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Everything posted by The-Ice-Man

  1. I believe anything's possible, but I know false bravado when I smell it, and girl, you reek of it.
  2. As someone who actually does have a full time job, I don't even have time to read all the bullshit that gets written in this forum anymore, I have to skim read through the shit Mr. Big Shot pours out. It's easy to pick up on the really big chunks of bullshit though, that's why I had to laugh. He likes to smoke girls? What the fuck kind of lingo is that? You guys ever smoked a woman before? I've smoked salmon, quite tasty. Maybe he's only just seen the Mask and thinks it's still cool to say smokin' like Jim Carey.
  3. Tyrian is awesome, looks like a good port.
  4. You're smoking something Pinocchio, that's for sure.
  5. Not happy but saw it coming. Brown was a waste of space with a stupid melted face. He'll be remembered as the most useless PM who was never elected. Hopefully the coalition will collapse soon and a better Labour leader will emerge to win the inevitable second election.
  6. Hope they make a different ending for each character this time. Was so pointless having the same one for everyone in MVC2.
  7. My PC runs on sunlight. That's why it doesn't work half the time.
  8. Watch out you don't go over 88mph in that last one, fuck knows where you'll end up.
  9. Couldn't stand to watch it all, skipped through in chunks. They tried to make it so epic, but it was laughable. Maybe if they'd played it as a spoof, instead of trying to be serious, it might have worked. If you want a serious Mega Man film, I think it has to be all CGI, made by Dreamworks or Pixar, with voice actors who can actually act. Points to the Wily actor for trying, he had the right idea of having some fun with it, but he was just surrounded by a cast of dead pan wooden dummies.
  10. Seriously Ems, listen to Bobby:
  11. Wow. I've just been educated. I had no idea. So they basically took that show and refilmed the out of costume bits with American actors?
  12. Already has, Skidrow released it a few days ago.
  13. I'll get to it eventually. Probably end up getting both together and playing them back to back.
  14. Why no love for the Splinter Cell series? Maybe it's better on 360? BTW: OMG. I would kill.
  15. Amazon reviews said it did. I was about to buy it and read the reviews first, a tonne of them complaining about DRM. That's how I find out if games have it. If you go on Amazon and find a PC game with a million 1 star reviews, you know it's DRM. I figure that for a lot of these DRM games on PC, I'll pick up eventually on 360, or else pirate them some day down the line.
  16. Would've bought the first on PC but it has DRM so didn't bother.
  17. I've seen it, looks like a PS2 game.
  18. Looks like one for the Angry Video Game Nerd.
  19. I feel the same way. I have an internet connection, (wired) on the PC downstairs, which is a shared Pentium 4, not powerful enough for new games. My personal gaming rig is upstairs, without an internet connection. There are no phone points upstairs for me to use, so I keep it offline. I don't play online games these days, so not having internet on my gaming rig is fine, plus it means less chance of spyware etc. It only becomes a problem when stupid DRM comes into play. As it is for me, the only way I could play Conviction legally, would be to buy a wireless interface card for each PC, and a wireless router, so the two computers could share a wireless connection. Not going to happen just to play the singleplayer part of a game. Therefore, I am going to pirate Conviction, and I don't feel guilty either, as Ubisoft have made me do it themselves.
  20. Yeah you have to buy Time Crisis 4 to get it. The TopGun II says it works on the PS3, but I've read that it doesn't. Or more to the point, that it only works for PS2 games on backwards compatible PS3s. Not sure about that though. Asside from Time Crisis 4, are there any other light gun games even out for the PS3?
  21. Not sure what you've got against the Splinter Cell games there, the series is definitely in the top ten if you ask me. Cinder's right though. I now have two choices if I want to play Conviction, either pirate it, or buy it on console. I don't want to buy a 360 at the moment, so it's probably going to be the Skidrow pirate release on PC. I didn't want to pirate it, I bought all the previous games legally, but I actually don't have much choice here. When broadband first came out, I went through a phase of pirating PC games, coz they were only on CDs at the time, easy to download at up to 600mb for each game, the odd double CD one. But then when games started being on DVDs, at over 8gb a pop, I stopped pirating them. Too much download time for one game, and I noticed that the price of PC games that had been out a little while had dropped significantly, so I started buying up games a year or two after their release, when they were down to £5 or so. Occasionally I'll buy a game I really want at release, like I was going to with Conviction. DRM is now stopping me from doing that in a lot of cases, and almost convincing me to go back to my pirating ways.
  22. I really think it's time to just make new rips of the original CDs. If you don't have the original CDs, just download them from somewhere, in bin/cue format. Which let's face it, is no more illegal than making copies from a friend's discs anyway.
  23. Say what?! For shame. They're some of the best the Xbox has to offer. Edit: Oh dear. Looks like I won't be buying this game on PC after all. I was about to buy it on Amazon when I read that it needs a constant internet connection to play the single player game. Bullshit. My gaming rig is offline. Even if it wasn't why the hell are they still doing this DRM bullshit? Just to play the damn game you have to connect to Ubisoft's server? Which could be down at anytime, meaning you can't play. And you just know that in a couple of years time they'll be down all together, so no going back and playing a game you bought a while ago coz you felt like replaying it. I hate this stuff. It's really like they don't want me to buy PC games anymore. Chalk up another good game that I won't be buying, coz of a publisher's stupidity.
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