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Everything posted by The-Ice-Man

  1. Haven't played Progear that far, only up to level 4 I think. Speaking of cheats, I read there's a tool that can convert MAME cheats from it's cheat.dat into FBA compatible cheats. But the link was dead, does anyone have it? I have the cheats that you gave me Fu, but there's none for any of the NeoGeo games for example. I'm thinking if I had the tool I could work on converting all the cheats available for the games FBA supports.
  2. No, it's from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the answer to the ultimate question. It's 42.
  3. It's 42. So what other emulators should people try on the xbox?
  4. Yeah, the standalone release is just the emulator, hense it's only a few megabytes in size. The full recomended romset for CoinOps is several gigabytes.
  5. Thanks again. Seriously people, Fu knows everything.
  6. Pretty much, you do seem to have every emulator and rom in the world. I just haven't found a good site for gba roms yet. I'm sure there's one out there.
  7. Sounds to me like you're missing the actual roms. What's in your roms folder?
  8. I got the latest version of XBoyAdvance and I'm impressed with how good the games look on a full size screen. My TV's only 14 inches, so not sure how they'd fare on a big LCD screen. One thing though is I'm having trouble getting hold of roms. There's lots of GBA games, but I can't seem to find many roms of them.
  9. Are you talking about clones of the same game? If so then just delete the clone roms. I only use parent roms myself so there's only one copy of each game. It's not FBA's fault if your romlist is huge, it's yours for having all the clones in your rom folder. My guess is you downloaded a full romset somewhere, which is why you have all the clones. You'll have to sift through them taking out the ones you don't want. For example, if you just want the parent European copy of Marvel vs Capcom, you need only mvsc.zip. You can delete mvsca.zip, mvscar1.zip, mvscb.zip, mvsch.zip, mvscj.zip, mvscjr1.zip, mvscr1.zip, mvscu.zip, and mvscud.zip. I never download full romsets, in torrents or whatever, coz I only want the games I want. Taking roms you don't want out of a massive premade set is a lot harder than making your own set from scratch putting in only the roms you want. So I get my roms individually from a reliable rom website.
  10. CoinOps can play the following games (that I'm interested in), where FBA can't: 64th Street, Air Duel, Asterix, Asura Blade, Blade Master, Caliber 50, Captain America, Cyvern, Dragoon Might, Dungeon Magic, Gunbird 2, Ninja Baseball Batman, Rampage World Tour, Raiden Fighters 1,2+Jet (I think you said you could get Jet to work), Revenge of Death Adder, R-Type 1+2, Shadow Dancer, Spiderman, Splatterhouse. Then although they may not ever be possible to get running properly with sound, Mortal Kombat 1,2,3+UMK3 and Strikers 1945 2+3. If FBA had all these then that'd be it for me, I'd have everything I want to play in one place. I'm sure most could be added to FBA without problem, but they were missed for whatever reason.
  11. So will you try to add any games to FBA?
  12. When it comes down to it, what's your goal with FBA? The impression I get is that it's one of two things. Either to take FBA as it is for it's ability to accurately emulate the heavy games, like SFA3, MvC etc, and then dress it up to look like CoinOps coz you prefer it's interface, sorting, autofire etc. Or, you want to take CoinOps, which you're already happy with, and give it FBA's ability to play the heavy games really well. I'm not sure the first one would serve much purpose, as it'd still be FBA, with its select number of games, only tailored to your personal preferences in looks and features. The second one, would mean you'd have CoinOps, with its much larger set of games, only the big bad CPS2 fighters wouldn't be a problem for it to run anymore. That would be something useful, for those who like the older games, as well as the new ones. Of course we're talking a serious fusion of two fundamentally different programs there. A major step of which would probably be updating to FBA's newer romset, as it's the new versions of the CPS2 roms that FBA can run so perfectly, not the old ones. Ultimately I think it seems that you don't like FBA, but you like what it can do. It can run the later Capcom fighters as if it were on the real board, and then add hardware and software filters on top of it to boot, without dropping in framerate. Which is pretty impressive. If it could play SFA3 Upper as well, I wouldn’t have any need for my copy of SFA Anthology on the PS2 anymore.
  13. From what people are saying 720p now works in all CPS1/2 and NeoGeo games in the final FBA release. I'm not sure about all the games in the others section though, the Cave, Psikyo etc.
  14. Did you compile the code yourself or did Kenshiro send you a build?
  15. What's with all the junkies? I've never used drugs in my life. Why risk damaging your body/mind?
  16. I hate driving too. I'm on my third car in as many years due to two accidents. My first was hit by an articulated supermarket truck, my second by a Mitsubishi Shogun.
  17. I bet you'll be able to buy extra characters after release. I'd ike to see the Punisher.
  18. FBA loads most NeoGeo games faster I noticed, but once the games are running I found it's pretty level pegging for both FBA and CoinOps. With highly detailed games though, like the Metal Slugs, FBA does better as you can overclock the CPU to avoid slowdown. CoinOps doesn't have that feature.
  19. Don't need one of those though. Got them all over my town. I hate facebook by the way. And I hate people who won't respond if you call or txt or email, but will 'Facebook' you if you 'Facebook' them. Arse.
  20. Just out of interest, now that HD works for CPS1/2 and NeoGeo, what about games in the others section? Does it work for them?
  21. Was just playing some Metal Slug. You seem to dislike FBA's four category view. Just to point out that you can disable the four menus so that all roms appear in one list. Not having an L/R button on your controller isn't an issue then. Also you can keep the four categories and still navigate them without L/R buttons by selecting the arcade controller UI navigation option. Basically makes it so that black and white move left and right between menus instead of L/R.
  22. Had a thought, another feature of FBA I like is the fast forward/slowmotion on the right stick. Useful for getting past unskippable scenes and copyright messages. I don't remember CoinOps having this. Also the ability to pause the in game action and step forward frame by frame is useful for taking screenshots, where you want to capture a particular frame of action. One thing in CoinOps favour, it saves highscores, whereas FBA does not.
  23. I suppose you should have expected a load of different answers. Best thing is to use trial versions of each and see which you like best. Wouldn't it have been wierd though if everyone had posted saying the same thing?
  24. I suggested ZA coz I'm assuming you need firewall as well. I like to have antivirus/spyware/firewall all in one. I may switch from ZA to something else in the future, but for now it's fine for me.
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