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Everything posted by The-Ice-Man

  1. I don't see any starving animals. If I did I suppose I'd take it to the vets.
  2. Currently using Zone Alarm Security Suite. PC non raped. Doesn't leave behind any hidden files and registry settings when you unistall like Norton does. Finds most spyware stuff before it has chance to do any harm. The odd really sly thing might slip through, but it's the same for any internet security suite. Specialised spyware programs are designed to deal with those. Only thing I don't like about ZA is for some reason it steals focus from full screen programs sometimes when it updates or does something in the background. It has a game mode that you can enable to stop this though so it's ok. I just often forget to enable it before playing something and I'll be in the middle of doing whatever and it'll minimize, and I'll be like 'F*ck you Zone Alarm!!!' But I still wouldn't really use anything else.
  3. I'm not exactly sure about the changes between 1.28 and 1.29. One thing I do know as I told Cospefogo earlier, is that 1.29c does now allow the coin button to be remapped. A few games were added, some bugs fixed, HD support was fixed on most NeoGeo games. I don't know what else, probably lots of little things. The romset for 1.29 is mame v0.30, and I think it was for 1.28 as well. In 99% of cases the new mame v0.31 roms will work on 1.29 as well as not much has been changed for v0.31, at least as far as the games FBA supports are concerned. I don't have any great need for the latest romset, but it's nice to have it, as it's easier to get hold of the latest set from mame rom sites. If you are going to work on FBA I'd start with the latest revision of 1.29c. Or wait for Kenshiro to release his final build and take a look at that. Seems to me that starting with 1.28 is taking a step back before you take any steps forward. But then I don't know anything about code.
  4. He has a point, while I like the big flyers, it'd take forever if you had a thousand+ roms. Or the scroll speed would have to be lightning fast but then you'd probably keep zipping past the one you want. Using the anologue of the triggers might help I suppose, so it scrolls fast if you hold them down all the way, slow if you hold them down a little. More people should vote. There has to be more than 9 people who've used FBA and CoinOps.
  5. I'm not cruel. But my snowmen are.
  6. Though they didn't make the top ten I like most side scrolling beat em ups, and the odd puzzle. Have all three Raiden Fighters in MAMEUI32. That's why they're in my top ten.
  7. Your post just changed 3 times in front of my eyes as I refreshed the page, and it doesn't say it's been edited. Is that coz you're staff? It's optional when you're an Ultra Member - Robert Anyway, let's see, can't pick out individual games coz there's too many I like. So I'll list my ten favourite series of games. Marvel/Xmen series, Street Fighter series, Darkstalker series, Mortal Kombat series, Battle Garegga series, Donpachi series, Metal Slug series, Raiden Fighter series, King of Fighters Series, 1941 series. I basically like fighters and shooters. In terms of age, the earliest games I have are from 1987. When I was 2.
  8. FBA. For reasons I have said in the other thread.
  9. Firstly, I have to say I used CoinOps before FBA, and before that I used MameoX 128 Plus. I have no favouritism towards any for any reason other than how well they work for me. When I first started emulating arcade games on the xbox I just went to xbins and grabbed the latest file with the word Mame in I could find. Which was 128plus. It recognised all the roms I had on my pc for Mame32, and played most of them fine. I would still be using it if I hadn't chanced to read that CoinOps existed. So I managed to get hold of CoinOps and tried it and it played some of the games MameoX had trouble with better. Which was good. But the one thing I was hoping it could do would be play the Capcom fighters without stuttering. It couldn't. Almost, but not quite. Then I read that people used FBA for those CPS2 fighters, so I got it, updated my romset, and tried it. I was impressed by it's presentation, and very happy that it played all the Capcom fighters perfectly. I've stuck with FBA since. I think FBA has a much nicer interface, I like the four categories, I don't need to sort roms by genre or popularity like in CoinOps. When I was using CoinOps, I turned all the colour coding off, it annoyed me, and I just ordered everything by name. I like FBA's skin. So much I made my own. The large text and icons are great, everything is much easier to read, the whole thing just looks nicer to me. I also like the ability to add background music to skins. I think the autofire in FBA is fine, you just push up on the right stick to switch between fast, slow and off. What's easier than that? On CoinOps I had to press back to switch it off, which meant adding a credit everytime you turned off autofire. FBA's ability to play the Capcom fighters without stuttering is it's biggest win for me. They are the main reason I started emulating arcade games. The only thing CoinOps has over FBA in my opinion is it's larger selection of games. However, out of all of them, there are only around 10 or so that CoinOps can play where FBA can't which I am actually interested in playing. If the number was much higher, I would have kept CoinOps on my hard drive as well as FBA. But I don't think it's worth having two arcade emulators where one has over a hundred roms, and the other only ten. So I got rid of CoinOps. If development on FBA-XXX Pro is to continue, the only thing I think needs to be done to it is bug fixes, certain games adding, and for those with HD tvs, fully working 720p support.
  10. I'm cruel because I think fat jokes like Ken posted are funny. I'm not prejudiced because I often find big girls as attractive as thin ones. So long as they're actually pretty. Remember, big boobs belong to big girls.
  11. Did someone say BBW?
  12. I've had the odd freeze when trying to enter the in-game menu too. Both in the latest build and the one before it. I'm not running in HD though. Edit: Yes, I just said the the odd freeze, I see the funny.
  13. There's a gameboy advance emulator for the xbox I think. That might be interesting. I had a go on Warioland on an advance once, that was quite good.
  14. They're both too hard for me. Old games are hard.
  15. That seems somewhat interesting, can v19 not play it?
  16. You need to get the very latest revision of FBA-XXX Pro 1.29c. The one from this month. The NeoGeo category problem is fixed. I can't link to it for legals, and don't even have the link anymore coz it was removed by admins after it was posted in a different thread, which is where I got it. You'll have to search hard or ask Kenshiro probably.
  17. I don't know much about 360s, but flashing them with new firmware means you can run backups and imports right? Am I right that the 360 still hasn't been modded properly in terms of replacing the dashboard, running emulators and stuff?
  18. My first console was a game gear. Never actually had a master system. Skipped that and got mega drive. Then saturn, then dreamcast. Then when sega said they weren't making consoles anymore I cried. Then got xbox. My sister had a ps1 before I got the dreamcast so had a some games for that. Recently bought a ps2 to play them again, as well as PS2 games I'd missed out on. It's only coz of the xbox's power of emulation that I've tried any snes games. Never had a nintendo.
  19. Yeah, I just discover it and development stops. Here's hoping it hasn't stopped for good.
  20. I went through the FBA datfile, looking to see what games are supported that I haven't tried, then grabbed a load of them off teh interweb to try out. First of which, Bang Bead. I'm not very good at it. Ghouls and Ghosts on CPS is cool, so is Super Ghouls and Ghosts on snes. I love running round in my pants.
  21. I can imagine that working on something like an emulator could easily be trying and stressful, with people's demands and expectations looming. Add to that conflict with others, and it's not suprising that you might get fed up. I'm glad that Kenshiro and iq_132 have worked so hard on FBA. It's a great emulator. Without it I wouldn't be able to play perfectly emulated versions of the Marvel fighter games on my Xbox, and the Street Fighter Alphas, and Darkstalkers. For those alone I am extremely grateful. Seen as FBA plays all the other MAME games I'm interested in, it's the only arcade emulator I have on my Xbox. And it will stay there forever more.
  22. The latest revision of 1.29c has the NeoGeo games in the NeoGeo folder. I agree that 720p support for everything would be great for those with HD tvs, and me for when I get one in the future.
  23. Dega-X, DegaBox and MekaX are Sega Master System/ Game Gear emulators for the xbox. There are some Master system and game gear games worth playing. Their alternate versions of Sonic 1+2, Sonic Chaos, the Lucky Dime Caper and Shinobi 1+2 come to mind.
  24. Oh dear. So if 1.29c is to be the last version of FBA on the xbox, maybe it's time to drop the alpha, and just call it Final Burn. Or just Banana Hammock. This is a sad day, especially since the PC version continues to be improved, it's like it just lost it's brother or something.
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