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Everything posted by The-Ice-Man

  1. Sounds like you have a few episodes mixed up there.
  2. It was the same for the X-Files. There was a season where at the end it wrapped up pretty much everything that had happened since the begining. Then they started a whole new bunch of stuff in the next one, then Mulder left and it was shit. Sometimes they carry things on when they should have stopped.
  3. New Sony Bravias beam the image directly into your brain.
  4. I wouldn't know, I stopped watching at season 8.
  5. I would say watch SG1 up until the end of season 8. After that Richard Dean Anderson left which sucks very much. The end of season 8 pretty much tied everything up nicely, so it's a good point to stop. Seasons 9 and 10 introduced a new lot of aliens, Ben Browder and Claudia Black from Farscape as new main characters, and Beau Bridges as the new commander. If you do go for season 9 and 10 you'll need to watch the straight to dvd movie Stargate: The Ark of Truth, as that raps up the story arc that begins in season 9. If you stop at season 8 you'll still wanna watch the second straight to dvd movie, Stargate: Continuum, as that wraps up everything from the first 8 seasons once and for all.
  6. I'm not sure what's worse, the game or the guy in the video. Not what a Young Ones game should be, just walking around doing fuck all. It should be mayhem. I bet there's a few crappy Bottom games out there too.
  7. I never owned a Nintendo so I never played any Zelda either. The only one I have now is A Link to the Past on Zsnes. I'll get round to playing through it one day, but all the Final Fantasys will come first.
  8. You'll have to ask the man himself if you want the new beta.
  9. The above mentioned, Farscape, and Lexx. Lexx is an awesome underdog. Not to everyone's tastes, but I believe up there with the best orginal sci fi. What you should try and do sometime is watch all the Star Trek series and movies in chronological order. Which is harder than you think seen as The Next Generation, Deep Space 9, Voyager and the later movies all overlap. It can be done though. Ask if you wanna know the order. You basically have to watch some of the seasons concurrently, alternating episodes like they said you had to with series 1 of Angel and whatever season of Buffy was on at the same time. Don't touch either of those shit fests though, not even if you actually like vampires.
  10. 1.30 has not been released yet, coz it's not finished. It's still going through testing.
  11. The eyebrows are right.
  12. Yeah but FBA uses much newer romsets, a lot of which have different names, so you'll have to do some renaming.
  13. Had a feeling someone would have put it up somewhere else. Just so you know you're getting the full set, it should be over 5GB in size. If it's not, then it's not the set I was talking about.
  14. There's a full 1.29 romset which includes one of the later builds of 1.29, over at a particular site. Which of course I can't link to and is invite only anyway. Someone may have shoved it on a torrent somewhere, I don't know.
  15. I kind of agree with Jan Oberg. It doesn't quite seem right that the man now in control of the largest military force in the world should get this. Mother Teresa never had a nuke button.
  16. Seems like a letdown for the first DLC character. May as well be an alternate costume for Venom. I know they're not the same but still. I don't think they'll waste time with Beta Ray Bill as a separate character to Thor, or War Machine as separate character to Iron Man. So why bother with Carnage when there are so many other different characters out there?
  17. There are two moons. Maybe even three.
  18. I like it. Let's all live on the moon, but we're gonna blow it to shit first.
  19. I hardly ever drink now. I actually can't remember the last time I was drunk. I'll be going to my sister's halloween party on the 30th so I'll be drunk then for sure.
  20. Look for the EMS Topgun II if you want a lightgun for LCD screens. It's one of only a few out there, certainly the best looking. I've read mixed reviews. Some people over here have said they've tried it and had no problems. You'd have to just suck it and see. Here's some guy clicking away with one. I'd turn the recoil off if possible.
  21. Strider 2 also works fine in MAME on your PC.
  22. I've just checked Micro Machines 2 in Kega Fusion and it's fine. In Gens it seems to run the same speed as in Fusion, but the horn sound effect is wrong. It doesn't make a difference whether you set it to 50fps or 60fps either. NeoGenesis is based on Gens I think, so the error carried over to the xbox.
  23. I've noticed that about the horn noise too. It's not just NeoGenesis that does this. I remember Gens on the PC being the same too. I didn't think that the games were too fast though. By the way, what's this doing in the SNES forum?
  24. A real one? Or the emu with roms? If you want a real one: http://shop.ebay.co.uk/i.html?LH_AvailTo=3...p3286.m63.l1177 The emu with full set, you're asking the right person in Fu.
  25. Queer Rattlesnake. That'd be a good Indian name.
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