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Everything posted by The-Ice-Man

  1. I would never pay. I use fileplanet when I want official patches for games. As it happens I haven't had to wait in line for anything for ages.
  2. Isn't gamecop in his forties or something?
  3. As many people will know, the North American version of Sonic CD had a different soundtrack to the Japanese/Euro versions. The general consensus seems to be that the original Japanese one is better than the American one. I was just going through my Mega CD roms and remembered I still have both a US version and a Euro version. I only really need one, but I can't decide which soundtrack I actually like better. The theme songs are both awful if you ask me. Both Super Sonic Warrior and Sonic Boom. They're awful songs with cheesy lyrics. As for the actual stage music, I actually like both. I don't know why people slammed the US soundtrack as much as they did. What do people think here? Original Jap, or US revamp?
  4. Will be when I start in March. I'll also be presenting quizes and games like Play your Cards Right and Deal or No Deal. Also some bar work and maybe a bit of DJ-ing.
  5. Yeah those ones. They weren't in the one I had before. Unless they were just disabled. No way to check now coz I deleted the old version.
  6. Thanks, not sure what version I had before. It didn't have the nice swirly effects like 1.51 does. Wonder when they were added.
  7. Become a rent boy for the time being. I just got the job I mentioned. I'll be compare at a holiday park entertainment centre. Eyes down everyone, it's bingo time!
  8. So that's what he was going on about. Maybe you should change your name to avoid further confusion in future. Thanks for the Logo Frank. I just love saying MELD. MELD. MELD. MELD. Vulcan mind MELD.
  9. Oh god no. You call it that and you'll have to pay to download everything you use on it. 'You wanna play Mario? You gotta buy the Mario App, it costs a hundred dollars.' I see a name suggestion thread coming, followed by a poll. All for something that doesn't exist yet. Mayble I'll use Frank's MELD logo on my PC setup.
  10. I’m actually finding it hard to understand both of you right now. I told you MELD would catch on though. Not the idea, just the name. It's a perfect acronym. Anyway, the idea of a frontend for emulators is not new or special. There are some really nice ones on the PC like Hyperspin and Maximus Arcade. It just so happens that it hasn't been done for emulators on the Xbox. Which is why when PhilExile suggested it I said genuinely that it was a good idea. I noticed that the acronym he used spelled MELD, which sounded cool. Then BP started calling me a dick. I don't know exactly why BP took offence at the idea of MELD, nor why he's giving you shit over it. I'm also not sure what a document of quotes edited together from years of posts will do. I don't see it proving anything convincingly coz it will all be out of context. As for the ‘I don't use it’ part, I for one can happily swear on a bible that I don't. In fact I won't be using any emulator on the Xbox anymore. I've seen the folly of my ways. If the last couple of days have proved anything for me, it's that progress in emulation on the Xbox has very nearly reached its end. The latest things out there are Final Burn Legends, and CoinOps. NES has said he will not be developing FBL any further. So that just leaves CoinOps. The latest and greatest that CoinOps has to offer is the addition of console games through the launching of emulators that already existed. Most of them years old, inserting these emulators into CoinOps brings no improvements in emulation, or additional features to the table. BP told me this himself in his thread. This means that the latest development in the only active Xbox project is essentially cosmetic only. It does not bring anything new, it just presents what was already out there in one UI. This as it happens is pretty much the definition of a frontend, which is fine, and as concept for a cab based dashboard has potential. But my point is that adding games to CoinOps that we've been able to play for years on the Xbox is not really a move forward, it's a move sideways. I believe that there will only be sideways steps from now on. Steps that beautify or organise what's already there. Like adding art and synopsis through Resurrection Xtras, new skins and UIs and so on. We might also see some more hacked versions of games made playable. All good, but really just finishing touches. Unless something drastic happens, like an updated MAME port or something, I think the end of the road is nigh. And even if a new MAME was made, the limitations of the Xbox hardware will always be there, stopping it from running memory hungry games. This is why I will be doing all my emulation on PC from now on. I intend to buy a slimline media centre PC, hook it up to my TV, and use it as a dedicated emulation machine. I’ll be running Maximus Arcade with every emulator that it supports. If MELD was made, and it was anything like Maximus arcade, it would be something to behold.
  11. I still don't know what to wear on Valentine's day.
  12. Oh, as it happens I just upgraded my Zsnes to 1.51 coz I had an old version. Guess that was a mistake then. So what's the newest version that doesn't have broken SA-1?
  13. Best one I think was VF3 on the Dreamcast. One of the characters in VF5R is the big sumo guy from that.
  14. I like Zsnes. Never had a single problem with it.
  15. Get a haircut, get a job. That's what I'm trying to do. I have an interview tomorrow. I have tonnes of games I haven't played, so could occupy myself for months, but I'm sick of feeling like a bum.
  16. I don't think there's too much worry of the series not continuing. They're probably working on Virtua Fighter 6 right now. This R version of Virtua Fighter 5 only adds a couple more characters and stages, so I think Sega won't bother releasing it to consoles coz a proper sequel would be better.
  17. Dalkstalkers 3 was better than any of the arcade releases in that all characters from the series were selectable, but worse coz it missed frames of animation. The best release of Darkstalkers is Vampire Chronicle for Dreamcast or PSP coz it merges all the arcade releases into one game. Glad you finally got things sorted.
  18. You said it sailor.
  19. I actually ended up downloading some other stuff from Rapidshare yesterday. Some skins for Maximus Arcade. This time it was the download limit that got me, coz the files were over a certain size, I had to wait 15 minutes in between each.
  20. I've started using Maximus Arcade as a frontend for all my emulators on the PC so I don't really need the feature myself.
  21. Sounds like scanlines. And yeah it sort of is to make it look like an old monitor. There'll be an option to turn them off in the video settings somewhere. Again I don't actually use Kawaks so can't say exactly which menu it's under but it'll be there somewhere.
  22. Doesn't look like you can do that with Kega. It would be better I agree.
  23. Like I said earlier, if it's just NeoGeo you're interested in, Kawaks is probably the best choice for you. It just plays NeoGeo and CPS1/CPS2. You will probably be able to find a full romset for Kawaks relatively easily if you search for Kawaks on a torrent site.
  24. My pee pee.
  25. I don't really follow it's progress but I think it may be a bit of a wait before every last system is completed with a full set of Xtras. Best bet for a progress report is to PM Rx himself or Cba.gy maybe, or just check out the Xtra's thread over at Xbox-scene.
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