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Everything posted by The-Ice-Man

  1. Yeah, 5.4 is the latest I can find mention of when I search, but I can't seem to get an actual working download of it. I was gonna try loading my copy of Double Dragon in it to see if I could recreate the problem. If you ask me all signs are pointing to a switch of emulator. Worth it I think coz Double Dragon is a good game, and you'll be able to get Garou and Fatal Fury 3 working easily too. Edit: My 900th post. Only 100 more to Ultra Member. Booya. Not quite like Agozer's 19000 posts though.
  2. that wasnt a dream, you were in the matrix Shit you're right. I wonder if I'm there now?
  3. Kawaks will run all NeoGeo games and CPS1/2 games. So if you're only interested in NeoGeo, that might be a good option to keep things simple. If you're interested in other arcade systems, FBA will run a large selection of the more modern arcade games, including all the NeoGeos, MAME will run everything.
  4. I once had a dream where I figured out I was dreaming half way through, then started doing things that aren't possible in real life in an effort to prove to the people in the dream that they were in fact in a dream. I don't remember the details coz it was years ago, but I think one of the things I did was rip someone's eyeball out, and they were completely unaffected, then I said something like, 'If this isn't a dream, how could I do that?'
  5. Five consoles technically.
  6. Well, if you've found memory related files for Double Dragon, delete them. Basically get rid of anything with doubledr in it's filename, except for the rom itself of course. That would in theory reset the game to it's factory settings for the next time you run it. If that doesn't work then it's the rom I suppose. It just seems to be an odd error for an incompatible rom. Usually they just won't run when the rom doesn't match what the emulator wants.
  7. Sounds like a nice idea but I don't know if it'll happen. These kind of petitions never seem to do anything. I always did like Virtua Fighter though. Loved the original on the Saturn.
  8. Whatever you say big man.
  9. What's your problem now? PhilExile suggested a name change. I thought of a name. Frank made a logo. Why does that upset you? I can type in bold too.
  10. Perfect Frank. At least someone took the time to read our posts. MELD. It's gonna catch on.
  11. Have you ever opened your Xbox before? If so you just unplug the old one and plug the new one in. If not then I'm guessing you're using a soft mod, and so you'll need to do this: http://www.llamma.com/xbox/Repairs/crack_open_that_xbox.htm
  12. Me niether, but when you want something that someone's uploaded there, you don't have a choice.
  13. I'm surprised savestates from Gens work in Kega. Anyway, there are 10 save slots for each game in Kega, numbered 0-9. If you had a savestate for every slot for Aladdin for example, you should have files named: Aladdin.gs0 Aladdin.gs1 Aladdin.gs2 Aladdin.gs3 Aladdin.gs4 Aladdin.gs5 Aladdin.gs6 Aladdin.gs7 Aladdin.gs8 Aladdin.gs9 These files need to be in the folder designated in the set config menu under options. By default it's just the root of your Kega folder. To quick load them you first select a slot either through the File menu, or by pressing F6 and F7. Then to load the selected slot you press F8. To save in the selected slot press F5.
  14. Not so fast. When you get the grid, you are running the rom. When you get the sound test menu, the sounds you can play are from the game. So you know that the rom is running, and working fine. It's just that you're for some reason stuck in the Hardware test. Once you've launched a game in NeoRage, is there a soft reset option? If so, use it, and see if it takes you back into the hardware test. You'll know you've done a soft reset if you see the green screen followed by the NeoGeo logo.
  15. Yes, the MVS Settings where you change the difficulty and so on are the dipswitches. They're called that coz in older arcade machines, the difficulty and so on had to be set by altering actual switches. Newer machines like NeoGeo and CPS2 used a software menu. The MVS machines had hard switches too I believe but that's not important. I'm gonna go and run Double Dragon myself with MAMEUI and see if I can remember how to get into the test screen on purpose, then I can hopefully tell you what you need to do to get out of it. If I fail at that then we'll try the nvram file. If NeoRage works anything like MAME in how it handles game memory you'll be looking for a file called doubledr.nv. Like I said I don't use NeoRage so if it's different I'm sorry, Agozer will have to help. He knows about every emulator in the world. Edit: Ok so getting into the test mode is easy. Getting out not so. Getting into it you just select Hardware Test on the Bios menu. But once you're in you're stuck there until you reset the game. Under normal circumstances reseting the game would make it boot like normal. Unless you had the hard dip set to Test on, in which case it would take you straight into the Bios. You're apparanlty being taken straight into the Hardware test though which is the problem.
  16. You know what, now that I think about it this is something that used to happen every so often to me in FBA-XXX Pro on the Xbox. You're stuck in the NeoGeo test mode. It would happen sometimes in FBA-XXX Pro if you reset using the control pad shortcuts. I think all you need to do is locate the dipswitch settings and disable the test mode. I don't use NeoRage so I can't tell you where to look, but once you find dipswitches and such, you should be able to work it out and get the game to load properly. The other option is to delete the game's nvram file, which should revert the game to default dip settings.
  17. MELD. The logo could be the letters etched into molten metal or something. Or something like the T1000 glooping together in T2.
  18. No just Meld on it's own, coz it's one word and it stands for Multiple Emulator Launcher and Dashboard. TBD just stands for To Be Determined.
  19. That's actually a very good idea. You could call it MELD. Rather fitting really.
  20. My MAMEUI wasn't up to date so I just updated it to see if there was an issue with Double Dragon in the new version or something, but confirmed that Double Dragon boots and runs fine on v1.36.2.
  21. I don't think your screen resolution can cause graphical errors like that. More likely a problem with the video settings in the program, or it just plane doesn't like Vista. Have you tried using Kega Fusion? It's another emulator that plays Mega Drive/Mega CD/32X, as well as Master System and Game Gear.
  22. What program are you using to run the game? Kawaks and MAME are just two of the programs that you can use to play NeoGeo roms. I use MAMEUI, which I've never had any problems running that game.
  23. I got what I wanted. It only took me all day.
  24. Great, that's the idea behind a frontend. I came here to ask a question. A valid one. It degenerated as per usual into an argumnent thanks to BP's choice attitude. Look around in the Xbox section here and elsewhere and you'll see the same thing happens a lot where BP is concerned.
  25. One could say the very same to you.
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