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Everything posted by The-Ice-Man

  1. Yeah. I understand completely though.
  2. I believe Xport did at the time, he acknowledges the original PC applications on his now outdated website. I don't know about the MAMEox team. I do know that it's good practice to get permission to use anyone's work on anything if possible, and to credit them when you do. As for what app have I provided? I provided the Reality Check App. It's a great little app that tells you you're not God's gift to the world, no matter how many lines of code you write. Unfortunately not everyone uses the app, which is why his lordship is so revered. Anyway, I got my answer, with the usual bile and babble as expected. I haven't downloaded a CoinOps release in ages, and still have no reason to, but when this one's out I will, just to read the credits list. That part alone will interest me very much.
  3. I have the right to say whatever the hell I want to you, and considering the way you behave you deserve a lot worse abuse than I've ever given you. I should be the one asking you what right you have to speak to people the way you do. At least what I write actually makes sense. All this talk of moving the 'scene' forward and by your own addition, you've made no improvements to the emulators you're now including in 'your' program. It's fine though, you add a full credit log, naming everyone involved in all the emulators you're now using, as well as the mameox team, and I'll have no problem with you anymore. I'll look on CoinOps as what it's basically become, a frontend for Xbox emulators. Which is fine so long as proper permissions and credits are given. You were of course given permission by all the authors weren't you?
  4. So after all this, your only selling point for doing it is your sorting options? What a lot of grief for something so trivial. Also why answer me in an edit to your above post then quote it? Nevermind. The terrible shame is that in years to come, new users will come along and think that you're actually responsible for making all the different console emulators on the Xbox, when in reality, all you've really made is a frontend.
  5. Something NES would have to add I suppose.
  6. This is a prime example of why you're a twat. You haven't even read what's been said. I asked a serious question, you refuse to answer. I'll ask again. What does your new unseen version of CoinOps do, that the Xport and other emulators you've put into it do not? I'm asking you to justify taking the work of countless people and putting it into 'your' program as if it's your own. If your only answer is to make everything launch from 'your' platform, then it's not a good enough excuse to me. If on the other hand you've made vast improvements to the emulation, added stunning new features that are not present in the emulators as they were, then maybe you might have something. Go ahead, amaze me with an answer.
  7. I didn't say it could be done, just that it's a good idea. It would make it a bit like the UI in Maximus Arcade:
  8. He means that in this one, instead of the the FBL logo above the preview pic, the marquee of the currently selected game could be displayed. At least that's what I'm thinking.
  9. That's actually a very good idea.
  10. Hmm, now where are my car keys?
  11. I'm getting the feeling that the answer is no. So the whole point of all this core business is just to have everything launch from one platform. Which as Cba points out doesn't really save any time as you have to run CoinOps, then wait for CoinOps to run Xport. As far as I see it, you may as well just run Xport in the first place. Besides, your emulator section in XBMC would be pretty lonely if it just had CoinOps in it.
  12. I've managed to download two of the four files I'm trying to get. This is madness.
  13. Cospefogo is concerned with the image itself. Obviously unless your TV's resolution is the same as the game's native resolution, you're going to have black bars unless you stretch to fit. Cospefogo doesn't like to stretch to fit, coz it distorts the image. If you want the game to look exactly like it did in the arcade, you're gonna have to buy an original arcade cabinet of all the games you want.
  14. I've been trying all day to download some H.A.W.X plane skins that are hosted on RapidShare. Doesn't matter how many times I try, there are no slots for free users. They can kiss my arse if they think I'd ever pay to download anything from them. I would never upload anything to Rapidshare myself, but I can't help it if I want something that someone made who uploaded it there. All I can do is keep trying every two minutes until it decides to let me in. Why are people so stupid as to use such crap services?
  15. Sorry, we posted at the same time nearly. The point about the 4:3 screens in old machines isn't true in a lot of cases anyway. The CPS2 games for example were widescreen, so their machines had widescreen monitors.
  16. So what's your point? If you want to display games in the aspect ratio they were actually drawn in use Cospefogo's guide. If you don't care, stretch the image to fit your screen. Edit: That's @Dumbo, not you Fu.
  17. My favourite parts were the bosses. It was like what's the Eggomatic gonna have bolted onto it next?
  18. No I will not go away. What I just said isn't bitter, fake, silly, pointless, rude, whiny or insecure. It's a serious question which you haven't answered. A question that mods should not move as it relates directly to CoinOps, and as such belongs in this thread. What does 'your' program do better than the emulators you have inserted into it do? Answer the question please. Take Neogenesis as an example. I have Neogenesis on my Xbox with a full romset of Megadrive and Mega CD games loaded. It emulates them accurately, with fully mappable controls, a variety of screen filters and settings, savestates, cheat creator and so on. The UI has a dynamic interface, previews, and music player. I can choose from a number of skins on the fly if I want to change the emulator's appearance at any time. I'm sure there are other features I'm missing. Now I'm asking you, in all seriousness, what does CoinOps offer, that Neogenesis does not? Your friend there seems to have just suggested that it offers nothing better. I want you to tell me, with the thousands of lines of code you've written, what improvements have you made to the Megadrive emulating experience?
  19. I doubt it. Cba's married. He probably goes to those parties where you pick your car keys out of a bowl and head upstairs with someone else's wife.
  20. Sorry to come into 'your' thread, but am I right in thinking that you've now taken nearly every Xport emulator and made your program launch them? Why are 'we few people' the only ones who see that as niether impressive nor morally right? I mean, it's not impressive because if you want to play Megadrive, Snes etc, you've been able to for years with NeoGenesis, Zsnes etc. What exactly makes launching those emulators from 'your' program better than running them themselves? Does your program emulate the games more accurately somehow? Forget for a moment the issues of taking other people's work and such, what's the actual motive for putting all of these existing emulators into CoinOps? As a user, why would I want to use CoinOps to play Sonic on, instead of NeoGenesis? What is it that your program is supposed to to better?
  21. True, sometimes you had to hold the left button too.
  22. Cospefogo sure does care about his pixel ratios. I just care about fitting the image on my tiny tv screen.
  23. I forgot about the sudden addition of humans. I did think it was rediculous at the time. Then again, Robotnik has always been a human. He just looks like an egg.
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