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Everything posted by The-Ice-Man

  1. How about the ability for the skin to show a different background for each filter, so you can have a different background for CPS1, CPS2, NeoGeo, Psikyo etc, then we can make use of all those backgrounds we made for FBA-XXX Pro.
  2. A lot of those fantasy Soviet Union type games out there. Poor Acclaim, they had a few good games to their name. According to Wikipedia someone bought the name and Logo and now there's a company called 'Acclaim Games' releasing online games. And a company called Throwback Entertainment claim to have bought the rights a load of Acclaim's old games and plan to make sequels.
  3. I want a mobile home. Or the girl who sells them at least.
  4. Better out than in guys.
  5. Does Hyper Street Fighter not work properly in Legends? It was working fine in the last few builds of FBA-XXX Pro.
  6. I run all my games off the hard drive now coz I didn't like the poor load times of some of my burnt games, and I also didn't like how some orignals spin constantly really loudly. My orignal copy of Hitman Blood Money does that, always spinning and louder than normal. Annoyed the hell out of me so I copied it over and never used the original disc again. But it's good to have working backups of all your games, in case the worst happens.
  7. Monumental yawn. Deja vu yawn even. It's like we've gone back in time to about a month ago. Interesting that you think I'm an 'old guy'. Who exactly do you think I am? Maybe that explains why you react so badly to anything I say, you actually think I'm someone else. Who here's up on 1emu history? What old members are there that I could be? Technically I'm an old member of Xbox-scene, I joined there years ago but never really used the site. You can check my join date and post count there if you like. Asside from that I used to be quite active at the Half-Life Improvement Team, also under the name The-Ice-Man, but I don't think we crossed paths there. Who knows, maybe I'm the ghost of Christmas past come to haunt you into changing your wayward ways. Whatever which way I am, the whole 'Xbox scene' bores me now.
  8. I believe the Power Instinct games still have those problems in the PC version of FBA. Sound is defintely fucked in Power Instinct 2 in FBA v0.2.97.06, I just checked. So the problems were inherited by FBA-XXX Pro and also it would seem by FB Legends.
  9. Epic yawn. Win for the new guy though. You're not the only one sick of that meaningless preaching. You're getting more than boring now BP. You're talking about a personal feud that most people here don't know the details of. I don't even really know what you're whining about. So stop airing it out over here. Even new members are tired of it. Why not go post something interesting? Tell us about a new game you've been playing on, write a review of some old ones, discuss a film you saw, or a current issue, or spend some time in the hot chicks thread, something. The whole world isn't an Xbox, with you the disgruntled king.
  10. ^Excellent. It's a good job Anne Rice found god or there'd be even more vampire bullshit out there. You know one of Bram Stoker's decendants wrote an official sequel to Dracula? How long before film tie in do we think?
  11. That's odd. Writable media is such a fickle thing.
  12. DVD-R. I had a long run of mostly good burns with Datawrite Yellows a while back, only getting a dud every so often, however on reflection the read times of said burnt DVDs were sometimes not great. Recently I've had a run of back luck with Verbatim printable tops. Not sure what's going on with the Verbatims, some will burn and play perfectly, with much better read times than the Datawrites, but for some of them they'll burn the image fine, and XBMC will read the DVDs, but when it comes to lauching the game the xbox resets. Very odd, and very annoying. I hate having to throw DVDs away. Buy whatever brand you trust and see what happens.
  13. Odd, when I click that link it takes me to the product page for their Vapor-X HD5870. It looks so much cooler than the stock 5870s. They actually are cooler too coz of the Vapor-X cooling. That's the one I'll get if I come into some money. As for my ethernet jacks, I have two I think, but when it comes to internet connections and networks and stuff, I'm completely useless. Can I use my ADSL connection just by plugging the phone line into one of the ethernet ports? I don't have a router of any kind, just a USB ADSL modem for the family computer, and an internal PCI one for mine. Certainly can be at times.
  14. That's the one. Win.
  15. I wouldn't have to lose the sound card after all, I was thinking that two dual slot video cards would block off both my regular PCI slots but they wouldn't. I'd lose one PCI and my PCIEx1 slot. My SoundBlaster would go in the one remaining PCI slot. I would have to lose my internal ADSL modem though which is PCI, so I'd have to switch to a usb one. I'm not gonna bother with dual cards again though, and I don't think I want to go with Nvidia again either. Their drivers suck. I've lost count of the number of blue screens of death I've had coz of their crappy driver errors. I like the look of this: http://www.sapphiretech.com/presentation/p...101&pid=293 Question though, I've got an EVGA nForce 780i SLI motherboard, which is 3-way SLI ready, not Crossfire ready, and blatently Nvidia branded. It even says Nvidia on that special northbridge fan we talked about a while ago. Does this mean it can only use Nvidia video cards period? Or that it just can't do Crossfire but can use single ATI cards ok?
  16. True, all vampire shows are shit. Most films these days too. They appeal to women with domination issues. Ooh he's so stong, he's so pale, ooh he could kill me at anytime, how hot is that? Where's that Twilight vampire/faggot picture someone posted a while back, pretty much sums it up.
  17. I think I'd need a bigger case if I wanted two of those boomsticks in my PC. I'd also have to take out my soundcard. I've decided that SLI and Crossfire aren't for me. I just want one card in the future. Much simpler that way.
  18. I like playing the Dooms and Heretic/Hexen on Doomsday. Jumping and aiming in Doom is cool. How do I get that key that's two feet above me? Jump sucka.
  19. All sequels to the Crow are shit. When Brandon died, they should've just released the film, and left it at that.
  20. You should get the 5970, it's a inch longer. It's great that you could now actually use a video card to bludgen someone to death with they're so big. I have a question, does Physx work on Radeons now, like it does on the Nvidia cards? I'm running a pair of 8800GTs and I like that I can use Physx without actually having a Physx card, but I would like to upgrade to a much more powerful single card at some point, and it seems like the Radeons are faster these days.
  21. Humbug. Maybe just make FBL able to use all the bioes, then people can choose which one they want to use, including 3.0 if they have it.
  22. I would hope that that step be seriously considered. If you ask me there's no question of ethics involved as the sale of the Unibios is unethical in itself. It contains SNK's original code which only SNK has the rights to sell. Buying the UniBios is buying stolen code. Using the free older versions is still using stolen code. Using the original bioes is also using stolen code unless you own the original NeoGeo board it came on. By including 3.0 in FBL it wouldn't be breaking the law any more or any less, it would just stop the makers of the UniBios from profiting a little further from thier theft.
  23. If you've disabled the spash screen in 2.0 you can still get back to the region setup etc if you press A B and C as soon as the game has loaded, (Before the NeoGeo logo and jingle) or if you can't press them quick enough just keep them held down while a game is loading. I didn't know there was a 3.0, just looked for it, you're right they did add the disable splash screen option back, and a few other fixes, so this would be the best one to use. I think it's shameful that they're selling it for money however, seen as how it's completely illegal. If you wanted FBL to use 3.0 you'd have to just include the appropriate neogeo.zip in the release. I personally think that would be a good idea. Finding the correct neogeo.zip for emulators is something that a lot of people have trouble with, having it already in with the emulator would save the trouble. The xport emulators come with all the bioes that they need, so I don't really see why it couldn't be done here too.
  24. The only thing I don't like about using the 2.3 is that you can't disable the splash screen. So you will always get the ugly Unibios logo before the default NeoGeo logo animation, which I find annoying. I don't know why they took out the option to disable the splash screen in the versions after 2.0, maybe the makers wanted you to be damn sure you were using their bios before you play each game. If it weren't for that I'd use 2.3 for sure. I haven't noticed any real difference in features between 2.0 and 2.3 though, so I don't mind using the outdated 2.0.
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