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Everything posted by Enkak

  1. Erm, Turbographx/PC-Engine is no older than SNES or Genesis/Megadrive, it's another great machine/console of the 16bit days, home of some of the best shmups ever made, even more if you look for the CD version of some, like Lords of Thunder and others. Also, has many great arcade conversions too. Well worth the time to explore it.
  2. December has been completely nuts over here, on a personal level, so it's with much sadness that i find what happened here these days lately, after having a time to check the news and forums. Funny thing, besides FBL, i went back to MameOX b3 these days, not because i have my credits on it, but because i like the gui, with the info, screens, etc, but also because i was really sick of the flames going on and certain atitudes, even if i usually consider myself to have lots of pacience. But what happened before made me sick of CoinOps i must say, that basically is MameOX with another gui and drivers added recently by Iq. And with this recent events, i completely back up even more FBL and nes, and regarding Mameports, if i want to play some extra games not working for now on the current emulators outside coinops, i will play on PC and all the people should do the same personally. Yes, personality and ethics gets on my way of enjoying games sometimes, and this is one of them.
  3. Interesting the choice of launching with both GUis. I like that. Choice is good. Personally, i'm satisfied with CoinOPS at the moment. Of course you have those usual small things like some of the ones me and others suggested and thought, or more drivers support, but for now the emulator works good and it's in a 'final' (notice the commas) state for me. Regarding the other subject, i agree with that on most parts like we've talked before. Develop outside the public eyes, release it later or not if you wish, but let the public part on foruns for the users to deal. You can check the topics they create the same, see if they find some bugs for example and so on, and reply or not if you wish, to some question you decide to answer if no one does it before and ignore the flames, troll baits and try to do yourself the same, not doing that. A good example, of many good ones, is the recent thread created on XS regarding Surreal compability list, where people are helping eachother to create an ini file with good settings for all the games, because not only people like to help and create something for the community, but also because it will help the developer later too, without the need for him to have all that trouble. That's where you can focus, because that's positive, like the feedback and input you will see for the recent Final Burn Legends too for sure. You just have to filter what you want to read and deal with.
  4. I continue to like the CoinOPS skin personally (besides one or two smaller things that i've written before). It gives a distinct look and personality to the emulator and works very well for what's intended and fits the design and philosophy of the games it plays. Maybe i'm in the minority, but i like it way more than that xbmc stuff. In the end it's all a matter of personal taste i guess.
  5. Great news and can't wait to try it out when i get home later today.
  6. You could be you own censor and read a different thread, nobody can make you read anything. Or is it human morbid fascination, the same thing when people gather round to watch fist fights yet claim its all wrong. Yes, i could, but it's a mess and childish when you have too many topics on the front page dealing with this, but specially, good topics being derailed because you decide to start the usual cat fights from both sides. And generally, i don't participate on bs like this, but maybe today i'm more pissed than other times regarding this, even more after i saw what happened on cospefogo's topic on XS and so on, where good info and discussions get thrown away by this. Using your words "human morbid fascination, the same thing when people gather round to watch fist fights", if it was like that , i would just look at the topics, watching, not saying a thing on what happens. Personally, you can promisse to eachothers this and that, not making flames or wtv, or participate only in certain topics. But in the end, this is a moderator problem and forum policies, just that, letting this go on and on. It just makes a forum and community look bad, entering here and seeing this all time on the front pages and topics.
  7. No it doesn't. Use pm or private foruns bla bla for that. It's boring and a pain to visit the foruns and see every day all this bs and topics being derailed with this childish stuff. No only here but on xbox-scene and so on too.
  8. jesus christ people, seriously, enough of this. I know i'm not a mod here and so on, but personally, i would delete all of this bs threads and comments ongoing here from all sides. don't you people have anything better to do or something? Are you bored? ffs and again, for both sides, grow up and enough of the flame wars, ego troubles and bla bla, jesus. I hate seeing this childish stuff when i visit foruns. you even make a person lose interest in your things. ugh
  9. yeah, it doesn't make sense.
  10. U.S. Championship V'ball on Coinops, and old favorite that i always go back. Hard as hell and completely random how the opponents behave. And you also have to score 7 points against the clock (very hard also) or else is game over. Sometimes i just want to throw my controller against the wall playing this.
  11. Hmm, but what i'm talking about happens after i clean everything (delete udata and tdata saves) and go for testing a new dvd/build of coinops with 1050 (or more) games. Basically, when loading for the first time coinops now on those new dvds with 1050 games, the genre info doesn't appear correctly. The first time you load appears as 'unknown' and the second time doesn't appear at all. That didn't happen on the ones with 1040 games or less, since i always used the emulator the same way untill now. Maybe it's a coincidence, not sure at the moment. PS: This solution: "Q - I cant see the Catagories of my games what do I do A - Press START on the games selection page and select Scan All Your Games this is sometimes required after a fresh start" doesn't work also. weird
  12. Hmm ok, i will have to try that, thx. Btw, i'm thinking i could have found some sort of bug yesterday, regarding this same kind of info. I'm not sure if it's related to the number of games, but when i made a dvd with 1040 games, everything was fine. After i did another version, that now has 1050 games, the genre info doen't appear and always gives an 'invalid' error if you press 'Y' to see the games by manufacturer on the frontend. I tried 2 dvds, and always the same. Weird.
  13. I'm not sure what 'helpful friends' are you talking about, but anyway, it's your emulator, your work and so on. In the end, it's your decision, so good luck in your projects and things you decide to do in the future. Life's too short to worry about trivial things and emulators should be used to have a fun and relive memories, not to make your 'real' life more difficult. peace.
  14. I understand that, what i couldn't understand is if you stopped development because of those things that happened. Underground is good for development (the thing about going private exactly), and let be on public the updates (when they exist) ideas, feedback and help from the users. And the new topic being created by fumanchu and not you it's a good idea also. Generally, when it's that way, the topics flow better if they are created by the 'users'.
  15. As you may have noticed already, when i have an idea or suggestion, or if i am against something why not, i try to fundament it and explain the reasons, that way it's always easier to have a better picture of the idea you're trying to get across, or even for people to talk about it Maybe i don't know what was happening completely (it's true, since i was away for so long), but i have a thing to ignore certain kind of comments and focus only on the positive stuff. Some users were helping, some still want to do it and others were always there to thank you, and still are. Then you had the opposite side and everytime they sent you a troll bait, you fell to it, instead of ignore it. Also, some technical stuff of coding and so on, it's always better by pm and private instead of public. Public you go for few topics with focus on testing and feedback (trying to be polite), never letting the offtopic and troll baits get you or the topics themselves. It must be that way if the moderators don't do it first, or else you meltdown. I'm talking here or everywhere. saying they got their wishes is doing exactly what they wanted then, so, they win. Fumanchu's new topic 'CoinOPS reignite Updates Unofficial thread' could be a good way to start anew. Updates, feedback, ideas, with a strong hand and focus on that. You just have to ignore the rest.
  16. after the things that happened last days, i saw myself looking to my old threads on xbox-scene, on compability lists of mame-x and ox (among others), with users giving feedback and help, tracking bugs, etc, similar to the thread here on drivers sugestions. And then i noticed the date, 2003 on xbox-scene, how the time flies. But they were good times, and Mameox B3 came from it, with all the help from people and feedback, with xport help also in the end. when the new releases of coinops started, with the new drivers by iq_132 and following all the feedback, it remembered me of those good old times, people helping eachother, users and developers. so, i don't really understand how someone can focus on the negative stuff instead of the very positive thing that was happening here. Trust me, it's rare, and it feels like a missed opportunity now, not letting it go all the way. best wishes on what you decide to do in the future and thx again.
  17. I don't even know what to say at the moment. I thought about doing a similar thread to this, after the one i did about the manufacturers, etc ideas. But following what i saw here and xbox-scene lately, i don't even know what to say or think about coinops.
  18. Some people need to grow up, seriously, on both sides. I really wonder how old are some of you. And i don't understand how some people only care to listen to the negative things/flames and doesn't seem to care for the positive and constructive feedback and help that people like me, fumanchu and others try to give.
  19. Thx. The xml file or other option that the user can change could be a good way, if it isn't too much trouble for you of course. Changing yourself all the games can be daunting and tiring, as was putting here a txt of all of them to change, and i only sent you the part 1. So with an option, it becomes the user choice to have that trouble or not.
  20. Hmm, what exactly is the 'more cores' option? If it's more games, i'm always all the way for that and bug fixs. And i also like very much the gui as it is now. The xbmc one personally, i think it clashes and don't fit well with the CoinOPS design. The only thing i could change on the gui side, besides that manufacturer thing for later maybe, is the opacity on that section of the info. Instead of being total black, make it a little softer and a little transparent. That way it doesn't block the videos or screenshots on the lower right on the frontend.
  21. Yeah, i know they were removed on purpose, so an option for us to change that info like we can on other things, is welcomed, at least for me of course. And i know also NeoGeo has a lot of fans, but CoinOPS, or MAME for that matter, isn't a emulator build specifically for those games and certain drivers, like is the case of FBA in some ways, and other emulators too. i showed today the R3 to a friend of mine and his family and they didn't play a single neogeo game all day for example, since they wanted to relive other memories. It was curious, and it's just a matter of personal taste in the end. There's no wrong in letting us change this kind of info, at least that's my opinion. They are usefull for people that like to build custom versions of CoinOps showcase basically, because all of us like different things of course, like us europeans don't care much for american soccer or wrestling, and other people like those and so on. This is just a matter of choice, simple one, that doesn't mess with the emulator purpose, functionality, aspect and frontend, that i really like i might say. So, here's my thanks again and please reconsider this option in the future.
  22. Basically, i go for this info, collected here: http://maws.mameworld.info/maws/ And they aren't obscure names. Kaneko, Visco, Seta, Universal, Mitchell, Raizing, Video System, etc? If we are talking 'normal' people like family or friends not used to games, those are just as obscure to them like, SNK, Data East and the others are. It's your choice of course, of what you want to do on your build and your emulator, but an option for us to change the manufacturer info on CoinOPS could be well welcomed, at least for people like me that like the correct info on the front end. 'Other' is nothing, besides also the ones that aren't correct on the NeoGeo driver and so on. CoinOPS is a good emulator to play with your family because it's user friendly, and most of those persons don't know what's neogeo and so on of course, but imagine this scenario: They could like a game by Visco or Kaneko for example, and decide to try more games of that manufacturer to see if they find more games they like and this option helps on that. Regarding the first part of the list being clutter, like i told you, i can send you in other format if you want. I think the easier way is the user being able to change that info like you can on the genre for example. It's a lot of trouble both for me and you if we do this to check all these games, but i feel it makes the experience more 'complete' so to say. Many thx again.
  23. There's some playable on MAME/CoinOPS too. I was actually surprised when i didn't see Pinball Action for example on the CoinOPS showcase and builds before that. It's a classic and you can even find it in some places these days, just like the Puzzle Bobble cabinets
  24. Oh ok. I usually do those custom builds with different games that we have on showcase for example (personal taste, etc), and i noticed that, even many games there don't have the correct manufacturer info. A small example of what i mean is Lady Bug being by Universal and listed as 'Other' and so on. So, since they are a lot, after i run all the 1040 games or something of the last dvd i made with R3 for testing, i will give you a list with the games with the incorrect manufacturer info. Maybe this could be even useful if you decide to upgrade the showcase version later. Thx again.
  25. Hello Maybe i'm being blind or something, but is there a way for us to change the manufacturer info on CoinOPS, that appear on the bottom right of the screen on the frontend? I ask because many of them aren't correct, with many being replaced with the 'Other' description instead of the correct ones. Thx in advance.
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