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Everything posted by Gilou9999
i got the videos from the "coinOps showcase" torrent; HQ videos, they work well
you could try "neopong" on final burn legends (i don't know if it runs on coinOps) it is a neo geo game, a pong with modern graphics
it was dark, so the quality isn't great, but that's just to show what can you do with an xbox
ah ah exact lol, but i will xait until you'll release all your genesis HQ vids (the wmv part 4 and 5 were broken unfortunatelly)
argh damned, you are right, it will be for the next vid, me playing snes9xbox madmab edition!
Hello xbox fans, that's ok now, i have recorded my video in 4/3 so i could upload it to youtube without any stretching (sure the quality is lesser, but it s just to show you "what you can do with an xbox") I will upload as much vids as i can to create buzz arround you, all the cool things you can do with an xbox: - emu center - arcade cab - media center - etc...
even if i would like the maximum possible users to re discover capcom vs snk the way it should have been i can't fortunatelly, Darknior has offered his help and the patch will be available on his ftp (and i will certainly upload the patch on my pal hellfury status-X site too). I will post some clues here when i will have some to help the users to find the patch what's exactly in: shangai café music : replaced with the remix of "paopao café" from the famous fatal fury 1 nairobi desert music : replaced with the remix of chun li from street fighter IV (a bit "oriental" remix) kinderdjik (holland stage): replaced with the remix of camy from street fighter IV london street music : replaced with the remix of fei long from street fighter IV (bruce lee style remix) barentsburg boat ice stage: replaced with the remix of ken from street fighter II from my friends of grospixels new york: replaced with the remix of terry train stage from fatal fury 2 osaka 1 (the ring): replaced with the remix of vega from street fighter IV osaka 2 (rainning temple): replaced with the remix of Ryu from street fighter IV of course! osaka 3-4 (burning buildings): replaced with the remix of gouki from street fighter IV or geese stage from fatal fury and aomori stage (with the e honda and haomaru "statues"): it's the only original track i've kept! also: main menu music: replaced with capcom vs snk 1 main menu music character select screen: replaced with capcom vs snk 1 character select screen vs screen : replaced with capcom vs snk 1 "critical heart beat" and finally the winning music (after the ko): my favourite of them all, "from ko to win" theme from capcom vs snk 1 as you see i always tryed to kept a coherent theme for each stage i will post some news if i have some from darknior!
hello,i asked the same question in X scene but without many hope; so perheaps it is different here: these last weeks i have finished my hack of capcom vs snk 2 for xbox well capcom vs snk2 is probably the greatest 2d fighter on xbox 1, but unfortunatelly it has some shitty jazz music (or some sort of crapp) what i have done on it?: - worked on the afs file and replaced all the adx files inside it(the stages music) with the best capcom vs snk 1 music (yep in cap vs snk 1 the musics were awesome, remix of the good old street fighters theme, garou and king of) and also i put some of the best street fighter IV tracks on it and i put the "from ko to win" theme of cap vs snk 1(great track) so basically, everyone with capcom vs snk 2 on it xbox would just have to replace the afs00.afs in the cap vs snk 2 folder with my custom one and it will works! the best 2d fighter with the best 2d fighters musics (i play with this version everyday and i can just say it change totally the game!) so my question is: can i post here my afs file (~200meg) without ban? if no, can someone with a website could host it?
Final Burn Legends HD skins final version
Gilou9999 replied to Gilou9999's topic in Final Burn (FBA/FBL/FBC)
no lol, in fact i use a messenger called "pidgin"; but it soesn't work very well does anyone know a messenger that work with windows xp pro WITHOUT any service pack? p.s.: i sent you a pm with my yahoo adress in case you have paumed it kenshiro -
Final Burn Legends HD skins final version
Gilou9999 replied to Gilou9999's topic in Final Burn (FBA/FBL/FBC)
just delete the splash screen2.png inside the skin and you will never see my name again it is just a skin, if you don't like it don't use it; i just made it for myself first but i wanted to share it as always... newt time i will write "by nes6502 and gilou la grosse tapette, avec le code de kenshiro la tafiolle" it will sound better back to the subject: can you try this link and say if it works? new link p.s.: pour kenshiro la petite bite, quand est ce que tu te connectes sur msn? jte vois plus -
Well after discussion, cba.gy discovered why i couldn't rename my skins "final burn heroes): it was a line to change inthe ini. This is the final version with all the greatests final burn fighters!, so just forget the old versions and take this one! now you just have to put these skins in the skin folder of final burn legends and it will work! what's new?: - A main menu video! even in 720p or 1080i version, it is a video thnat shows all of the ùajor fba titles: garou mark of the wolves, marvel vs capcom, dodonpachi, gigawings; last blade 2, etc... - the main menu music is now the fantastic "theme of gouki remix" from street fighter IV! I had to delete the sound of tghe main video with some obscurs programs, but it works, you will only hear that excellent song! - video border and preview border now have a "scanlines" effect, (the preview and videos are looking more "arcade" fba heroes pack by Gilou9999 (03 jan 2010) p.s.: and now in the sdtv version you will be able to move the rombrowser blade where you want, so basically you will be able to set the rombrowser to your wish
Yo Cos, "shadow dancer" runs better in COINOPS, same thing for "shinobi","double dragon1" (you knew that) and also "gunsmoke" a lot of game from the "others" section in fact, they are slow and choppy now all the neo geo,psykyo, cps1 and cps2 runs better in fba legends (even dragon blaze runs smooth in 720p with filters, excellent)
no cba.gy, the rombrowser is fine like this, if you don't like the full name display, simply remove it from the gui option, and remove also the fullname bkg the gui is very simillar with zsnexbox, so it should be easy for me to port my new fba skin to it in the past there where some great skins (made by neverwill that used the full name display bar greatly (mario or zelda skins)) for zsnexbox i have though a problem, when my rombrowser is true 720p (1280*720) i have always a white screen on the main menu (and i was carefull of the background size) when i will finish it i will send you my corrected skin nes6502
I'm not adding any more games. The games that work now are the only games I'll be adding. I am trying to fix a few last bugs in the GUI. Then I will release 1.0. Then I will work on fixing anything that crashes the Xbox. If there is nothing, then that will be the final version. It's pretty feature rich so there arn't any more features I'll be adding. Most games work on my port that work on FBA-XXX Pro. A few PGM games don't. None of the newer PGM or CPS3 games work. I did get D. D. Crew to run but I had to get rid of the GUI. It only ran at around 24 FPS. So it's not worth it. Every game I've tested works in 480i/p, 720p. and 1080i. I haven't found a game yet that crashed the Xbox in HD. I've got most or all of NeoGeo, CPS2, Cave, Psykio, Toaplan, and Sega games working (most running perfectly) thanks to Kenshiro's code and help. The Simpsons, TMNT, TMNT Turtles in Time, Sunset Riders, all run flawlessly in 1080i with software filters at 60 FPS. That's just a small example. In fact, that can be said for nearly all games. I would say the release is within 2 weeks. Does anyone know if there is anywhere to get WMV movies for FBA? I don't want to buy a membership to EmuMovies (and then have to convert them to wmv) and the RessurextionX videos are all for consoles. That's the greatest news of the year, good luck nes6502 and kenshi, the ultimate fba for the xbox is on your hands
not really, i think i've gone as far as it could be... ah yes perheaps one thing: always play with us roms (launch goodtools on your roms to be sure it's the case) us roms are 60hz (animation is more fluid and smooth, music plays at the correct speed, lot better!) when 50hz games are... crappy (less fluid, music isn't played at the correct speed, etc...) Play with us roms (and set your xport emus to region/usa (x before launching a game))
2 years i play xbox games on my hdtv now, so my best settings: for fbaxxx pro: 720p (always 720p to avoid slowdowns and memory issues, even with xbmc, 720p makes all smooth and fluid)) hardware filter: none software filter: 3*SCALE!!! and... it is perfect!, it is the only combinaison in 720p where the games are FLUID and SMOOTH (no slowdowns in animation, no blur!). It is perfect with neogeo games but can be too memory intensive with some cps2 games for Xports emulators i use (720p as always) hardware filter: Advance mame2* (all the other filters create slodowns.. or blur) software filter: trilinear looks excellent, fluid and smooth, no blur for the aspect ratio, i always use my guide we discussed with Cospefogo
I haven't worked a lot on it because of those problems So i think i will be able to show you something next week, if you can just change the locked alpha fade, it will allow more skinners to provides new alternate skins. The videos in coinOps look really great with showcase, too bad the alpha shade is hiding 30% of the video preview.Thx for looking into this thought
That's why you weren't that much on msn bro It's a sad news for all of us, just hope you will enjoy your real life without any drivers problems lol We can be happy: your neo geo code is perfect! i play with neo geo everyday and it's a real pleasure to play neo so accurate with the full intros (magician lord, shock troopers, etc...) full animations (blazing stars bkg etc....)and more smooth it has never been! It's by far the best neo geo experience you can have onto the xbox p.s.: good news to see nes6502 will grabb the code, it will mean your perfect neo geo games code with the perfect gui( video previews, rombrowser elements adjust, etc...?)can't wait to see.. the future (just hope the next nes6502 build will have cps1 and 2 too with your cps1 and 2 code, possible?)
unfortunatelly that's what i thought, the alpha fade is hard coded in the xbe... (and the vertical video previews are certainly hard coded too...). I hope you will allow the skinners to modify these values in the skin.ini, because like it is; we can't work on some new skins for coinOps (wich would be welcome; i like the original skin, but more skins to choose is always better) p.s.: You will see, if you put these values in the "Screenshot.Color", the emu will autoadvance the roms names (like if you are continuously pressing the "up" button) weird...
pm sent BP
BritneySpairs can you give me your msn adress by pm, i will give mine to you I have real problems to create a skin especially for coinOps ( i want a skin with a 320*240 preview, most common screensize, and it looks better with a lot of videos) i have succeed into resize/position of the horizontal screenshot/video in the skin.ini (Body.ScrollArea.SingleRow.Detail.Screenshot.Area = 5,1,576,323) modifyed into:(Body.ScrollArea.SingleRow.Detail.Screenshot.Area = 245,15,565,255) -i have my 320*240 screenshot video preview problems: - (1) i can't delete the "black gradiant" (wich means the left size of the video is always darkened, i want the full video without that darkness) i tryed to modify these lines: Body.ScrollArea.SingleRow.Detail.Screenshot.Color.UpperLeft = 0 0 0 0 Body.ScrollArea.SingleRow.Detail.Screenshot.Color.UpperRight = 255 0 0 0 Body.ScrollArea.SingleRow.Detail.Screenshot.Color.LowerRight = 255 0 0 0 Body.ScrollArea.SingleRow.Detail.Screenshot.Color.LowerLeft = 0 0 0 0 into Body.ScrollArea.SingleRow.Detail.Screenshot.Color.UpperLeft = 255 0 0 0 Body.ScrollArea.SingleRow.Detail.Screenshot.Color.UpperRight = 255 0 0 0 Body.ScrollArea.SingleRow.Detail.Screenshot.Color.LowerRight = 255 0 0 0 Body.ScrollArea.SingleRow.Detail.Screenshot.Color.LowerLeft = 255 0 0 0 but the emu bug (auto scroll ) so i modify it again to Body.ScrollArea.SingleRow.Detail.Screenshot.Color.UpperLeft = 254 0 0 0 Body.ScrollArea.SingleRow.Detail.Screenshot.Color.UpperRight = 255 0 0 0 Body.ScrollArea.SingleRow.Detail.Screenshot.Color.LowerRight = 255 0 0 0 Body.ScrollArea.SingleRow.Detail.Screenshot.Color.LowerLeft = 254 0 0 0 this time it works... for the screenshots, but the videos have always this darkened area on the left - (2) i can't set the size/position of the vertical videos previews (where it is?)
I haven't received this beta by any pm Please don't forget me ok i'll wait , congrats everyone involved
Can't believe it!!! OSMAN!!!!! iq_132 you are THE man man!!! Damn, so many years we heve believed in this miracle! holy shit! THE ONLY strider like as good as strider, this game rocks! and the boss are huge with a lot of special effects! cool!
BP, you should - really - ask madmab about the source because he has corrected a lot of nasty bugs in snes9xbox (not released yet): such as a lot of gui problems (bad in game screenshot position, text viewer problems, video support, dual preview/video support, synopsis support, help screen, config preview, filter bug, background/video/in game music adjust, etc...) Or perheaps i have misunderstood and you want snes emulation in coinOps?
of course a good intro video is a video created to be viewed 500 times without problems of course it is an obligation to show some footage of the best mame games (i was thinking of showing footage of final fight, double dragon, pac man, donkey kong, king of fighters 98? what could be considered by the top ten of coinOps?) I have to choose at least 10 footage before the video creation process with my girlfriend. In fact the lenght of the video shouldn't be a problem if you let the user the abilitty of skipping the video by pressing start or "A". This would be too an obligation. A video intro is really a good idea for an emu, i like it