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Everything posted by The-Ice-Man

  1. ^Agreement. All this light hurts my eyes. I assume it's Gamecop that pays to keep the forum up, what happens if that payment stops?
  2. I have to dress smart for work, but at home I dress like a chav. Ems will get that one. Jogging bottoms and a t-shirt, and I used to wear hoodies but they're reserved for criminals now.
  3. Is it just me, or is 1emu in a pretty sorry state these days? I may have only been here just under a year now, but things seemed a lot more interesting when I joined last year. Right now Gamecop is missing, only a few members post regularly, and in one section in particular, steaming piles of bullshit linger, where trolls reign supreme without consequence. The section that gets the most action here these days is the Xbox section, which I used to enjoy visiting, but now the only two things that happen there are new members signing up to ask for links, and childish trolling, led by one man (boy) and a small group of ignorant followers. I actually loath going into the Xbox section now because I know that there's bound to be some more bullshit waiting, aimed at either me or someone else. I have to wonder what Gamecop would think if he was here. If I was him I'd have dished out some warns, silences, or bans for some of the shit that's been said there in recent months. As it is though, no mods seem to give a shit, or else they enjoy reading flame after flame. It's not just the Xbox section that's disappointing. When I joined last year the lounge was a lot more active, and I would enjoy conversations about whatever with the older members. There just doesn't seem to be the same kind of interesting coverstations where everyone chimes in with their opinions. These days I find that it's the SPAM forum that's the most fun to visit. I don't know, it's just not as fun to visit 1emu anymore. I mean right now I'm in the middle of yet another pointless argument with an illeterate fool who thinks he's king of the forum, and that's just not what coming here should be about. What do people think? What should be done to make 1emu better again?
  4. Really? You've posted 14 times in this thread. That's not leaving it alone, it's trolling it to get attention. You contradict yourself so often it's hilarious. You think what we write is funny? Learn to speak English and then read back your own posts. Then you'll see funny.
  5. Yet more trolling from the queen of the trolls. And don't quote join dates at me, I was a member at xbox scene in 03, modded my Xbox when the first modchips were made, and have been around to see homebrew on the Xbox grow from nothing to what it is now. You can keep saying newbe till your little face is red, but it won't make it true. Just because you're new to a forum doesn't make you a newbe. And if you could read, you'd see that I didn't say the 'old people' don't know what they're doing. I said I feel sorry for the orginal members, having to see their forum filled with bullshit trolling from the likes of you. I don't care how many projects you lay claim to, you know full well that your main goal when coming here is to troll the forum. That's why you've double posted three time in this thread. Look up and count your double posts. You just love to troll. You accuse other people of trolling, when you're the biggest one of them all. Evidence of that is right here in this thread, as well as in a whole load of others.
  6. Really can't wait for the game to be released eh? I really hope no one's silly enough to pay $300 for access to a beta. That's rediculous.
  7. Forget the thread, they should rename this the Jackass forum, coz it's being filled with more and more new ones just like you every day. Little trolls blindly following the big troll. How 1emu has fallen, I feel sorry for the original members, having to see the forum in such a sorry state.
  8. Wow, what a pathetic little girl you really are. Maybe if you'd taken that credit list seriously people might start to take you more seriously, but no, just more evidence of how puerile you are.
  9. Fuck that's a terrible voiceover.
  10. Never bought from them and never will. Over priced doesn't even begin to describe it. I'm surprised you buy from high street shops these days anyway. It's Amazon or Play.com for me nearly every time. On the odd occasion they don't have something in stock, I'll order from HMV online. I used to buy from Gameplay, back when it was small, in fact I was one of the first customers when the guy set it up in Leeds. Now Gameplay is pretty much as expensive as high street retailers. Don't go to Gamestation either, they're as bad as Game, they're practically the same company. Where there's a Game, there's a Gamestation across the road or down the street. Online is the only way for me now. Amazon have never let me down, Play haven't either, nor has anyone on eBay for buying second hand.
  11. No idea, not tried nullDC much. You'd think it shouldn't be too taxing to emulate it properly seen as the backgrounds are still pictures, and the models low detail. It's hardly Soul Calibur.
  12. If these were bigger I'd use them in Maximus Arcade.
  13. Or the Dreamcast version, the best version made.
  14. FBL can emulate Mega Drive games because the PC version of Final Burn Alpha it was ported from can. FBL isn't acting as a frontend like CoinOps is.
  15. What's with the Baraka arm blades at the end there? Hmm, I'm not feeling excited either. I loved the first, never bothered finishing the second.
  16. It does make loading of roms marginally slower, as they have to be unzipped first. You won't notice for the most part coz roms are usually small. But try running a Mega CD game from a zip for example and you'll see the time it takes increase significantly.
  17. Hang on a second, I have the Doom 3 expansion on Xbox, which has the classic ports. Let me take a look. Yep, launching those xbe's directly gives a blank screen. The game must send them a command in order to let them work. Not sure why they'd make it that way. The Street Fighter Anniversary Edition has two different xbes for SF2 and SF3, and you can launch both of them from XBMC no problem. That's why I have SF3 on it's own.
  18. Yawn. You can keep saying your bullshit lies, but it won't make them true, and it won't make people care.
  19. Try the squid. I like squid.
  20. It's like Red Dead Revolver. Gun was like that I suppose in that they're both third person Westerns.
  21. Haven't seen one of those since Redneck Rampage.
  22. The pictures are all related because they've all been posted on this forum at some point.
  23. Yeah, DosBox has come on leaps and bounds. You just have to go on the forums and find links to the latest builds. All the Build engine games, Duke, Blood, Redneck etc, all work fine now. You just need a semi-decent PC to provide the speed needed. The best improvement for me is that the latest build runs Loadstar, which has been broken for years.
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