I like Oblivion & Fallout 3 the way they came out the box, NO MODS!!! Missing out on much, you are. Even if you don't like any of the custom content, there are a tonne of bug fixes in both games that the 360 versions will never have solved.
Yeah, I'm not sure there's such a thing as a native Canadian. Colin Mochrie is the most Canadian person I can think of and he was born in Scotland. And then there's whole French Canadian thing. Nationality's a funny thing. There were no white Americans before the British and Spanish went over and claimed the place, and then started boinking the 'Indian' chicks. That particular lot of British (the guys in red coats) didn't exist before a whole bunch of different races invaded the isles and started raping and pillaging and stuff. There were no white Australians until we sent over all our criminals, and the Aborigines were like 'Hey, what are these crackers doing here'. Then there was the matter of slavery. Kevin Spacey wants to take up British Nationality, which is funny coz if you trace his ancestry, there's a good chance his great great great granparents were British anyway.
Yes, well, unless you're 100% native American you're the offspring of someone British anyway, which in turn means you are part Norman, Saxon, Roman, Viking, Celt, all sorts of shit.
Adding bacon to things seems to be a good idea in general. My favourite pasta sauce is Homepride Tomato and Bacon. Without the bacon it'd just be a normal tomato pasta sauce. With the bacon, it is epic.
I don't like that type of platformer, where it's a fixed screen. I like scrolling types. My favourite is either Sonic 3 & Knuckles (combined cartridges) or Earthworm Jim.
Seriously? http://www.colinmochrie.com http://www.neilyoung.com Neil Young's site isn't too informative actually. Colin's is. I'd love to see the live show he's doing with Brad Sherwood.
The first the mass public over here had ever really heard of auto erotic asphyxia was when they found a politician called Stephen Milligan dead, wearing women's stockings and suspenders, with a chord tied round his neck from his ankles, and a satsuma orange in his mouth. Awesome way to be remembered.