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Everything posted by The-Ice-Man

  1. With this sad news, I ask, will iq_132 still be working on FBA-XXX Pro?
  2. That's an awful shame. Can no one here change your mind?
  3. I'm not Ice Chucky by the way.
  4. That happened to me shortly after I joined. Did it all by it's magic self.
  5. Thanks very much C.
  6. Just asked a question. You have a real people problem. Anyone else would say 'Yes I do, I found them here...' or 'Sorry no I don't'
  7. Just found out what BAED is. Big Ass Emulator disc. Clever. As it happens, I'm still using Neogenesis v19 which is on the BAED Evolved disc. Never bothered to update since every game I have works perfectly on it.
  8. Do you have a full set of those big flyers? The flyers I find on Mame sites are usually really small.
  9. That's a large buckets for tips. They were expecting a lot.
  10. Nice. We don't get cool street acts round where I'm from. Town where my sister lives gets the odd singer with a guitar down the main street, but nothing good.
  11. Really? Sorry.
  12. I haven't been in an actual fight since I was like 13. I used to get threatened a lot when I was younger, but never actually attacked. I remember once I was standing outside of school, and someone shouted to me accross the road, asking if I knew some girl, I said no, they said I was going to have my head kicked in. I said if you say so. My head remained non kicked in to this day.
  13. The-Ice-Man attacked Lob1 with a Grenade Launcher (81 str) and took off 114! Lob1 has 0 HP left! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lob1 is now dead, therefore cannot counterattack!!!! You gain 1 frag(s) (0 stolen). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You gain: 41 EXP points!!!! I was attacked and killed without provacation, just like you, when I was at level 1. Only by a much higher level person. Now I live for revenge.
  14. I'm in the middle of aquiring the original on the xbox coz I never got it after Legends 2. I like both Legends 1 & 2 so I'm sure I'll like Ultimate Alliance. Unless they ruinate the sequel I'll like that too.
  15. Speaking of Raiden Fighters Kenshiro, all three are awesome games I'd love to see emulated properly on FBA.
  16. I always liked the techno soundtrack from the original House of the Dead on the Saturn.
  17. I use torrents when I need to, sometimes get better speeds than emule, but mostly the things I want have no seeds.
  18. Is anyone else made uncomfortable by this sort of bickering and sarcasm? I mean, I saw a huge thread of arguing between BP and Ressurectionx on Xbox-Scene before I joined 1Emu. I assumed it was an isolated incident. Guess not.
  19. Ok, so that one's just too funny to even think about changing. Of course the arcade version doesn't have that opening. Ever read the whole intro to Alien Soldier? That's the worst I've seen.
  20. I'll get a 360 when I have a HD tv in my room. And I'll get a HD tv in my room when I actually have a room with space for one. My room is very small and there's literally no where for a big tv. At the moment I have a 14 inch portable on a shelf in my wardrobe unit. Even the smallest HD tv won't fit in it's place coz of the widescreen. So I'd have to buy a new unit with a wider shelf space, which would be quite expensive overall. And impossible in fact coz a bigger wardrobe wouldn't fit. So until I move out, I'm sticking with my Xbox 1. It does more than any 360 can do. In the future when I have my own place with a big HD tv I'll crab a 360 for peanuts and all the cool games that are being released now for cheap too.
  21. Me? I'm groovy. Why don't you offer to host the new release somewhere for BP? He'd like that.
  22. It's funny in games like Aero Fighters, which are light hearted and humorous games, but when it comes to cut scenes in fighting games, that are supposed to be serious and epic, like in the Last Blade when you get to the bosses, it kinda takes away from the scene I find. It is the neogeo's that are the worst. SNK obviously never employed any English translators whereas I think Capcom may have. Thinking back to the last time I played Final Fantasy VII, I don't remember a single mistake in the English dialogue. And there's tonnes in that. I'm guessing Sqaresoft had an english devision that worked on it.
  23. You two should get married. Since you like sniping at each other so much.
  24. Yeah I'd get it when it came out if I had a next gen console. Or current gen as they are now.
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