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Everything posted by The-Ice-Man

  1. So this game is based on the Batman cartoon like Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu and Batman: Vengeance were, but without the square jawed visual styling.
  2. Star Trek is awesome. One day I will get round to writing my own new Star Trek series. Set after Nemesis. None of this J.J. Abram's crap.
  3. You and emsley have a bad day today?
  4. Am I seeing Batman kill people in those trailers? I thought he didn't do that.
  5. Yep. Large blank area. Then when I tried to go back to the forum index internet explorer froze and I had to force it to close. That could be unrelated though. Edit: Yeah that was just a coincidence.
  6. Yeah I remember that one. Do you think people maybe aren't interested in proper translations coz the bad ones are funny?
  7. I'm sure I'm not the first person to notice the terrible ‘Engrish’ translations of game dialogue present in a lot of Japanese developed arcade games. SNK games are the worst I’ve seen. ‘Victory’ became ‘Victoly’ in the later Samurai Shodown games, which of course should be Samurai Showdown anyway. I mean I could quote an endless amount of stinkers here but it’d take too long. In general Capcom were better at their translations but not perfect. My question is, has anyone thought of making bootleg versions of games where the dialogue has been edited into better English? If bootlegs can be made adding characters and stuff, edits to text should be relatively simple right?
  8. The coin button can be remapped in FBA. It's under special mappings in control options. Or do you mean in CoinOps? Coz I thought everything could be remapped in that.
  9. Chavs were never considered cool at my school. The highest up the social ladder were the trendies. Goths and geeks were lowest. Chavs didn’t go to school.
  10. Care to elaborate on the FBA project?
  11. No, but if you want to be picked apart for your spelling and grammar, in your subject title, the 'B' in Brits should be a capital and 'inflamatory' should be 'inflammatory'. I see some terrible spelling and grammar in forums, but I don't see any pattern of nationality in it. Nor do I judge, because no one is above typos. Edit: Found this info on dyslexia. This article says around 10 percent of the UK population suffer from dyslexia: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11...ry-says-MP.html Now what that MP said was inflammatory. This one says around 20 percent of the US population suffer from it: http://www.readinghorizonsathome.com/5myths_dyslexia.aspx
  12. Some websites still have older romsets available for download, which work with CoinOps. Most of the ones I had working in it I downloaded from a particular site; a Nation of Roms you might say. Most from there worked fine as is, but some needed a bit of fixing with the CoinOps dat in Romcenter. I'm just using FBA now which uses the latest MAME roms. They're easier to get hold of. For those I go to a site that is a Keeper of Roms. A very good site I think too. If you can find the complete CoinOps package though you won't need to worry. Just take out the games you don't want. I never found the full release though, only the standalone.
  13. I had a version of Surreal64 not too long ago, and I thought the skin's presentation was very good. None of the games I was interested in worked very well though. Ultimately I don't have any real interest in N64 games. I was just curious about finally trying Doom 64.
  14. Lot of people use 360 pads on thier PCs. Both Rainbow Six Vegas games on the pc have setup menus specifically for the 360 controller.
  15. I tried that once, the girls were like "We're not taking anything off, but you can if you want"
  16. Such slander. Careful, he might sue me for stealing his uber cool persona. Thanks for the welcomes though.
  17. That's hard to do. Gambit should use something easier to throw. Something that's meant to fly. Like a frisbee.
  18. So did my parents. Also never used of course. I have no idea why they bought a game like that for my sister anyway. I could understand if they'd bought it for me coz I'm a guy. I think I'll claim it as my own since my sister doesn't live here anymore. Wierd when I think of it now, a board game with expansion packs. I've never played D&D, only D&D based computer games like Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale. But I like Diablo better. I like to repeatedly click things to slash them to death. I like Elder Scrolls too of course, but like the Fallouts better. I'm not too heavily into fantasy rpg overall. I've played the two Capcom D&D sidescrollers of course, but they don't really count, despite the official branding. Back to board games. I like chess also, but I'm not very good.
  19. Crazy stuff. Do you think he sells popsicles to children? Saying that, maybe you should think of something else when you see my name in future. Like Iceman from the X-Men. Or Val Kilmer in Top Gun. Or the frozen caveman guy they found in the 90's.
  20. Holy hell Filefront is down. This makes all the links to my skin useless until it's back up. And my army of little snowmen have dissapeared coz that's where they're hosted. Arrrrrrrgh!!! Edit: Thankfully they weren't down long. My snowmen are back. Mwuhaa.
  21. Who is that guy anyway?
  22. I'm curious, I usually censor my own words anyway, but since I've just read this I feel the need to test things out. I am about to type some profanities, I will edit them away when I'm done. Interesting. Only 3 of 7 were filtered out. All the British specific ones made it through.
  23. I can assure you I don't look like that. Is it me, or does his skeleton look gay?
  24. Ha, I like that. I'm not infected yet being that I don't have a 360.
  25. Isn't the first link to cba.gy's skin the 720p version? The SD version came second. I feel silly saying SD nowadays. On the HIT forums SD meant 'Super Definition'
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