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Everything posted by The-Ice-Man

  1. Just wait for it, Mickey vs Wolverine, the ultimate battle. Mickey wins with the power of being so fucking annoying that Wolverine just leaves to get away from the bastard.
  2. I like wires. Wires won't let you down. Unless someone cuts them.
  3. Some dreamcasts seem to break after a while. I wish they'd make new ones. Coz if you replace it you're only replacing it with second hand, which could break the same way after a while. If you know anyone that could repair it get them to have a look, otherwise go look on ebay.
  4. Um, should Mr. Fantastic look like that much of a doufus?
  5. What happens exactly? I had a dreamcast that worked fine for ages, then one day it started to stop working. It would sometimes play a disc for a minute or two, and then just cut out, as if the signal to the TV had gone or something. Sometimes it would cut out straight after the dreamcast logo movie, and sometimes it'd not even get that far. I had to get a new dreamcast in the end, but it was years later till I bothered coz I had an xbox by then and didn't play my dreamcast much. Last year though I missed my old dreamcast games so I bought a replacement off ebay.
  6. Is it just burnt disks that it does it with or originals too?
  7. I suppose you'd call it a painting. You really only call something a tattoo if it's on skin. Doesn't look like a sticker.
  8. Can I have a pm for a link pweeeeezze? (Just kidding)
  9. That would be awesome. You could have a tattoo of a butt with a tattoo of a butt on it, which has a tattoo of a butt on it, which also has a tattoo of a butt on it, which has a tattoo of a butt on it, which..........
  10. Maybe it's time to put the options to some sort of vote.
  11. The Ace Combat series if you like planes.
  12. Serious? I think not. Kenshiro just suggested that name coz he says the next release contains something that he thinks may give you 'bamboo'. Bamboo being much harder than wood, so it must be something pretty exciting. No idea what it is though.
  13. I remember the same thing happening when I first tried a CD32 game. It means your settings are wrong. I don't remember what settings you need off hand, but try highlighting Alien Breed in the game list and pressing x to modify the settings. Then go to select machine defaults, and choose CD32 1MB FastRAM, then good compatibility/faster. Then press b to start the game and see if it works. I'm assuming you're actually using an ISO of the CD32 version of Tower Assault. If it's any other version of Alien Breed then you don't need to use the CD32 settings, you'll need to use one of the regular Amiga machine setups. A1200 with 4mb ram expansion should work for all the other Alien Breeds.
  14. Kenshiro's thinking about codenaming the next release 'Bamboo Maker'. That's the latest news.
  15. I don't have a hill high enough. I've never had any letters or emails about downloading games or music, and I don't do movies. The only thing I've had is my isp complain about me using too much bandwidth. Stupid fair use policies. We pay for unlimited usage but we're not allowed to download all day every day apparently. I'm not whoever you mentioned before by the way.
  16. Will get this at some point when it's cheap if it gets released in the UK this time. I like picking up PC games for £5 when they've been out a while. Just so long as there's no DRM. If it doesn't get released here again, I'll just have to download it.
  17. They seem to be trying to crack down on piracy these days. I hardly use torrents, I use emule. Can they trace that?
  18. I'd do this one regardless. Till I broke her.
  19. From what I understand you have to have a 360 that hasn't been updated with the latest mandatory upgrade in order to install the hack and then run this emulator. You then have to never update your 360 again which means you can't play on LIVE.
  20. You won't ever stop the Japanese from whaling. You know why? It tastes fantastic. They say.
  21. Times New Roman is what I always used for essays. Not a good font for a forum.
  22. There's tonnes of beat-em ups you can play on FBA. Loads of Neo-Geo ones, and not just King of Fighters. There's the Fatal Fury series, Art of Fighting, World Heroes. Then some cool one offs like Waku Waku 7. Soul Calibur can be played on Dreamcast emulators for sure. Wouldn't know about it's arcade version. The only 3D rendered game I've played on MAME is Strider 2 on MameUI32.
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