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Everything posted by The-Ice-Man

  1. There have been a tonne of updates to DosBox and ScummVM on the PC, and they're constantly being updated. There are SVN releases all the time. So often that likely the day after a new Xbox port was made it'd be outdated. Obviously there are certain things that the Xbox just doesn't have the power for. Blood now works perfectly for DosBox but I don't think the Xbox has the power to run it smoothly. Dreamcast and Saturn? I don't know, I think the hardware of a non upgraded Xbox is too limiting to get those at a good framerate. What are the hardware requirements of FreeDO? I haven't tried it yet. As for Hyperspin, you know that's just a frontend right? A commercially sold one at that.
  2. I love that game.
  3. I tried but I just can't get the fire to come out of my fists.
  4. http://www.dafont.com/
  5. Yeah, they're the set you posted over at Status-X a while ago. All Jap. I did a quick search back then to see if I could find any pal but couldn't. I just assumed no one had dumped any pal games.
  6. I have the full set, but they're all Japanese.
  7. Then why has he got two crucifixes and the star of David round his neck?
  8. So there isn't actually anything wrong with the way Mednafen-X plays PC Engine CD games?
  9. I have a serious question now..... Is that Mr. T pic photoshopped or is he really wearing that much gold?
  10. I get by with my pretty face.
  11. People don't like it when I take my shirt off. Every time I try to tone up I give up after a week or so.
  12. I've been playing the orignal Final Fantasy lately. You're characters don't speak in that one. I like that.
  13. Plenty of other people agree, they just don't post here at 1emu anymore coz they got sick of the shit and left. Also, it's easy for brand new members to sit back and cast judgement, without having been around to see what's actually what. And it's also interesting to see someone who's contributed nothing at all to these forums, accuse others of not contributing. Why doesn't everyone create their own emulators from scratch you say Phil? Because every console that the Xbox can emulate has already been emulated. Because contributing to a forum doesn't just mean putting your name to a piece of software. Don't want to add to the animosity you say? Then stop trying to play devil's advocate. If you really think the great one is hard done by, take a look back from the very begining, and read every post. Do the same at Xbox-Scene, and read shit storm after shit storm, created by one man's ego. You'll also find a string of people who've gone up and down his ememy list. Before I joined here it was ResurrectionX who was public ememy number 1. Now it's Cba. He always has to have someone to fight with, without that, he doesn't get the attention he needs. Now enough of this. We're only feeding the lust for attention right now. I'm going to try and stay out of the Xbox section for a while. It honestly makes me angry coming here these days. No other internet forum does that. If Gamecop was around he'd be ashamed at the state of things here.
  14. Too true. What you're asking would involve a port of an updated version of Mednafen, or possibly Ootake or Magic Engine. Not likely unless someone comes along with the knowledge, time and inclination to do it. If you really want to play PC Engine CD games, at least you can play them properly on one of the PC emulators I just mentioned.
  15. I'm thin with flab and I don't work out or diet. I eat Super Noodles with meatballs. Follow my lead and be uber.
  16. Seems that Fallout 3 has issues on the PS3: http://play.tm/news/22078/fans-riled-by-fa...-issues-on-ps3/ I've had the odd crash to desktop on the PC version, but that's been due to conflicts caused by mods. It's a good job that console games can get patches these days. Fallout 3 has needed a few on the PC.
  17. I see you still keep throwing out my name Britney. In your threads you say I'm responsible for the closing of CoinOps discussion threads. I stopped the release of your Showcase Build. I'm the reason you don't respond to people's PMs. I'm the problem with the Xbox scene. Your attempts to vilify me are laughable. Compared to others I barely have any contact with you. To this day, we have still never communicated via PM or outside the forum. If you look at my post count, less than 5 percent of it is actually about you or CoinOps. It just so happens that my comments are usually ill received by you, and usually lead to one of your rants, no matter what's actually said. The only reason you keep mentioning me is because you don't like people that talk back when you're out of order. You can keep trying to scapegoat Cba, Neil and myself all you want, but people with the ability to read can see that you're nothing but a fool. If you don't want to help people, release your builds, or whatever, it's your choice, and has nothing to do with me, Cba, Neil, or anyone else. Pretending otherwise is a poor attempt to deflect negative response from yourself. Attempting to cover up your unpleasant and unhelpful nature by painting us as bad guys, and yourself as some kind of victim, is pathetic. And to the intelligent reader, completely unconvincing. The older and most active members of this forum get along with me just fine. They're not fooled by your 'Ice-Man is evil' routine. Although relatively new, I can be seen all over the forum, helping out members with questions when I can, having actual adult conversations, engaging in the community. In fact, no other member of the forum has a problem with me. So it begs the question, if no one else on the forum has a problem with me, am I the problem? No, I'm not. I'm certainly not the lieutenant of any bad 'crowd'. Nor is Cba. We're just individuals who tell it like it is. I'll agree with Cba's post on one key point though, you have indeed done a great job of dividing the Xbox emulation community, and driving off those few with any interest of developing. Your behaviour invokes nothing but negativity, and makes visiting the Xbox section an unpleasant experience for new and old members alike.
  18. They eat streaky bacon. Like this: It's mostly fat, no good for me. Don't ask me what the strawberry's doing there. Since we're on the subject, I had to:
  19. Pretty sure those links will get taken down if it's commercial software. I use the Xploder cheat disc to get imports running on my Dreamcast. A real one, which I bought years ago.
  20. Good point, didn't think of that.
  21. Clever stuff. Did you get your bios to override the default fan speed?
  22. FBL will play everything you're wanting fine without slowdown, except for perhaps Metal Slug 2, which has slowdown on the original arcade cartridge, as Neil says speeding up the CPU might get rid of that. I'd only bother emulating the PSX version of SFA3 if you're bothered about the extra characters.
  23. Just a side note, niether Marvel vs Capcom nor Street Fighter Alpha 3 are NeoGeo. They're CPS2 roms. In the case of SFA3, the PSX version has more characters than the original arcade version. T. Hawk, Fei Long, and Dee Jay were added. Balrog, Juni and Juli were made regular characters, and Evil Ryu, Shin Akuma, and Guile were added as secret characters in the World Tour mode. The Dreamcast version is better though, and the unlockable version in Street Fighter Alpha Anthology for PS2 is even better. That one's basically the same as Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper only with all the extra modes. If the Xbox was capable of emulating the NAOMI, then SFZ3 Upper, would be your best choice. The PSX version of Marvel vs Capcom on the other hand is complete shit. The PSX didn't have enough ram to handle the tag team system. So instead it's a one on one with the second member acting as an assist. The Dreamcast port is arcade perfect. So defininitely stick with the CPS2 rom here. I'm not sure what was added for the Xbox ports of the Metal Slug games, if anything. I have the Metal Slug Anthology on PS2 and that didn't add anything to any of them, they were just like the arcade versions. So I'd probably say stick with the NeoGeo roms there too.
  24. I don't know how anyone can eat multicoloured crap like that for breakfast.
  25. As opposed to those non-sexual queers, like Kenneth Williams and Cliff Richard.
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