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Everything posted by The-Ice-Man

  1. So Splinter Cell: Conviction is now out for PC, and I'll probably be getting it sooner or later, it's bound to be awesome, but I have one question. Why has Sam Fisher got progressively younger in the Splinter Cell games? They made a point of how old he is in the first game, and then with each sequel made him appear younger and younger. The biggest change in look came at Chaos Theory where he suddenly seemed to drink a potion of youth and drop from a man in his fifties to a man in his early forties. Now Conviction is here and he looks like he's had another potion and is now in his early thirties or younger. Say nothing for the fact that his face has changed completely each time. I know characters get redesigned, but I think they've gone silly with Sam. He's supposed to be this seasoned, over the hill but won't quit kind of guy. Now he's just looking like your standard action hero type, like Chris Redfireld or something. I seriously think by the next game he'll look younger than Chris. I mean he's voiced by an actor now aged 60, whose voice just doesn't fit anymore. What are they thinking? Being old isn't cool?
  2. This really should be called Gun II. Red Dead was light hearted and silly in places. This is gritty and realistic. Like Gun was.
  3. Maybe. All my optician told me was that it's something to do with the axis of my eye. And that as I get older, it may alter so I can see it again, like I used to be able to when I was younger.
  4. They kept saying on the radio over here that Clash of the Titans was better in 2D. They were telling everyone not to see the 3D version.
  5. Also, .ccd files aren't used for isos. They're for clone CD images. Regular Isos are just a .iso file. Clone CD images are usually three files, .ccd .img and .sub files. Sounds to me like there's been some mix up with the images somewhere. I'm thinking you should get the discs off your friend, test that they all work, and then make your own images from them, using Alcohol 52%, Nero, UltraISO, or whatever your favourite CD software is.
  6. Have you tried it in MAMEUI on a PC? You won't get a memory error there.
  7. Depressed? On meds? Drugs? Join 1emulation! What's going on here guys? I recommend:
  8. Who me? No. I said N64 and Gamecube ones do.
  9. Shooting goombas Contra style, win.
  10. Are they planning on remaking all the old Final Fantasy games on DS? They've done 3 and 4 to my knowledge. I know 1, 2, 5 and 6 have been remade more than once on different consoles already, it's just that that they never managed to make a consistant collection on one console. They almost did it on Gameboy advance, but missed 3, which is why it ended up on DS. The PSP Anniversary edition of FF1 is the best looking remake so far I think, I like the 2D graphics better than 3D.
  11. I never liked Nintendo. I was always a Sega guy, and then Microsoft when Sega decided to ruin my life and not make any more consoles. It's only after I started getting properly into emulation that I've really played anything Nintendo. It's only looking back through emulation that I can see that the NES and SNES were actually quite awesome. I didn't know that the SNES was technically superior to the Mega Drive coz I never had one. But the N64 still failed compared to PSX and Saturn, purely coz it was cartridge based and just couldn't fit the same amount of content as the CDs on PSX and Saturn could, that and a shitty controller. Gamecube, on par mainly with the Xbox technically, apart from bad controller and games list. There are only a handful of games on the Gamecube that I really wanted to play, or more to the point, wanted to be ported to Xbox. Resi 1, Resi 0 and The Twin Snakes. The Wii, can seriously kiss my arse. Games that look like I could have made better 3D models myself in Milkshape? No thanks. Shaking a stick around? No thanks. The only thing I like about the Wii is the design of the console itself. It's size and look is much nicer than the 360 or PS3. As for 3D, if they can make it so you don't need glasses, and I can actually see it, it's fine by me. But the price had better drop to the same as a regular TV, or I'll never buy it.
  12. Like I said, try using epsxe to run the game from the actual playstation discs. Just put the discs in and choose run CDROM from the file menu. (Make sure that under config you're pysical CDROM drive letter is selected first.) If the game reads and runs from all the the real discs, the isos have to be the problem. In which case you can try ripping them to bin/cue format, which is better anyway if the game uses redbook audio.
  13. That was my original point. He was shitting on your project, and for no good reason. Do you really think everything he's said here is just about cba's skin? That's why I posted. It wasn't hard to read between the lines when he was mocking the 'years of work'.
  14. The day 360 homebrew becomes as easy and well presented as Xbox, is the day I actually buy one.
  15. Maybe it could be made to work on touchscreen monitors. One day everything will be touch screen I think, then DS emulation might be good, but only with a PC I think, or more powerful console.
  16. If we were talking epsxe on the PC then you can try playing directly from the real discs, and if they all work then it's definitely the images that's the problem.
  17. Again in slow mo. Would anyone really enjoy playing games at that speed? Would piss me off. Not that I have a DS, but wouldn't the lack of a touch screen be a problem in some games? How would you play brain training for example?
  18. For some reason this is in Mugen, so which PSX emulator are you talking about, on which platform?
  19. I still can't see 3D. I'm really hoping it's a fad that goes away soon. I already wear glasses to watch TV anyway, there's no way I'm wearing two pairs at once all the time I wanna watch TV.
  20. Lol. Over 80,000 views now. I didn't know the admins cared enough to doctor threads in that manner. What the hell? Seriously, if it weren't for the small bunch of decent people here, I really wouldn't bother coming here anymore.
  21. Ok, is it just me or is the game running in slow motion in that video? If it runs like that on the Wii, how do you expect it to run well on the Xbox?
  22. I'm sorry but I really don't understand what you're saying at all. More so than usual. All I can make out is that you're apparently happy that the RX links were removed, and you believe that statistically 'your' project is better because it's had more downloads than the Madmab emulators. That would make sense though seen as there have been a million different versions of CoinOps out, over a long period of time, and the Xtras have only just been released, and then subsequently sabotaged. You're saying look at the stats, but what stats, and what do you think they prove? As for the rest, I honestly can't work out what point you're trying to make. The point I'm trying to make though, is that your constant attempts at ridicule and trolling of other members here, does no good for anyone, on either side of your fictional war. So stop doing it. I mean look at what just happened here. Cba posted an updated skin, and you took that as a signal to troll even further than you have in this thread. Why?
  23. True, but this constant back biting for no good reason has to stop. I just read what actually happened to the RX uploads, and I'm thinking, if there are people from outside Xbox-scene and 1emu willing to sabotage an entire project from this community, shouldn't we be more concerned with threats from the outside, than pointless in-fighting within? We get it BP, you own us. But how are you helping by constantly reminding us? The way I see it, everyone invloved with the RX project just took a big hit, and you're trying to kick them while they're down.
  24. You seem to be confusing cba's skins with the Ressurection Xtras project. They're not the same thing. The RX project has been 'years of work' these skins haven't. They're just some quick skins that make use of the dynamic skin configurations in the Madmab edtion Xport emulators. Cba has never said they're anything other than that. As usual your posts make no sense.
  25. Looks serious compared to the original. More like a sequel to Gun than Red Ded Revolver. And where's Red?
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