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Everything posted by The-Ice-Man

  1. I don't think I care for beans and cornbread, but I like that song.
  2. Most important thing to make sure you always have backed up is your savegames. Games, emus and roms you can copy over again. But savegames, you have to do all the work again. I played through Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance ages ago, got every single dogtag on every difficulty, and got gold times on all the VR missions. If I ever lost that save I'd be so pissed off.
  3. Indeed, FBA is the only way to play CPS2 on xbox.
  4. I think the other two are just big.
  5. I don't like them. They're too fake.
  6. I like food in tins. Pour on plate, heat in microwave and eat. Slowly die inside from all the preservatives.
  7. I'm guessing no. Just took a look at the game on youtube. It looks graphically as good as Street Fighter III. So I don't see it being emulated properly on xbox ever.
  8. Asura Blade/Buster and all the Power Instinct games work fine in MAME on PC. Don't know about FBA on PC, I've never tried it.
  9. Anything interesting happening with the next build? Did you manage to fix the music problem in Asura Blade/Buster? I noticed the same bug occurs in Power Instinct 1. The music plays at super speed. I haven't checked but I'm thinking it may be a problem in all Atlus games in the last build.
  10. That's just the way it is. Maybe it's coz I have PAL games, PAL games are always bigger than NTSC, sometimes by a lot. It's all the multi-language stuff. The average PAL game is 4GB. I trim what I can getting rid of French/German/Spanish folders where I can. But in most games there's nothing you can do. A 320 would see me fine for a few more games, and if I wanted full romsets, but if I do upgrade I may as well go 500 and then I'd have plenty of space.
  11. I'm going to call him Bumpy. And it's his arcade fantasy to post in year old topics. Boing!
  12. Yeah I have a few games that I needed to make dummies for in Romcenter. The Jap version of Final Fight, Mercs, Battle K-Road, Guwange, Hyper Pacman, Knights of Valour, Raiden, Strikers 1945 and Tengai. The zip names will show yellow in Romcenter and the missing rom files inside them say 'can be generated'. Just right click the zip name and click 'fix game' and then they'll show green with a little cross. Also a few of the latest romsets have different zip names to what FBA needs, Battle Bakraid and Battle Bakraid Unlimited Version if I remember need to be remamed to work with FBA. If a game has the wrong zip name it should show up yellow too and so long as the zip has all the files needed Romcenter will rename the zip to what it should be if you click fix game.
  13. 1 gig left on a factory hard drive? Your poor neglected box. Quickly install a 500 gig drive and XBMC as your primary dash, with Evox or Unleash as a backup. Then copy all your games to the hard drive so you never have to put a CD in again. Fill the rest with emus and roms. I have 1 gig left on 250 gig drive, on it are around 90 xbox games, 200 arcade games, 160 Mega Drive/Mega CD games, 50 SNES games, some GBA games and as of today 250 Amiga games. I'm now thinking I should upgrade again to a 500 gig as I need room for more xbox games that I haven't tried, and new romsets. I don't have any movies, pictures or songs on by box. If I had a 500 gig drive I might, but not now, games are more important.
  14. He has a point about FBA, if you've already got a MAME v0.133 romset then 99% of them will work in FBA without any fixing in Romcenter. The ones supported by FBA that is. Obviously if you're wanting to play games that CoinOps supports and FBA doesn't then you'll have to hunt down old MAME romsets and use Romcenter to piece together a set that will work with CoinOps. This will be hard as most MAME sites only carry up to date roms. This is the main argument for why CoinOps should be updated to the latest romsets. This will never happen though as BP has said he doesn't want to do it. You'll probably be much better off to just ask someone to link you to a full CoinOps romset.
  15. So what's the best display to hook your xbox up to? So that you can play games that are whatever region, resolution or refresh rate, and still have everything display correctly?
  16. Just the good old Xbox modded with an Xecuter 2 Lite Plus. No wires or solder anywhere, and the pogo pins have never let me down once in all these years. All my other consoles aren't modded.
  17. You may find the full romset hard to find. I've only seen it in one place and that place is invitation only. I've never downloaded a full romset myself for anything though, coz I only want the games I actually like and I don't bother with clones. For FBA I used a site that is the 'Keeper' of 'Roms'. I can't link to that site or refer to it properly by name but I'm sure if you search for the words Rom and Keeper in that order you'll find it. I registered there and they have all MAME roms kept up to date. I just downloaded the ones I wanted and double checked with Romcenter to make sure they would work with FBA.
  18. Video regions confuse me. For Xbox I get eveything in PAL if possible coz I have a PAL 50hz TV, but I have some games that are US. Most of them work fine if launched from XBMC in PAL, but some need to be launced in either NTSC or NTSC-J in order for FMV sequences to play without skipping.
  19. If you have a version of 1.29 that didn't come with the dats, then yeah, you run the emu, go to the main menu and select generate dats. Two dat files will appear in FBA's root folder. Take the one labled Romcenter if you use that or the other if you use ClrMame Pro. You'll find you need to update most if not all of the roms you have if they're that old. FBA 1.29 uses much newer ones. For most games the very latest MAME romsets work, MAME v1.32. So go to your favourite up to date MAME rom site and download the games you want. Or if you can find it, there is a full FBA-XXX Pro 1.29 romset out there. By the way Kenshiro, are you still working on a final official release of FBA-XXX?
  20. I was actually expecting to see footage of the Karate Kid mixed in with that vid.
  21. You know what my phone can do? Make calls.
  22. Nah the CD version's even longer. The full TV intro adds the verses about pleading with his mother not to make him go, and the plane ride. The CD version adds another two verses before the cab ride. TV intro: CD version:
  23. I didn't get round to trying Power Instinct 1 and 3 on 1.29, but I did generate dats from the last build and checked them in Romcenter, and niether are listed. Edit: Just tried them. The reason I didn't find Power Instincts 1 listed in Romcenter is because FBA-XXX Pro only recognises the Japan version, which is listed as Gouketsuji Ichizoku. I had the US version. I now have the Japan version and it works. But for the next build it would be good to have it listed as Power Instinct. That way it would appear in the list above Power Instinct 2 and Power Instinct Legends. Power Instinct 3: Groove on Fight however is not recognised. Nor is the stvbios. And this doesn't suprise me. None of the stv games have been emulated on xbox, and aren't likely to be iq_132 said in another thread. If they ever were though, Groove on Fight would be a good one to have.
  24. What's the deal with the Pandora then, do you have to put the emulators on it yourself or will it come pre loaded with them?
  25. There's a reason you only heard that once. They only showed the whole thing in the pilot. The stupid thing is, the shortened version makes no sense. It skips the plane journey. I whistled for a cab and it took me all the way from Philadelphia to Beverley Hills? Can you imagine how much that cab would cost? The meter's running dude.
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