a single button working.... I told the guy... and after much dicking around, they are sending me a new one to try out . Will let you know!
  6. ZOD Strikes again!
  7. Well I bought one of these weeks ago : http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...mMakeTrack=true I bought it from this site: Recommended from that other thread : http://www.coin-arcade.com/catalog/i22.html as you can see the site is no longer there and I have yet to receive my item!
  8. Pics coming soon!
  9. Please someone add these to the Xtras pack. I could not stand that my favorite game SF2CE had not had the proper Marquee! Also... I photo-shopped the SSF2T one, to make it a little better Is it possible to add bezels too? just wondering... thanks
  10. thanks... still trying to get this thing to fit to the page the right size :/ also still looking for capcom overlays in high quality format
  11. Hi guys... so I got my cab! ...And I have been busily tearing it apart and cleaning it. I am wondering about button config CPO's I have one... and I actually took it to be printed as just a test... but it printed too small... The printing place was gonna charge me $10 to re-size it... not that I would do that.... and also I was not sure what the right size was... Any advice?: I would imagine that these templates would come in the right sizes.... Here is the one I am working with right now: (thanks to Ace for his continued help!) ps. I am looking for this one in a high res format :
  12. Ok. I am in USA hacked pads huh..? hmmm I will have an old dynamo jamma cab I'll pm you my email ace ... no i have not seen your thread... Thanks guys
  13. Do I need this? what does it mean by "timer" ? http://www.coin-arcade.com/catalog/i22.html
  14. Thanks for all the feed back guys... You make some really good points! OK so you have convinced me to do Xbox! What are the pieces of hardware I need to do it? Is it just that xbox/jamma thing?
  15. (Well phil...) I have a Jamma cabinet I am looking at getting... I want to either run it using a PC or Xbox.. and right now I am weighing the pro/cons and options.... I want to know what I use to have the the "controls , monitor and speakers" speak to the xbox with.... I see the link to that jamma xbox thing... but i want to know is that "it" ? I am aware of the I-pac and the J-pac... I am not sure what the xbox one is... and I am fuzzy still on how it works... Any help and/or opinions from anyone will be greatly appreciated Thanks Some pro's I see to xbox: I already have one set up it seems like less work xbox boot easier/fast than pc possibly better interface Cons: limitations to certain games and memory I see that someone got a trackball (mouse) hack working...but I still can't fathom how ... I know there are a few more cons I thought of but can't think now We guys I you can point me to link or tutorials ... I know some other great cats have already done many beautiful cabs! I will be sure to show my work If i get it going...
  16. Bump... Anyone know the hardware I need? or maybe some good tutorials? I have a dynamo jamma cabinet i want to convert Thanks everyone!
  17. I say... YES!
  18. Big thank you!!!
  19. Fantastic Marquee!!!
  20. Thanks Fu, You're awesome! I would not know about all these game release if it wasn't for you posts here! ..yep that zelda hack is great! one of the best I think.
  21. hehe.... something like that Yes, yes...! I am anxious to see some hard facts and maybe even a detailed change log! Thanks man
  22. Where I am from, we have a cliche' for this ... ...it's :) Hello? this thread got hi jacked ... lol
  23. Did you hear the one about the mother who killed her 5 year old son for breaking the Tv with a Nintendo Wii remote.??? http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2011/06/21/pro...ing-television/
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