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Everything posted by The-Ice-Man

  1. Yeah Tom Crusie is gay in it, like in most of his films but Val Kilmer's not though. You're ok with Iceman, but Goose or Mav and you're either dead or gay.
  2. What's wrong with Iceman?
  3. Lost count how many times I've reinstalled windows.
  4. Did you leave all that space before the pic for suspense? Is it me or does he look a bit odd without his sort of belt and underpants? Suppose we can assume his alternate costume will be his none ice form.
  5. That post was over a year ago, and it's not clear if he was talking about Blood Storm or another MK project. Has anyone heard any actual news from this year? If not then hard drive crash or not Blood Storm's probably not coming out. Shame, but at least we still have Trilogy.
  6. It's all so cloak and dagger right now. Everyone wondering what new games are gonna be in 1.30. Post your hopes and guesses while we wait for Kenshiro's finger to pull the trigger. Or rather, hit the upload button.
  7. Wierd. Maybe one of your internet related components has had a virus or spyware or something attach itself to it, and the antivirus programs are detecting it and blocking access to the component. If you do a full scan do they come up with any results?
  8. Better than some of the wastes of space on there already. They should make another Punisher game, I really liked the Xbox one.
  9. Oddly enough I got through all of Deep Space 9 for the first time recently, they've been showing Next Gen, DS9 and Voyager on Virgin1 over here for the past year. They've shown all of DS9 and Next Gen, and we're on to the last series of Voyager now I think. Next Gen is still the best, but I like them all.
  10. I love my good old angle grinder. I mean, Dreamcast. I'd buy a 360 Elite myself, if I had the money, a big HDTV, and the space to put them in. I'd only get a PS3 if they made some kind of ultimate model which plays PS1 and PS2 games, and it'd have to come with a really big hard drive, like 500gb. And why haven't Microsoft made a 500gb hard drive for the 360 yet? When I first read that they'd be clip on, I assumed they'd keep releasing bigger sizes to cash in on people's need for space. Microsoft are stupid these days.
  11. Oops, seem to have double posted somehow. Sorry. Mods remove if possible.
  12. Unlike some. lol what? When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Or something like that.
  13. Or anything else that makes proper use of 8 way direction.
  14. I still want the Punisher.
  15. And then stopping it from disabling programs you actually want to use.
  16. Have you seen Power Rangers these days? I caught some of whatever new series they're onto the other day. It's got a much bigger budget now, it was all effects and proper violent martial arts and stuff. It was real serious. Nothing like the original series. The orignal series seems like the 60's Batman show in comparison to what it's like now.
  17. Just ESET antivirus or antivirus and firewall? It's possible that software firewalls are set to block your wifi by default. You'll be able to set them up so they don't, it's just a case of knowing how to do it in the program you're using. It usually involves opening a port, or giving certain programs full outgoing and incoming access. If it's just antivirus then I don't see why it should affect connection.
  18. I went to bluerectangle.com. They buy books.
  19. Nah, you're right, it does.
  20. What do we think then, new thread for 1.30? Like the millions of CoinOps threads. Or just rename this one when the time comes?
  21. This will lead to bad things. I just know it.
  22. If they really do start mixing Disney characters with Marvel characters then it really is time for the world to end.
  23. Norton? Really? I haven't heard anyone recommend Norton for anything in years. I used to use Norton Internet Security 2005, but after that version every version since slowed things down way too much, and then left tonnes of stuff behind after uninstall. I've been using ZoneAlarm since coz it doesn't leave a trace behind when you uninstall and it doesn't slow things down much, but I'm getting sick of it now coz unless you keep resetting the auto learn feature, you get a warning message every time a program tries to do something. It's like, warning, Internet Explorer is trying to access the internet. No shit. McAfee is the worst I've ever used though. You're well rid of that if you can get rid of all traces of it.
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