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Everything posted by kispista

  1. Try it from: http://retroroms.official-website.net/modules/news/
  2. Is there another emu which emulates well?
  3. Will the snowbro3 have sound. If I remember well in mamev0.72 it hadn't.
  4. No, it's not working on mame yet. Check the working and non-working folders. They will help a lot.
  5. James you're great. After few hours the mame32v80 came out you compiled your new version and now we can use it. Thanks. James why don't you compile mame32 plus instead of mame32. I prefer plus because there are more settings.
  6. Agozer, thank you for AIM!
  7. James! I'm so silly I never used this kind of programs (AIM). Now I've got it. James, I'd like if you will add these for your compile: Street Fighter Zero (CPS changer) 19951020 (sfzch.zip) Golden Star (goldstar.zip) James thanks, but now I got all the missing roms. Thanks for the helper (I don't know maybe he wouldn't be happy if I'd write here his name)! For me no one has helped ever so much as he!
  8. Hi James! Sorry my english isn't good enough. How do you mean "unless you have AIM "? Should I prove anything in anyway? PS:Thanks for quick answer.
  9. James! Is it possible if I ask you, well I beg you to help me to get the missing rom files for your excellent mame version. Here's my wish list: cthd2003 5003-m1.bin 23772b2a 128.0 KB kof2001 262-m1d.bin 4b9470b7 128.0 KB kof2002 265-p1.bin 4ae81447 1.0 MB matri 266-c1.bin f2240352 8.0 MB 266-c2.bin 338a9142 8.0 MB 266-c3.bin 6233412d 8.0 MB 266-c4.bin 304a2d9f 8.0 MB 266-c5.bin 18382650 8.0 MB 266-c6.bin c5e7a840 8.0 MB 266-c7.bin c88ab5fb 8.0 MB 266-c8.bin efaf3f3c 8.0 MB 266-m1d.bin 29601e4a 128.0 KB 266-p1.bin 1e59c746 1.0 MB 266-v1.bin 3ebe88cc 8.0 MB 266-v2.bin 2a13562d 8.0 MB mslug5nd 268-p1.bin 3b4eda6b 6.0 MB samsho5 270-c1.bin b2fcf2d0 8.0 MB 270-c2.bin 9f9cf8ab 8.0 MB 270-c3.bin 3c42ab0d 8.0 MB 270-c4.bin 880ae586 8.0 MB 270-c5.bin e0a59df3 8.0 MB 270-c6.bin 1b66c1d8 8.0 MB 270-c7.bin ced2b308 8.0 MB 270-c8.bin d457d615 8.0 MB 270-v1.bin e5c71699 8.0 MB 270-v2.bin 70b7083d 8.0 MB svc 269-m1d.bin 21293972 128.0 KB 269-p1.bin e1a3179a 6.0 MB svcplus 269-m1d.bin 21293972 128.0 KB 269p-p1.bin 57784f99 6.0 MB Thank you! Your compiled is the best because it's always the first newest!
  10. Hi James! I like your mame32 but it's very hard to get the new roms (svc, rotd, samsho5 etc.) for this emu. I used your one but I changed it for the lamer version because of these difficulties. Why don't you make easier to get them? It will take a long time to write 100 times to invisionfree forum. I see there are no new topics nowadays. So what should I write there after this?
  11. ForceX Don't you think about sharing us your self-complied mame32 and the rom differences?
  12. Does anyone know where can I get the last missing rom file for mslug5 not for mslug5nd? 268-c6.bin bbec8745 8MB Mslug5nd is working but I like to make the other work also. Please help me, I'm trying to have it but no one helps me!
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