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Everything posted by The-Ice-Man

  1. Oh, well, Borderlands was made by Gearbox and published by 2k Games, which are basically Take Two. As far as I know, Activision weren't directly involved.
  2. I've seen a PS3 running an Amiga emulator through Linux, I think it's likely that any emulator that can be run on Linux can be run on a PS3, so long as you have a PS3 that has Linux.
  3. I barely use the site, but the friends I have on there are only people I know in real life. I would never add anyone I don't know coz my profile has pictures of me and my family, and information about me. It's not a dating site, but people seem to use it that way, which is how these kids get themselves into trouble. They add strangers who immediately get access to pictures of them, where they're from, what school they go to etc. They should probably run internet safety/common sense lessons in schools.
  4. Someone post the Ice-T vid again. Fucking backwards machines. Up until a couple of years ago I'd never even seen one with more than one mouse button. Our university had Macs in the performance studios, and I couldn't believe they only had one button. Having to press the apple button to right click, rediculous. Then they got new ones and they had two buttons and a tiny mouse wheel, but still looked and felt like a bar of soap though. I never understood people who said they're better than PCs. I remember when I first started getting really into PC gaming, round about Duke Nukem 3D's release, that era, and I'd look at the games coming out, and like 1% of them would say Mac compatible. I'd think, 'Yeah, Macs are so good they can't run anything'. Don't know how much different it is now, but back then if you wanted to play games, you didn't get a Mac.
  5. You mean activation right? Activison didn't have anything to do with this game I don't think. Lol. Yeah if you buy Borderlands on a disc now, you have to pass an online activation check at install which was put there solely to stop people who bought the game early from playing the game before the Steam release date. Aside from the fact that my gaming PC is offline, and it's an inconvenience for me to connect it just to install a game, I know for a fact that in a year or so the activation servers will disappear, so if you try and install after that time, the game will not find the server and will either lock you out, or not let you install. Gearbox might make a way round it if people complain, if they even care about the game in a year's time, but I wouldn't risk it. Luckily though they've said that the next run of dvd prints will only contain a disc check, and not the online activation, so it's likely there'll be good old fashioned cd keys with retail versions bought sometime in the future. They haven't specified when that run of dvds will start though, so I'm gonna give it a considerable amount of time.
  6. Once you've played Fallout and Oblivion for a while, go to tesnexus.com and fallout3nexus.com and check out the zillions of cool mods for them. If you're talking PC. I'm gonna wait for Borderlands to be cheaper too, and also for the new retail version dvd prints that are supposed to be coming without the online activation. I uninstall games when I'm not using them, so in a couple years time if I think, 'Hey, I'd like to play Borderlands again.', I don't want to reinstall and get 'Failed to locate server, unable to activate your game, kiss Randy Pitchford's arse, you can't play the game you bought anymore. Please don't call technical support, we don't wanna talk to you.' Coz we know those activation servers are gonna go down in a year or two.
  7. I suppose all this is in repsonse to the girl who got 'Lured to her death on Facebook' recently. Thing is if she hadn't been so damn stupid as to add a complete stranger in his forties as a friend and then agree to meet him, she wouldn't have got killed by a complete stranger in his forties from Facebook. The whole idea for Facebook originally was that you only add friends that you know in real life. Now people add random nobodies and start talking to them and give out thier addresses and stuff, and then complain about the consequences. Stupidity invites death. Now excuse me while I go talk to my new friend Tim. He's 56, I've never met him before, he keeps sending me pictures of his weiner, and next weekend he wants me to dance for him in a lay-by on the M25. Can't wait.
  8. Anyone else reminded of when you die in The Lost Vikings?
  9. You know how you get some games with mission info on the loading screens? If you have the game on the hard drive, it loads much faster than on the dvd and you don't always have time to read the screen. If your box is upgraded to this, I can imagine load screens up for only a second before games start. No time to read anything. Bet Microsoft never thought they'd have people preforming this kind of surgery on their console.
  10. Where are your emulators? If they're in F:/Emulators then setting that folder as a source should work, and also mean that skins with an emulators link will take you straight to them.
  11. Apparently in Brazil where my Dad lives, they don't do burials, when you die you're cremated within a day or two. He'd be ash before I even knew he was dead.
  12. That's exactly it. The animations are very well made though. Just looked up Torchlight, looks interesting. I'll have to try it.
  13. Erm, I have been playing it, which is why I commented on it in the first place. If Baldur's Gate had never existed I'd still say the combat is dull, and I have every right to compare it to previous games that Bioware have made, it's got enough similar elements to them. I didn't like the combat systems in Jade Empire or Knights of the Old Republic either; I suppose that's babbling useless shit too is it? Dragon Age looks fine and is presented very well, but I just find the combat unsatisfying. Click enemies, watch your people slowly slug away at them until they die. Sure the tactical options are there and are relatively well implemented, but I prefer a faster paced hack and slash type system. Dragon Age’s combat might be more enjoyable on consoles, I don't know how different it is. I've enjoyed other recent medieval games more, like Oblivion and Dark Messiah, and I've enjoyed much older ones more too, such as Diablo and Daggerfall even. Like I said, I predict that when it comes out I'll enjoy Diablo III more too. It's almost as if I have an opinion. So stop acting like a cunt just because someone doesn't agree 100% with you. You'd think you were part of the Bioware development team the way you're acting. Get the fuck over yourself.
  14. The CEO of Bioware himself called it the spiritual successor to the Baldur's gate series, and the developers kept mentioning Baldur's Gate in their previews, hense me mentioning Baldur's Gate. It checks the box for slow, dull combat just like the Baldur's Gates. It looks very nice, but looks don't make a game fun.
  15. Sounds like you killed your dick.
  16. Looks like I'll prefer Diablo III when it comes out. I always prefered the Diablos to the Baldur's Gates, over a decade later and Blizzard will still win for me I think.
  17. That's such a funny image. I'd be affriaid I dropped my tower coz it's heavy. I buy games now, coz I can't be arsed waiting for 8GB downloads. It was fine when games were on CDs, 650mb or less, maybe a 2 discer here and there, but now they're on DVDs it's easier for me to buy the things legally when they've been out a while and are cheap.
  18. Interesting stuff. I want sound in the silent Toaplan games. Odd that Dogyuun isn't on that list.
  19. I wish the original wasn't still full price nearly. Stupid popularity stopping the usual price drop.
  20. Magneto looks like an alien with those glowing blue eyes.
  21. What exactly does all that mean?
  22. How about Knights of Valour? That almost worked fine on FBA-XXX Pro 1.29. The sound stuttered but it was playable.
  23. Mostly you just come accross (u) (j) (e) and it's not hard to work those out, but all the others could mean anything until you read the suffix key.
  24. Yeah, I looked into that a while back coz I wondered what the letters meant.
  25. That has to be one of the most annoying fighting game videos ever. The fact that you can win that way makes me sad.
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