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Everything posted by The-Ice-Man

  1. I'll be getting it. I like all the AVP games.
  2. Certain skins take longer to load too.
  3. Just out of interest, why are you complaining about what's said at another forum, here? Why not post there?
  4. Always seems to be one step forward, two steps back on the xbox builds. Last time I tried an up to date build, amongst other things, the trainers wouldn't work. Or not so much wouldn't work, but just couldn't be selected coz the menu wouldn't display, on any skin. It seems to me that the xbox builds are an afterthought these days, and the concentration is on the PC versions.
  5. Yeah there is always the possibility that the build you have is just broken. I don't bother upgrading anymore coz something always seems to get broken when a new build comes out. Then when that gets fixed something else gets broke.
  6. I don't use scripts much coz my Xbox isn't connected to the internet, but I have tried some of them out in the past, and a lot either plane don't work or have issues. I'd blame the script unless it happens at other times too.
  7. The official XBMC forum kinda has it covered, but the xbox section here is fine for talking about XBMC. What are you pausing? Video? Music? A dvd? I've had the odd freeze when playing DVDs. Usually if the drive decides it doesn't like a DVD it will play it for a while and then get stuck. Mostly when that happens it'll just stop the video and go back to the main menu, but sometime's it'll freeze and have to be reset. I have an Xcecuter chip with it's BIOS set so I have a soft reset available at all times by holding the triggers and back and black. So unless the console gets real fucked I don't have to get up to hard reset. If you're playing a HD video file, and it's not encoded right your xbox won't like it, so that could be it.
  8. I think it would look better if Sonic and the rings were 2D sprites instead of poorly antialiased 3D models.
  9. Can't believe they're free now, but I think there's a problem if an RTS fan couldn't come up Command and Conquer by himself. There's also a problem if an RTS fan doesn't already own the Command and Conquer series. Besides, I don't care what anyone says, Total Annihilation is the best RTS ever.
  10. Best bet is to search through freeware game sites, there's plenty out there. None of them look like they'd be too hard on your laptop. I've never tried any though. The Spring Engine looks interesting, only coz it has some Total Annihilation based games, and Total Annihilation was awesome. http://springrts.com/
  11. I don't have a router so can't try that trick. It records my IP which doesn't change if I disconnect and reconnect. I have no problem waiting after a gig though. But after every few megs on Rapidshare, it can kiss my ass.
  12. I wouldn't mind if it just worked when I wanted it too. Megaupload always works for me. I was using megaupload last night and found it has a limit too, but it's much higher, I'd downloaded over a gig of stuff before it made me wait.
  13. I'm a bot. Have been all along. Ultron created me but the Avengers helped me see that puny humans aren't all bad.
  14. Take a look at my 'Crapidshare' thread in the Computer Speak forum. It's a shitty site where fools upload stuff for people to download, but coz it's so shitty, half the time you can't download anything unless you pay for membership. The downloader is probably some crap download manager that you don't need or want. Stay well away unless you absolutely have no choice. And unless you plan on downloading everything that was ever uploaded there, don't even think about wasting your money on it.
  15. I don't have a controller myself but on the keyboard definitions there appears to be no way to clear a key binding. All I could suggest would be if you can actually do it, map the dpad to the arrow keys. But I'm guessing that when you're using a controller, you can only map controller inputs, not keys. If that's the case, there may be a way around it though. If you open nullDC.cfg with notepad, you can manually set the controls. Under ndc_hookjoy, use these numbers to set the arrow keys as the dpad: PortA_CONT_DPAD_UP=38 PortA_CONT_DPAD_DOWN=40 PortA_CONT_DPAD_LEFT=37 PortA_CONT_DPAD_RIGHT=39 If that doesn't work, you're gonna need a different pad.
  16. I really like H.A.W.X. I didn't go in expecting a realistic flight sim like some people did, so I was more than pleased with it. Certainly the best looking one on PC to date. Blazing Angels 1 & 2 are ok, 2 is slightly better. I want to try Wings of Prey, which is a sequel to IL2 Sturmovik, with much better graphics, but it's not available to buy retail, so I'm slowly downloading a copy over emule. Also interested to see what Storm of War is like when it's finished, which is another one being made by Ogel Maddox who made Sturmovik. I still can't land in Sturmovik though, I always end up ripping my landing gear off as I hit the ground. I'd like to see them make a Crimson Skies 3, that would be good if it was like you're describing. Mace Griffin was sort of like that. First person shooter until you walk into your ship and take off into a sort of space sim.
  17. After much thought, I shall be wearing cycling shorts and sock suspenders tomorrow. I’m really glad this thread came about.
  18. It's Ninja Gaiden, it's meant to be hard. The whole point of the game is to make you feel inadequate.
  19. I was just playing around with Kega, and it turns out it does actually remember the last folder you loaded a rom from for each system. You don't type in individual rom paths, it just remembers the folders you load from. So long as you have your roms in four different folders, one for each system, just load one game from each system from the folder you want it to remember and the next time it will bring you to the same folder. This is the case for the latest version, 3.63 at least.
  20. Counting the minutes till a mod removes that picture.
  21. Looks like the game of life to me. Been a while since I pissed into the Harbour though.
  22. That sucks, can't they just put it straight into your bank account?
  23. I think that as Australian systems are PAL, any PAL game bought from anywhere in Europe will work for you. New Zealand too. I've also read there are some region free Asian games that will work on any 360 console.
  24. No just put your John Hancock on the petition.
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