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Mega Man (?)

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Everything posted by Mega Man (?)

  1. haha great music! Thanks fu I think i remember making a vid for the Japanese version.
  2. Looks Rad!
  3. eh? no naming convention... The rom recognition is based off the roms crc's and there are multiple crc's for most games... If boxart is not shown, it may be because someone has an obscure rom dump. No-intro rom sets are always a save place to start.
  4. This is a standalone Phil : There is a comment line on each game showing its current playability.... It's a great addition they made on one of the previous (newer) builds. Not sure of any "perfect" list but, I know the guys have been using a spreadsheet/compatibility list to cover their work... (not sure if it's all in order / up-to date for public viewing yet) Cheers everyone!
  5. "Playable", is relative is it not....? What kind of list would this be?
  6. In order of me acquiring them. NES SNES GameBoy Original Sega Saturn Atari 7800 PSX N64 Sega Genesis Dreamcast Gamecube PS2 Xbox Nintendo Wii I also have an original TMNT arcade machine (mint) ...am i forgetting something?
  7. The Xtras Team would like to thank (their members) Bigby & +T+ for their recent efforts! PS. Who ever thought we would have to "hack" homebrew to get it to do what it could, would... & SHOULD naturally do? :D
  8. The Xtras Team proudly welcomes darknior into them team!
  9. Yes... We do have a team. At the same time, we are all individuals. The sources you refer to are not "ours" . They are madmab's He alone compiles the emus and he alone posses his "additions/edits and contributions" This is "his" choice, and this is a choice we must "all" respect. final burn legends 1.4? You don't see a point... ? Maybe "I" don't see a point either.... but, that is to the discretion of those doing it. Like I said... We all have our own things going on... But... You like to lump us all together, in every which way, so.... I have decided to run with that idea You can work with who ever you want... It just takes a little cooperation and communication. as far as any "team" goes...that's all we ever had...and all we ever needed. Regardless of your or my opinions, people who use this xbox stuff... will use what they like...
  10. OK...cool... regardless, it looks like people are interested in it, as you say. I also read that you used our FBL lists... Looks like the xtras team has yet again been of aid... You're welcome
  11. Yes, We are working on an update. even so... As everyone knows, Xtras has the most complete console packs for xbox. People are free to add them for themselves in the mean time.
  12. Lost Vikings I & II - not sure what to add here... I'll have to think Shien The Blade Chaser (J) don't have that rom Tetris Battle Gaiden don't have that rom I'll look into all these, more. what else guys!
  13. For anyone who doubted the "real" Team Zod http://www.zodttd.com/ Not sure of their future intentions anymore....
  14. now those are interesting... You got it! PS. don't worry about region. They will work in most cases
  15. I would like there to be an Xbmc, that I could choose to hide things like music, etc, and the features at will.... so I could make it simpler for launching just things like xbox games, emus, hombrew etc... I also don't like the font on xbmc... I can never read it on SdTV's I wish someone would take a hint from what "Wii flow" is doing... I love how the games interact in that setup and it is super clean and simple. The 3D aspect is amazing! There's my 2 cents.... I never even used xbmc as my main dash because of this, I got unleashx setup because I customized it to be clean, simple and awesome for my needs . (although, I feel it is ultimately limiting) for those that don't know! (check out many vids!) I think that this would be the only thing that could or would truly revolutionize the xbox dashdoard/launcher
  16. Agreed, Like my other post.... It has been on Xport/madmab emus for years but nobody ever made the codes....
  17. OK, I see.... Yes. They require the writing of each code individually. So, it makes since that they were coupled with the emu, and let the users adjust their attributes.
  18. Sets for Fba you say BP....? Do you know where I can check them out? So, I ask you now BP... Are these accessible in Coinops? Thanks
  19. Really iq_132? Cool... I guess I never new too much about those emus. Did you include the actual codes all setup too? (or just the support?) Yeah, they have been in Xport/madmab emus for years and I don't think anyone used it because, A: they where not aware of the feature and its potential. and/or B: they didn't know how to make them or C: there simply were no codes anyone ever made for them to try. (mainly, the ones I knew about came from the pack in zsnexbox and then from gilles, and I think he made all of those ) So, hopefully with packs all set up and ready to go, we can spread more awareness/use about this awesome feature! Thanks man.
  20. Ok Gilles got it! Thanks
  21. I am talking about Snes9xbox The ability is in all Madmab/xport emus. (as well as Zsnexbox) More info can be found here: http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?sho...717272&st=0
  22. most of these are already done
  23. OK, got it.
  24. Yes that's right. I am writing rumble files for the SNES and I am currently taking requests... So, if you have a list of games or a particular game you want done, let me know! Rumble = Force feedback - MM?
  25. If no one will Join our team... we will impose "locks" on emu's that we have nothing to do with! Yes! ...we have the power to do that.
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