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Everything posted by The-Ice-Man

  1. If I have to read a book to use it, it's too complicated.
  2. Why didn't Batman just say thank you to the Predator?
  3. I still use Paint Shop Pro 7. Photoshop is too complicated for my brain. I've recently tried GIMP but when it comes down to it, I like my old Paint Shop.
  4. Ooh a Sagat eyepatch. Quick, someone shoryuken me so I have a scar to match.
  5. How bout Capcom vs Marvel vs SNK? Only in the style of SF4 instead of Mugen.
  6. Yup. Much better. Seen her before.
  7. ^This. Or Marvel vs Capcom 3.
  8. Yeah, his is one pixel bigger than everbody else's mouthes.
  9. Just imagine playing Megaman with that little Dhalsim. Yoga Flame!
  10. Yes, definitely wait if you haven't bought SF4 already.
  11. At least they'll have all the characters from SSF2 now. DJ and T-Hawk should've been in the initial release if you ask me. I always did like Dudley, don't care for the others. You know what they should do, add Haggar. He was supposed to be in the original SF2, but they decided they wanted Street Fighter to have all original characters and that's why Zangief exists. Then in Alpha they started adding Final Fight characters anyway, but Haggar didn't make it.
  12. I never liked Chun Li. If you're gonna dress up, dress as Cammy.
  13. xSnes9x is very good, in fact I currently use it, but there are some games that don't play properly on it, like Earthworm Jim 2. Sound's all stuttery in that one no matter what sound options you alter.
  14. Has Madmab fixed Snes9xbox so that it works without horrible sound stuttering? All the UI fixes are nice but if it still doesn't play the games properly like Zsnes and xSnes9x, then there's certainly no point in putting it in CoinOps. Zsnesxbox is probably the best to use. It works the best and already has all the video support and stuff.
  15. They're awesome. Someone should use them to replace the characters in a Power Battles hack.
  16. Looks like my crack whore comment got outta hand. Nice that Cominus wants to do Elijah Wood, I hear he's been lonely since the Return of the King.
  17. She's nothing but a crack whore. Sick of seeing her face on my tv screen.
  18. All messages will be traced? Sounds like someone's trying to steal some personal information somehow.
  19. I like this.
  20. Have you not seen the huge amount of Half-Life mods? There're thousands. I'm not certain but I think the code was released at the same time the game was, or very soon after. You've heard of Counter-Strike? Never would've happened if they'd not released the source code. That takes me back, playing Beta 1 of Counterstrike. They did the same with Half-Life 2. Code was released very soon after and thousands of mods were made. Unless there's some specific problem, Half-Life could've been ported to Xbox around the same time Quake was. I don't know, the Half-Life community is 99.9% PC based, so maybe there wasn't interest in doing it.
  21. The source code for Half-Life has been available from it's release, so an Xbox port isn't beyond the realms of possibility. If they can do Aliens vs Predator and Quake, Half Life could surely be done. Half-Life's engine is a modified Quake engine after all. But all these games we've mentioned should be played with a keyboard and mouse if you ask me. So Xbox ports hold no appeal for me. Proper Windows ports of Blood and Redneck do though. Eduke and JfShadowWarrior are awesome, and so is Doomsday for the Dooms, Heretic and Hexen. WinROTT is meh, but that's only coz Rise of the Triad's level design is so poopy.
  22. You are tiny gwasshopper!
  23. As far as I know the Build games need a powerful PC to run properly in DosBox. So I don't see the xbox being powerful enough. I play Duke Nukem and Shadow Warrior using source ports on the PC, and Redneck Rampage and Blood using VDMSound. If they ever release the source code to Blood and Redneck it'd take minutes for someone to make proper source ports of them. I hate Atari for holding the code back.
  24. What, you've never seen a man with his legs cut off start flying around like a jetpack before?
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