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Everything posted by The-Ice-Man

  1. Couldn't be even if I wanted. Can't get cable in my area.
  2. Yeah, people don't give me arcade machines either. Don't really have the room anyway, but I'd probably make room for Virtua Cop.
  3. Nice.
  4. Show me.
  5. I don't even have a basement.
  6. Basements with arcade machines + candy + kids = Michael Jackson.
  7. An official cancelation post would have been a good idea. I was over at the Mugen Fighters Guild yesterday, and there seem to be lots of Mortal Kombat WIPs. All of them aparantly edits of the Mortal Kombat Project. Which although has tonnes of characters, just doesn't look well presented. It's full of bad sprite edits, and silly made up characters. I saw one vid of it showing a scorpion edit that just looked like he was covered in poop. Blood Storm looked like it would have been a well polished game.
  8. It's hilarious to see you keep throwing out our names and blaming us for things. Anyone with basic language skills, (something you lack) can see in all of your over edited locked threads that the only child around here, is you. Oh and did you know? They had a cure for cancer lying around, but cba told them not to release it. Oh well.
  9. Bingo. The code's been cracked.
  10. I considered buying an old PC for running Dos games. I really wanted to play Loadstar, coz I played a demo when it came out but never bought it. Then finally bought it years later but couldn't get it to run on my newer PC, even in Dos itself. It was one of the few games that DoxBox couldn't play at all either, which is why I almost bought an old PC. But now the lastest SVN of DosBox plays Loadstar perfect. It's really worth going back and checking for bleeding edge releases. Too bad after all this time I found out that Loadstar has a cliffhanger ending. Between DosBox and ScummVM, there aren't any of my Dos games I can't play anymore.
  11. The thing with Grim is that it's so random about when it will work and when it won't. Some people can run it on XP no problem, some are plagued with random crashes. I'm one of the latter. I've tried the original game, a CD rip, and a merged DVD install I downloaded, same on each one. I've tried compatibility modes, patched the executable with Imagecfg, used the launcher someone made, everything in the book for getting Grim to work under XP. No matter what I did, I always got crashes. I managed to get through year 1 but after that it would always crash when a new area loads in year 2. I really hope Residual gets done coz even though I've never completed it, Grim is easily my favourite adventure game.
  12. You know what I like about Discworld, that they could only afford to hire like four actors. Eric Idle, Tony Robinson and some guy and woman. Nearly everyone you talk to is Tony Robinson trying to put on a different voice.
  13. 'It must be a plot element, otherwise it'd have a better label.'
  14. You're right that the fan speed overide is just for XBMC. Once you start a game it will go back to the bios default. Certain bioses will let you change the fan speed in their config files. The X2 5035 uses an ini file where you can alter the fan speed, so does the IND Bios. If I had a quieter fan I'd certainly ramp up the speed in the bios. I don't know too much about electronics, but I wouldn't mess around with voltages.
  15. The latest SVN version of ScummVM plays all of the above. Discworld 1+2 support still isn't in the stable release last time I looked, but they work perfectly in the bleeding edge release which you can find on their forums. You will of course need to use your PC.
  16. The display parent roms only option is a great feature, but you'll end up hiding certain game sequels that are actually clones. Street Fighter 2 Hyper Fighting is a good example, it's just a clone of Champion Edition but is considered a sequel. My favourite one though is that After Burner is actually a clone of After Burner II. The first game is a clone of it's sequel. The best way to only have one of each game, but include sequels that are clones, is to know what games are clones of what, and keep only the ones you want. Like suggested, Romcenter can help you with this, as it will tell you what roms are clones of what game, and allow you to move them to a different folder. For my MAME setup on PC, I have a folder for clones to keep them separate.
  17. The Xbox port doesn't have Goblins 3? That is old. You know what I'm looking forward to, Residual. When that gets done I'll finally be able to play all the way through Grim Fandango.
  18. Do a lot of people actually use ScummVM on the Xbox? If so, are they using mice somehow? Coz playing adventure games without a mouse sucks. That's why I use ScummVM on the PC and don't really think it needs to be on Xbox. As for updated MAME, it's nice to dream.
  19. A roof over your head also helps if people are trying to shit on you. 'Keep trying fuckwits, my roof is impenetrable to your shit'
  20. While that's a valid opinion, it's not likely Blood Storm will ever be completed. Shame though, I'd have a lot of fun playing it. It's over the top on purpose.
  21. Looks like you missed the last part of his Nestopia FAQs.
  22. Final Burn will play all of the games you listed except for R-Type 1+2 (Although I don't know why, it easily could), and the Raiden Fighters games. The original Raiden will play in Final burn though. As for CoinOps, at last check it will play all of those including R-Type 1+2, as well as the original Raiden and Raiden Fighters 2, but not Raiden Fighters 1, or Raiden Fighters Jet. This may have changed with the newest version, I don't know. If you don't care about your emulation accuracy, CoinOps will be your better choice, although some of the CPS2 games will stutter. This will aparantly be fixed when the next version comes out, as it will use the Final Burn core. So technically, you'd be using Final Burn in that scenario anyway. For getting a new romset, the easiest thing to do is just type 'MAME 0.136 Roms' into a torrent search site. You'll easily find a full set, which is around 23GB. If you only want to download the ones you want though, which will be much quicker considering the small list, just make sure the romsite you use is offering v0.136 roms for download. I could point to one I know that does, but it's against forum rules. One more thing, you mention the SNK vs Capcom series. SNK vs Capcom - SVC Chaos is for the NeoGeo, and will play in both emulators. There are also a couple of Capcom vs SNK games, which are different, and not playable on either emulator as they were on the Sega NAOMI hardware, which the Xbox isn't powerful enough to emulate. Same goes for Marvel vs Capcom. Marvel vs Capcom will work, but Marvel vs Capcom 2 will not, as it again was on the NAOMI.
  23. What a load of bullshit from you, as usual Britney. Nothing I've said here is 'misinformation'. And now you're trying to tell us to stay out of other people's threads as well as your own? Fuck off. You don't own this forum. Welcome to 1emulation ad20, this is the shit you get around here.
  24. A lot of new members get that feeling around here in the Xbox section. It's a real problem. It doesn't happen when people ask questions in the other sections, I wonder why that is?
  25. Excellent work. I use Nestopia on the PC, a welcome addition to the Xbox emulator library. The nail in the coffin. We knew already, but it's still a shame.
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