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Everything posted by The-Ice-Man

  1. ^What the hell again? That's some wierd bot.
  2. ^What the hell?
  3. I don't bother with pcsxbox anymore, but when I first tried it that was the only game I was interested in. I had the exact same problem, and I was using bin/cue. You'll know the problem isn't your cd image if you play it in epsxe on your PC. It'll work fine there. The problem is either the version of pcsxbox, try a newer one if there is one, or it's the settings. Or, pcsxbox just can't play SOTN's fmvs with sound for some reason.
  4. I use a great big crossover cable, and for some reason I've always found that files transfer much quicker if I'm in evox, than if I'm in XBMC. As for putting your xbox hard drive into an enclosure, your problem would be that windows, or linux or whatever won't be able to read or write to the drive as it's in fatx. Unless someone's made a file explorer which recognises it.
  5. Women in the UK are all stupid whores. Yet to meet one that isn't.
  6. Or a Dreamcast with accessories and games for around £40. If that.
  7. Seriously now, a real Dreamcast is way cheaper than a new PC, and all you have to do then is put the disc in and play. You'll be able to pick up a console with four controllers, two guns, four memory cards and some games for next to nothing on ebay.
  8. I don't know much about Dreamcast emulation, but that sounds like too little ram to even bother. I could be wrong. But you'd struggle to run some MAME games with that.
  9. ^ Yep. I use MC360 which has a button on the games blade that takes you straight to your emulators. Most other skins have an emulators link or at least a programs link which does pretty much the same thing so long as you have your emulators folder set up as a source. I don't see a need for a specially made XBMC which only launches emulators, unless maybe your xbox is in an arcade cabinet, and used only for emulation.
  10. You could always burn it to a disc and play it in a real dreamcast. Much better that way.
  11. That's another Sega one isn't it? I have the master system version on MekaX if it's the same, it's a lightgun game. Sega games aren't doing too well on FBA-XXX Pro at the moment, but you never know.
  12. No hundreds I see. Cheap.
  13. Sorry, I must have dreamt it.
  14. Dragon Blaze is in the test build of FBA 1.30. It works nearly full speed with sound. The sound stutters a bit when slowdown occurs, but asside from that it's fine. Maybe with a few more tweaks it'll work without the sound stutter. Same for Gunbird 2 and Strikers 1945 2.
  15. I'm confused. FBA v0.2.97.06 is the latest version of Final Burn Alpha for PC right? So what's Final Burn 0.517? An older version? Newer, or something different?
  16. When you get the test build, look through the others section and count the Psikyo games.
  17. Nope, just three posts of any kind. Which you've done. Woop.
  18. I like IT, so I'd be ok with it. But it'd be a dream killer.
  19. Modded Xboxes can run fine without DVD drives. That's how the Xbox slim case mod works. You sacrifice the DVD drive for a slightly slimmer xbox. You'll probably need a bios that allows you to disable the DVD check at boot. The X2 5035 for example, or the iND bios v5003 both allow you to do this through their config.inis.
  20. That's exactly how it should be. You need that space on your E drive for savegames. The C drive is for the Microsoft dash stuff and should be left alone really. You can put stuff on the E drive if you really want, but with over 400GB on your F drive, you shouldn't need to. You might wanna double check your cluster size with XBPartitioner, as I don't know if Slayers Disc sets it to 32kb for drives over 250GB. Better safe than sorry. The last thing you want is your data wiping itself next year.
  21. IT is my backup idea if this acting bollocks doesn't pick up. You just need to know the right course to do that will give you a qualification employers want. I'm not much good with networks. I'd need to do a course to set one up properly.
  22. He's the man behind the Banana Hammock.
  23. Thanks, it'd be great if you could find the actual soundtrack. I was told about a program called M1, which I can use to play and record the music straight from the MAME rom itself. It works ok, but the music in the rom is in the form of short looping tracks. The soundtrack CD itself will probably have the full songs.
  24. Bottom Live is awesome, got them on DVD. I've seen Rik Mayall live in the New Statesmen at Hull Royal Theatre, that was awesome too.
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