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Everything posted by The-Ice-Man

  1. I think it depends on how much you're into the game. There's always extra modes and stuff on console ports, so if you're into your team survial modes and concept galleries and whatnot, the console ports might appeal, but I think unless there's something substantial, like extra characters, stick with the rom. Best examples of NeoGeo games worth getting the console ports of though are KoF 98 Ulimate Match, and KoF 2002 Unlimited Match. They're better than the NeoGeo version coz of all the extra characters and remixed music. Also, things like Street Fighter Alpha Anthology are very good, coz you get a whole load of games in one, plus a load of extra modes.
  2. Looks good. Anyone else thinking X-Men Legends 3 on the same engine is a likely possibility?
  3. So what's the deal if you buy a retail copy of Borderlands then? Is there an activation limit? And do you have to be online to play or only to install?
  4. I read about the DRM in Borderlands stopping people who bought the game early in stores from playing it before the release date by doing an online check during installation. How far does the DRM in this game go? Does it limit installations etc with bullshit activations and sneaky hidden malware like Spore, Far Cry 2 etc? If so it'll go on my increasing list of games I'll never buy. It's bad enough that you have to be online to install, as my gaming PC is offline.
  5. Ok, lets have a little bit of honesty here BP. You accuse me of constant harassment. This isn't quite true. I've never sent you a pm. Ever. You know that. What little I've said to you is visible on this forum, and in the last couple of days over at xbox-scene. In the short time I've been here, I've given you a handful of suggestions about CoinOps, which you responded to in your usual way, being impolite to me from the very start. I only used CoinOps very briefly before trying FBA. After which I stopped using CoinOps, so I didn't really have much to say about its development. I would however read the threads to see what was going on, and post some comments on what I thought would make it better. Over time, you grew to hate me for this, and I grew more and more to dislike your attitude towards people, as I read your less than pleasant responses to those who posted in your threads. One day, September 3rd to be exact, I made a derogatory post about you over at Status-X, which you saw despite not being a member there. You didn't like what I said, but a lot of people agreed with it. In hindsight, I regret what I said there, and not just because someone tattle-taled on me to you, but because I was quite harsh in what I said. But the lines were drawn then, and you responded over here quite negatively indeed. Most of the things said then were deleted from this forum by mods. Since then, I hadn't posted anything in any of the CoinOps threads, bar one or two minor posts, as I didn't want to spur off another argument in some way. So from then, till now, you've heard next to nothing from me. That is not constant harassment. So how I've slowed down your development I don't know. This week, October 26th to be exact, I didn't like the attitude you were giving Gilou and Cbagy regarding skins for CoinOps, so I posted my opinion about it, and you're attitude. You didn't like it, so you closed the thread, and we all know where it went from there. This makes a total of two altercations between us, with next to no contact in between. So again, you cannot call this constant harassment. On October 20th, seven days before this, you stated over at Xbox-scene that you were leaving to continue your work at a different site. This is a week before the 'flames' of the last few days. It doesn't take a genius to deduct that it's very likely you were already planning on 'leaving' here too. Trying to blame me or anyone else for your decision is a weak attempt at scapegoatism. I’m saying no more on this issue, or any issue regarding CoinOps, or yourself. I hope you’ll show the maturity of your actual age by not responding to this with more sarcasm and insults. Like Kenshiro, I have now had enough. I honestly wish you all the best in your new endeavour at this other site. Hopefully it will be somewhere where everyone gets along with you and you can work together with members on your new project.
  6. He was made before the update then so that's not an issue.
  7. Is Chuck a new character? As in made after the recent update to Mugen. If so it's possible there could be an incompatibily with new characters in XMugen coz Xmugen is based on the older version of Mugen. Just a thought, if characters were being made in a different way somehow since the update. Or like you say he could just be too memory draining for the xbox to handle.
  8. From the youtube videos he doesn't look really hi res himself, but the effects and stuff do. Have you tried asking at one of the mugen sites?
  9. Glad you finally got things sorted with that softmod.
  10. Depends if you're keeping old settings or not. You've just started from a blank hard drive right? So you're probably not wanting to save settings. So you can just delete the old XBMC folder, and replace it with the new one. If you did want to save settings, you'd just need to keep the userdata folder. All the rest should be deleted and replaced.
  11. You already have the best ones in there, perhaps just work on Legends. Or else, the ones Fu and Oldpainless mentioned.
  12. I'll give a big Do Not Want to those too. I just don't see the point in a round starting, and then being over after one special move. I just don't see the fun.
  13. Well, I suppose the bare minimun would be just a dashboard. Evox being the smallest.
  14. Ok, seen it now. Gonna have to give that a very large Do Not Want. What a waste of time character.
  15. Chuck Norris? Gotta see that. Is there a vid anywhere? I must get round to trying some Xmugen sometime.
  16. Now that you've got the hard drive lock sorted, you should be able to follow a softmod tutorial to get things working properly. There's probably quite a few by now. Search around for one. There's some at xbox-scene for sure.
  17. Could be, problem is I don't know what should be where for a working softmod.
  18. So you do have the MS Dash on there. Wonder why it couldn't find xboxdash.xbe then. Those letters are your partitions. They're meant to be there. C is for the MS Dash. E is for savegames. F is for you to do what ever you want with. X, Y and Z are the cache, they get used by games when you run them. I don't know why you have a H drive. That could be something to do with your softmod for all I know. Forget what I said about booting a disc, you won't be able to without a modchip. Someone with a softmod come help please.
  19. It has features that are for modchips, like the flash bios and locking/unlocking feature, but the software installer is for anything. It contains the MS dash, and your error message is related to the the MS Dash, so installing the MS Dash from the Slayer disc may help. Can you boot discs? More to the point, CD-Rs?
  20. Looks like your new hard drive doesn't have the Microsoft dashboard on it yet. The people with softmods will be able to help you better, but I'd say if you can get a cd to boot, run Slayer's Install Disc and install the Microsoft dash. That might stop that message.
  21. Wow. That's all I can say. Start installing things now.
  22. That's your problem right there. You're listening to whispers in the wind. You haven't done enough research. Go check some of your precious facts. Or continue to make them up. I don't know, or care what you've heard or think. No one does.
  23. The people I know from Status-X haven't left this site, so I don't know what you mean by returning. Cba.gy, Neill, Fumanchu, Kenshiro, for example, all still here. I never left here, I got invited to Status-X and joined. I post in both forums. I really don't have a fucking clue what you're on about with the other stuff. Whatever you may think, I don't have close personal relationships with anyone here or at Satus-X, so I don't know the details of any long standing feuds you may have with people. All I can tell you is that Status-X is a forum with members who help each other out instead of talk bullshit like you.
  24. That's good, I'd suggest also adding Konami, Psikyo, Sega (For the non Mega Drive ones) and Toaplan, assuming the games for those are going to be present. But what I was getting at is the idea of having a different visual background for each system. I'm guessing it's a no, and you'll have one background, with one romlist, and a button to switch filters.
  25. Yes. Final Burn will become obsolete when FBL comes out. I was just asking in case there were any games people wanted to be able play before FBL comes out. Excellent. Dunno if you saw my post in Neil's skin thread, but I now have an idea how to change the font. Though there's not much point in me releasing that skin for Final Burn really if it's soon to be super-seeded by Legends. Still, if you did see that post, what's your plan for Legend's GUI/Skin? Does the idea of system categories like FBA-XXX Pro take you? It would make sense to me when you've got over 2700 games. Having them all in one long list would be ok, but breaking them down into categories by system/hardware groups seems logical to me. Like the way you can filter the games in FBA on the PC. I could post the backgrounds I have made for each category if it was at all likely that they could be used.
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