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Everything posted by The-Ice-Man

  1. I think it's only important to have accurate emulation in the game itself, not in it's boot up sequence.
  2. That's one way of publicising a game.
  3. Not in the original Diablo. They added that in Diablo 2. Such a lazy feature, I prefer clicking like a madman. Overall with the combat system that Dragon Age has, I think it suits a keyboard and mouse better.
  4. About the NeoGeo greenscreen. In FBA-XXX Pro you can switch between all the different bioes, including the different UniBios versions. In version 2.0 and onward of the UniBios, there are options at a game's first boot which you can set, which include under 'General Bios settings' the option to 'Disable BootUp HW test'. This gets rid of the green screen, which in some cases like KOF 2003 cuts some wait time, as that game displays the green screen for quite a while. I always used UniBios 2.0 in XXX-Pro coz it also has the option to disable the UniBios Logo splash screen which I don't like. For some reason in the later versions you can't. Now I haven't actually tried FBL yet, but I'm guessing there's not an option to use the UniBioes? If there was you could all kiss goobye to the green screen forever.
  5. Mmmm, cake.
  6. All that stuff about cliffs and the sea, you obviously miss Scarborough.
  7. You see, no lean. Look what you did Infinity Ward. There's blood on the wall now.
  8. Please tell me that site is a joke.
  9. I don't even use videos coz my drive's full of games and I just don't have the space. If I was to use videos and had to choose between two sets, I'd use whichever ones had the smaller filesize to save as much space as possible.
  10. That's the opposite of Diablo style attacking. In Diablo each click is a hack/slash, you have to keep clicking to keep attacking, and right click for magic attacks. Much more of a click fest.
  11. I noticed. Not a big download either.
  12. I suppose that's what happened to Rainbow Six after Raven Shield. Graphics got better but the games got dumber and dumber. First Lockdown took away the planning phase, and made the AI stupid, then Vegas took away the one hit kills and made it a regular action shooter.
  13. Torchlight. It's very cool, it's just like Diablo but 3D and with some clever added features, like a pet that can carry stuff for you and run back to town and sell it so you don't have to keep going back and forth yourself. I don't know if you can buy in retail, I couldn't find in online shops, but you can download it on Steam or Direct2Drive etc.
  14. I'll always play Half-Life and it's mods. I love 2D but if you ask me what my fave game ever is, it will always be Half-Life.
  15. There's another point there, cut-scenes. A lot of games now go overboard with cut-scenes. I like MGS2, but I don't like that only 35% of the game is actual gameplay, and the rest is cut-scenes. Put down the controller people, you won't need it for a while, girl face is about to have a half-hour codec conversation.
  16. Most likely will do once I've seen what the Legends GUI is like.
  17. It's hard for me to understand how they could take one of the most popular shooters ever and then actually make aspects worse for the sequel. I don't know why they didn't just stick with the engine they had, and just make new maps, weapons, and enemies etc. Like an expansion pack, only big enough to be a sequel. Sometimes if it aint broke, don't fix it really is a good idea. X-Men Legends 2 pops into my mind as an example. Same game engine as Legends 1, but different story, monsters, player characters, more powers etc. They took what was good, improved it a bit, made a good sequel. It can be done.
  18. For me, nothing will beat the late 80s to mid 90s for video games. The simplicity, detailed 2D graphics and pick up and playability of many games from that era is something that seemed to get lost with the turn of the century. Maybe it was the development of 3D technology. As things got more and more complex, we started to stop appreciating the simple things, like shooting/beating the crap out of things for no good reason. And it does seem now that games try to do everything in one game, like how every FPS needs to have driving sections these days, which are usually crap. If I want to drive I'll buy a driving game. I mean look how hard it is to control the vehicles in Far Cry. They nearly always end up going over a cliff. Grand Theft Auto 4 is the best example though. It tries to tick all the boxes. You can drive, fly, shoot, play pool, go bowling, have sex, and so on, all in one game, but in the end, it doesn't do any of those things particularly well. One thing’s for certain though, the Wii is a piece of shit. Which is ironic since its name means piss. It has stupid gimmicky games with graphics that a Dreamcast would be embarrassed of. If that's the future of gaming, we may as well end it all now.
  19. I've only actually played a few of those. Number 3 is the best. Producer: 'We have to get it in one take guys' Actor: 'But what if we make mistakes' Producer: 'I don't care' Actor: 'You can do it, his name is Mega Man, his name is Mega Man, his name is Wega Wan. Oh fuck'
  20. Well, I'm gonna get the orignal for christmas and have fun playing that, then wait for the sequel to be really cheap. If it's not as good as the first one it's likely it won't stay full price the same amount of time MW1 has done. And no lean for a modern military shooter is stupid. I've been playing Raven Shield a lot latetly, take the lean away from that game and you're dead every time. I might try Operation Flashpoint 2 at some point, it's supposed to be quite realistic, and it has 1 shot lethality like the proper Rainbow Sixes.
  21. Interesting, but all the action happens on the middle screen. The other two screens aren't really improving the game any. Plus did I see 13 frames a second?
  22. Yeah, it has to be .wma files. It won't read mp3s. I'm not certain but the bitrate of the .wma tracks may have to be 64kbps too. May be totally wrong about that part but you'll get good compression at that rate with no noticable loss in sound quality. It should look like this in the config.xml: <!-- Music for this category --> <track name="CPS1">CPS1.wma</track> You can call the track anything you want of course though.
  23. Wonder how many DLCs they'll do. If it's as many as Fallout 3 I'll probably wait for the Game of the Year Edition and get them all at once.
  24. No idea. Someone here said that they stopped selling the ones with Linux anyway.
  25. When you let it grow like that best thing is a good beard trimmer, and then a wet shave. Or just use the trimmer to make some designer stubble.
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