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Everything posted by The-Ice-Man

  1. What's the word on this then?
  2. I thought you were saying fail at my post saying the same thing as Fumanchu's.
  3. Fu posted while I was still in the middle of writing my reply. I didn't know till after I'd hit the add reply button.
  4. I was just thinking logically, you take off the banana hammock, you find the trouser snake. I vote against codename stink bug. That's awful. And I vote against meat goggles now I know what they are.
  5. Yeah I tried the CD32 version, video was choppy as hell, but the gameplay is ok. The AGA version works perfectly, of course that doesn't have the video though. I think the only way to play Tower Assualt and watch the intro and outro movies properly is to download the PC CD-Rom version and run it under Dosbox. I did that just to see what the intro was like as I'd never seen it before. I only used to have the demo on pc. The acting is terrible. I mean really bad. I'm an actor myself, and I can safely say I've never seen worse in a video game FMV. After seeing the intro I'm not bothered about seeing the outro, so I'm just gonna keep the AGA version in my WinUAEX rom folder. The Alien Breeds are the best games on Amiga hands down. Nothing else comes close.
  6. You can run it off a DVD yes, or if you really wanted, burn it to DVD and then copy to the hard drive. But the most common way of getting anything onto an Xbox is via FTP. If you don't know how to FTP to your xbox, there are plenty of tutorials on a whole load of websites. Just search. Most people have large hard drives installed so they run everything off the hard drive rather than off DVDs. Since you said softmod, I'm gonna hazard a guess that you haven't ever opened your box up and you have a stock hard drive. Not great for arcade emulation. A full romset for CoinOps or FBA will fill your stock E drive completely, in fact you won't even fit a full set on a stock E drive. If you have a stock drive, then running from a DVD might actually be your best option. Unless you only want a few games, then just FTP them over.
  7. Blackbolt's site finally back up. Was begining to think it'd never come back.
  8. Beat me to it. Since you're calling the next release 1.30, maybe we should give it a codename.
  9. I like pinball games. Addicition Pinball is still my favourite. I also like the Pro Pinball series, Pure Pinball and Balls of Steel. But if you're into pinball in a big way, I'd try Future Pinball. It's newer and much better I think than Visual Pinball, certainly easier to set up. It's full 3D, with very sophisiticated physics, and there are litterally thousands of tables to download for it, a lot of them recreations of real ones, but also some really good original creations. http://www.futurepinball.com/ Forums are still active if you need help with it, and I'm sure you'll find links to many tables through there. http://www.futurepinball.com/forum/
  10. I lost interest at page 5. I mean come on, 14 pages of replies in a day? Those people who updated should just plug their 360 controllers into their PCs and use them to do right now, all the things they're hoping that will maybe one day be possible on their 360s. I can't believe people are actually thinking about buying a second console just to test out this new hack. My little rant about Microsoft's fear of homebrew I wrote at Status-X still stands though. If they'd alter their attitude and just let homebrew developers be, there wouldn't be people getting into such a fuss about the possibilty of running Linux on their 360.
  11. The latest build is an unofficial test compile that was never meant to be released. A new official build, v1.30 is on the way though, with apparantly a number of nice new additions. Kenshiro says it may be ready before the end of the month.
  12. I think he meant the GI Joe movie.
  13. These ones sure do. Big ones.
  14. Wikipedia is your friend guys. The Temple Institute are orthodox Jews who want to rebuild the temple that was destroyed by the Romans in the seige of Jerusalem, so that they can start sacrificing lambs and stuff again. There is the small matter of the giant Islamic shrine located right where they want to build it though. I don't mind if they do manage to build a temple there or not. Most orthodox Jews believe this should happen, but there's a debate over whether or not it should be built by man or by god. God isn't going to build one for them anytime soon if you ask me, so if they want one, they should do it themselves.
  15. As far as I'm aware there are 15 animations no matter what bios you use. 16 if you include random as one. They're technically part of the MS dash. The new bioses just unlock the ability to choose from them. Like you say the only way to know what each one looks like is to try them out one by one. I couldn't be bothered doing that to choose a favourite so I just set it to random. I like it being different every time. Someone may have made a config maker for the X2 5035 bios, there's definitely one for the X3 bioses. But I don't mind editing the ini by hand. It's just changing a few numbers. I've been thinking more and more about getting a 500gb drive. There's more games and roms I wanna try but I don't have the space. I read that the new XBPartitioner can add support for partitions over a terrabyte. The cluster size has to be set to 128kb to avoid corruption though. That's a lot of wasted space for small files. Edit: The config maker for X2 5032 and 5035 is called X2ool.
  16. Oh I didn't mean another emulator like that, as in try another. I meant it as in nearly every emu that uses the NeoGeo bios needs a different variation of neogeo.zip, and it can be hard sometimes to find one with CRCs that match what you need. I tracked down one for a PSP emu for someone recently, completely different contents to the latest MAME set coz it wasn't up to date, but it's what that emu needed. If you don't already have it, finding the one that CoinOps needs can be a bitch, coz it's not up to date. Anyway, I have a feeling this guy may be sorted now.
  17. Looked like a pile of crap when I saw the trailer. This is how it should be done:
  18. Another emulator, another neogeo.zip. They can be a son of a bitch to find the one you're after sometimes, if the emu doesn't use an up to date bios set. Luckily it seems the latest MAME set will work, I just checked the CRCs Robert listed. Now I know a place that has said neogeo.zip, which should work for you, but I of course can't link to that place here.
  19. First make sure you're actually using the X2 5035 or maybe the slightly older X2 5032 bios, as they're the only ones that support this. Then FTP your x2config.ini file over to your PC. It should be in the root of your E drive. If it's not then you'll need to get the default config file from the bios's .rar file. They're still on xbins. Once you have it, open up your x2config.ini using notepad or whatever, and change the values that you want. These are all the ones that pertain to the visual style of the boot up sequence, in the order they appear in a default config: ; display flubber anim doStartupAnimation = 1 This must be set to 1 for flubber animation to happen. 0 disables. ; logo colors colorXlip = ff000100 colorXlipHighlights = ff4b9b4b colorInnerWalls = ff216a17 colorInnerGlow = ffcbdf01 colorXboxText = ff62ca13 Change the Xbox logo colour using RGB values. ; flubber (blob) colors colorBlob = ff26ff3f colorBlobGlow = 00a0ff40 colorGreenFog = 00a0ff60 colorFogGlowStart = ff00ff00 colorFogGlowEnd = 009fff66 Change the flubber colour using RGB values. ; 3 scene colors ; ambient colorFlubberScene1 = ff35ff19 ; diffuse colorFlubberScene2 = ff35ff19 ; specular colorFlubberScene3 = ff35ff19 Not entirely sure, change the colour of something anyway. ; do random flubber randomFlubber = 1 Set to 1 for random animation each time you boot. Set to 0 to use the value defined below. ; flubber animation number, 0 - 14 flubberAnimationNumber = 2 Choose the specific animation you want at boot. Assuming the above is 0 you'll get the same each time. ; display flubber blob in wireframe mode flubberWireFrame = 0 Set to 1 for flubber in wireframe. ; display the TM logo displayTmLogo = 1 Set to 0 to get rid of the TM after the word Xbox in the logo. ; define the xbox logo background color xLogoBackgroundColor = ff000000 Change the background colour of the Xbox logo using RGB values. ; blob radius * 10 blobRadius = 23 Make the flubber bigger or smaller. ; do blob "pulse" blobPulse = 1 Set to 0 to stop the flubber pulsing. ; do fast animation fastAni = 0 Not tried, I suppose setting to 1 speeds things up. ; enable transparency on mslogo msLogoTransEn = 1 Set to 0 to make MS logo solid instead of transparent. ; ms logo transparency color msLogoTransColor = 00ff00f6 Change the colour of the MS logo transparency using RGB values. No effect if above is 0. ; no flubber machinery noFlubBg = 0 Set to 1 to get rid of the green metal bits surrounding the flubber. ; no startup sound noSound = 0 Set to 1 to make booting quiet. ; show ms logo showMsEn = 1 Set to 0 to get rid of the MS logo under the word Xbox. Or possibly the Xecuter logo if you have that. ; show x logo showXEn = 1 Set to 0 to get rid of the Xbox logo. ; do spikey blob spikeyBlob = 0 Set to 1 to make the flubber spikey. ; slow motion blob (ugly) slowMoBlob = 0 Set to 1 to make flubber slow. Never tried. Not sure why it's ugly. ; no x logo light noLightEn = 0 Set to 1 to take away the light coming from the Xbox logo. ; color of x logo light xLightColor = ff000000 Change the color of the light using RGB values. Once you've changed the values you want, FTP the x2config.ini back over to the root of the E drive. After that reboot and you should see the changes you've made at boot.
  20. Good to hear. I'm sure you can change the boot up animations and stuff back to the default if you want. I have the X2 set to do a random flubber animation at each boot up, there's like 15 of them that you'd never see without a modded bios. I have the normal green xbox logo but took out the microsoft logo. With the IND it seems you can replace the flubber and xbox logo with completely different models. Obviously they changed the xbox logo by default. If I uprade to a 500gb drive I'll go with a big F with 32kb clusters too. I got XBMC to calculate the size of games folder on my current F drive, It's 221gb. So if I got a 500gb drive and did the F/G split I'd still have a full F drive nearly, coz to avoid corruption at 16kb clusters your partitions have to be under 256gb. Only a few more games till I'd have the extra 35gb I'd gain on F filled, and then I'd have to start putting games on G. And I'd rather not have my games split over two drives.
  21. Bring back FAS. And the old skin. And get rid of the v4.0
  22. I've never heard of the IND bios, so can't help with that. If you can't go over 256k then you're right you can't use the X2 5035, I just looked and it is definitely 512k only. So the M8+ is the newest you can go for, unless this IND is 256k. If it is it might be worth checking out, coz being able to edit bios options in an ini file is very handy. The M8 though was a popular choice when it came out, even for people using Xecuter chips. I even tried it myself. I always liked the software reset hardcoded into the X2 bioses though, which is why I stuck with them. Now about the hard drive lock, I've changed the bios on my chip quite a few times, and never once had to embed any hard drive key. In fact I've never had to edit a bios file in any way ever. So as far as I know, if you flash a chip, or the TSOP with another bios, your ability to lock and unlock the hard drive shouldn't be affected. Like I say I've used the M8 bios myself, it was 256k, and I just flashed the chip with it, no problems. I then reflashed with an X2 coz like I say I like them better. As for the install discs, the cluster size isn't displayed as an option, I think it's just done for you depending on what option you pick. I think nowadays you only need to bother with a G partition if you have a really big drive, like 500gb or more. What may be a good idea for you, even though it's old, is to get the Slayer's Auto Install Disc. Reason being is that it has on it a large number of bioses, which you can flash to a chip or the TSOP directly from the disc. If I remember, the M8 might be one of them. It can also back up your current bios, and EEPROM should you run into trouble. It has the ability to lock/unlock the hard drive, format the hard drive for you, and install Evox to the drive you choose. It can also restore the MS dash, and install some old apps if you feel like seeing some really out of date stuff. I still have a disc with version 2.6 on it kept for emergencies. I think there was one more made after that, maybe 2.7. Sure to be on xbins. It may well be exactly what you need. It's what I used to format my current 250gb drive quite a few years ago now. I just plugged the drive in and let Slayer's do all the work, formatted with a big F, installed everything to F, then just FTP'd my old saves and updated apps. Edit: I've just looked at the IND bios, it seems like it does pretty much everything the X2 5035 does, only it's 256k. I'd use this if I was you. Go to xbins and grab the rar for version 5003. It includes an nfo telling you all you need to know, and includes an app for making config files for it. There are two version of the bios .bin file, iND-BiOS.5003.06.bin, this is the one for a large F drive, and iND-BiOS.5003.67.bin, this is the one for a F/G split. Flash the TSOP with the one you want. I'd just stick with a large F. But if you're worried after experiencing corruption, go for the F/G split. Also your games will take up less space with an F/G split, coz of the 16kb cluster size. Some games have hundreds or thousands of little files just a few kb big. But with a 32kb cluster size they all take up 32kb. Which adds up.
  23. So you're wanting to update your bios and format a couple of partitions, shouldn't be too difficult. The M8+ is the last bios the Evox team made and is ok, but I have an Xecuter 2 chip so I use the X2 5035, which is a bit newer, the last bios made for the Xecuter 2. X3 bioses are still being developed and are even more feature packed, but require an Xecuter 3 chip as far as I'm aware. Not sure about TSOP flashing, never really known what that was. Hopefully it's not too different from flashing a chip. The X2 5035 I'm using is nice coz it can be configured with an ini file which it reads from the root of the E drive. In it you can change all sorts of settings, like the flubber animations, in game reset keys, or more useful things like what dashboard xbe and path to look for at boot. You can enter 5 paths as failsafes so if it can't find one it looks for the next on the list, which is useful if someone accidentally deletes your dashboard. I have mine set so it loads XBMC from the apps folder on my F drive, if it doesn't find that then it would look for evox on the root of my F, and if it couldn't find that it'd boot the MS dash from the C drive. If the ini file can't be found then the bios just reverts to default settings. To flash the bios, your Evox install needs to have the flash bios option activated in the menu. If I remember this isn't activated by default. If you can't find it in the menu then you can add it from Evox's confuguration ini. Open evox.ini and scroll down to the menu entries. Then under the system or settings section, make sure you have the line: Item "Flash Bios",ID_Flash_bios Mine looks like this: Section "System" { Item "Backup",ID_Backup Item "Flash Bios",ID_Flash_bios Item "Skins",ID_Skins Item "Settings",ID_Settings } Thinking about it, since you're flashing the TSOP and not a chip, it may be a different menu ID value. Not sure. Worth finding an old Evox tutorial to check. When choosing your bios, make sure you choose the right size like you said, the X2 I'm using is 512k. If you're right about needing 256k then make sure you get it right, coz a bad flash is a real headache. And if you did choose to go with the X2 5035, you'd need to patch it for lba48 mode 2, to get F: up to 137gb and G: the rest like you want, coz by default that bios is set to allocate all to F. Intructions for doing that are in the bios rar. Or you probably know how to do that since you said you'd used Xtool before. Once you have the right bios file it's just a case of selecting the Flash bios option in evox, choosing the one you want, and it does it in a few seconds. Oh yeah, Evox needs bios files to be in a folder called Bios, in the root of whatever drive evoxdash.xbe is in. So F:\Bios if it's on your F drive. E:\Bios if it's on your E drive. As for partitioning your hard drive, I've never used XBPartitioner of Config Magic. When I installed my 250gb hard drive I used Slayer's Auto Installer disc to set up the partitions for me. The newer Auto Installer Deluxe, and XMBC Installer Deluxe discs have a similar feature. When you boot the disc, you select 'Prepare hard drive' and it gives you the choice of how to set it up, as in big F or F and G. Or you can load XboxPartitoner and Config Magic from those discs. Anyway, when you're done formatting, make sure you lock the hard drive again. Your hard drive should always be locked, so like you say you can boot the MS dash. I don't think there are any benefits of leaving it unlocked. Mine's been locked ever since I formatted it. In fact I remeber leaving it unlocked and I couldn't get FTP access, then when I locked it I could. Edit: Just read your edit. If you're not sure of what you should do, and your current bios works for you, I'd say leave it alone. Then it's just your partitions to sort. The easiest thing to do is to use one of those auto install discs to do the partitioning for you. If you get the XBMC Installer Deluxe you could just use it to prepare the drive and then ftp all your stuff back over yourself, or you could use the disc to install XBMC for you. It's not the latest build but it has a few less bugs than the latest build, which is why it's the one I'm currently using. The latest XMBC builds are shit. You can't use trainers in them coz the trainer menus are broken. Anyway if you used that disc to prepare the drive then it will mean a clean slate, so you'd have to back up your saves. Ultimately the choice between a large F and F/G split is yours. I've had a large F for years and never had any corruption. As for locking, like I say, once formatted, keep it locked. Don't mess with the EEPROM, that can ruin your box for good. If you use the Auto Install disc to prepare the drive, it should unlock, format and then lock the drive for you so you don't have to worry. Then you can install the MS dash, and whatever other dash you want. And then start copying all your games over again. I know how long that takes.
  24. Screw america, it won't let me watch that vid.
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