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Everything posted by The-Ice-Man

  1. My answer's better than your's Britney. He came here for advice on emulators, not to get sucked into a game of 'My emus better than yours'. You can't compare CoinOps to FBL saying it's awesome and FBL isn't based on the number of games it plays. Of course it plays more. CoinOps is MAME, FBL is Final Burn. They're two different things. Final Burn doesn't play as many games as MAME, so the same goes for their Xbox ports. I would think you'd know this. Or did you think that FBL was a MAME port? So, like I said, your choice of Xbox port comes down to what games you actually want to play. Newer romsets are more accurate, so like Nes said, This is a perfectly fair assessment. If however you want to play everything without limits, MAME on your PC is the only choice.
  2. Use whatever you want ad20. You wanna be able to play everything MAME has to offer, use MAME on your PC. Then you won't have to worry about 'misinformation'.
  3. You'll certainly be able to play all the NeoGeo games in FBL alone. You'll also be able to play all the MAME games that the PC version of Final Burn Alpha can play, which is a large selection of 80s, 90s and early 00s arcade games. CoinOps will allow you to play many of the same games, including the NeoGoes, and some others that Final Burn doesn't support, mostly older ones. There are of course some games that FBL runs which CoinOps cannot, and ones which simply run better than in CoinOps. The CPS2, Psikyo and Sega games come to mind, but there are other examples. In terms of quality, it's my opinion that up to date romsets are better than old ones, as they more accurately emulate the arcade boards, so I would go for FBL myself personally. It really is down to what you want to play though. If you only want to play mid 80s onward games, then I'd go for FBL alone. If you want to play those and older ones, it'd be an idea to use FBL for everything that it can play, and then CoinOps for everything it can't. This is of course to say nothing of CoinOp's new ability to launch every existing xbox emulator under the sun now. The less said about that the better.
  4. Unfortunately for you the roms used in CoinOps are a lot older than the roms used in FBL. So if you want to use FBL, you're going to need an up to date romset. You should be looking for either MAME v0.135 or v0.136 for use in FBL. CoinOps still uses MAME 0.84 or something at last check, which is a lot older and not compatible with FBL.
  5. It doesn't have to be all. It may only be a few, but a few is enough to shape your opinion of the masses. It'd only take a punch in the face from a few Spaniards before I said I hate them all, even though I'd know that in reality the rest of Spain is fine. If you're getting racial abuse from a group of people, they're the ones in the wrong, not you. If that kind of thing was going on in a job, you'd either file a complaint, or start looking for a new job, not sit and think about how you could alter yourself to stop the abuse.
  6. Well when you're surrounded by assholes, you're bound to start generalising. If every Spanish man I met punched me in the face, I'd probably say I hate Spaniards. If I joined the Air Force and everyone was a bastard to me, I'd probably hate Air Force cadets too. Maybe you need to transfer somewhere else.
  7. Another revision? Maybe they'll think about a console release when they've finished making revisions to the arcade version.
  8. True. Whenever I actually went to an arcade to play games, it was the gun games I played. The Topgun supposedly works very well with MAME on the PC. Lightguns also work on Kega, but they shoot off centre a little coz of some reason or another. But that can be overcome by purposefully calibrating the gun off centre in the other direction.
  9. No, but I'm just saying if someone did make some sort of lightgun emulator, ePSXe may be a place to get code that allows Guncon games to work.
  10. Looks like ePSXe needs to be ported to Xbox then, or it's Guncon workaround added to PCSXbox.
  11. Where does Terence Stamp come into it? Edit: Nevermind.
  12. That's Terence Stamp, pictured as General Zod from Superman.
  13. Have you ever used either of those guns in PCSXBox? I'm curious as to how an emulated Guncon game would react to a non Guncon gun. I'm just wondering if the emulator is written with a feature that tricks the game into thinking the gun is a real Guncon (Bypassing the need for the Guncon video input). ePSXe on the PC must have that feature, coz PC lightguns only plug in via usb.
  14. Can't beat the original Dreamcast lightguns, I have two with rumble packs. I also have an original Saturn gun too. Sega made lightguns well. Always on target.
  15. I wouldn't be so sure about a converter. The Guncon requires a special input to the video signal (the yellow ended one on the Guncon) as well as the regular Playstation controller input (the wide one). While there are converters for making a regular PS1 controller work on an Xbox, I've never seen anything that could deal with the video input. This does beg the question of whether using an Xbox lightgun will actually work on lightgun games in PCSXbox. The Xbox lightguns only plug in via the usb control ports, and the Guncon games seem to look for the special video input to verify that a Guncon compatible gun is being used. In theory, an emulated game would make the same check, and if it doesn't find the video input, it wouldn't work. Having said that though, I have seen a video of someone using the Topgun to play Time Crisis: Titan project on ePSXe.
  16. Your most useful lightguns being made these days are ones that try to work on everything. Everything being PC, Xbox and PS2. (PS3 compatability is often labled but not actually true, coz they don't have Guncon3 support). So they're made with a bunch of connectors, and Guncon2 support for the PS2 games, (Which will work on some PS3s). This means they need Start, Back, A, B, C buttons and a D-Pad. The Topgun is the best example of this, although I have seen a couple of others. But the thing is, they don't have Guncon1 support, which means they can't be used on the older PS1 games like Time Crisis and Survivor. The gun I have for the PS2 has support for Guncon1, Guncon2 and normal modes, so I can use it on any PS1 or PS2 game. For me, someone needs to make a cross-platform gun with this feature. Edit: Regarding Xbox only lightguns, they all seem to be flash type, and they all seem to have the same buttons. Start, Back, A, B, and a D-Pad/Thumbstick. Remember the idea was to have games like Survivor where you walk around, but none were ever made for the Xbox, so the thumbsticks were rendered useless apart from controlling menus. Then there was that big sniper rifle for Silent Scope Complete, but asside from the motion sensing scope, which basically acted as a duplicate B button, it didn't have anything different.
  17. I'm really starting to agree with you there.
  18. What a shitload of fuck.
  19. Hey look, a crushing wall of text from Krosigrim, haven't seen one of those in a while.
  20. How interesting. A mod has moved every negative comment about CoinOps into one thread. A thread which read from begining to end makes zero sense. Who did this? This is rediculous.
  21. Over here Packy is basically the same level of offense as nigger but for people from India or anywhere near the middle east.
  22. Why did I think you were Chinese? Anyway, people are bastards. Video game playing black man in the air force? Yeah there isn't a checkbox for that one on the form of acceptability. I'm reminded of my first year in primary school. I live in a small coastal town in England, mostly populated by retired elderly people, and looking on it as nothing but a statistic, there aren't many non white people around. Back in my second year of primary school, I encountered for the first time, a coloured person. His name's Imran, he and his family moved from Pakistan, and he and his brother and sister joined our school. Imran was the same age as me so he ended up in my class. Now at the time, I'd never heard the work packy, or any other racial slur, but the other kids in my class came out with it straight away. I thought they were saying it coz he came from Pakistan, but I learnt it's just a general slur for anyone with his kind of colouring. As it happens, at the time, I didn't like Imran very much. Not because of his colour, or even the peer pressure from my classmates who had obviously picked up a racial hatred from their parents early. I didn't like him much coz he wasn't very likable. He wasn't friendly, and had a bad attitude. And with the hindsight of growing up, of course he did. Five seconds into joining a class and he's being called packy, right in front of the teacher, who doesn't seem to care that much. Fast forward fifteen years, and I'm on train, on my way to university, and who comes on board? Imran, on his way to the same university. We sit together, and talk, and we do so fairly often, for the next three years. Every time we got the same train, we'd sit together. We end up graduating together, and I still see him whenever I go into the shop that he works part time in. Imran is now a friend of mine. So what changed? Tolerance of society in my area perhaps? I never heard anyone call him a packy again. Nor did anyone bully the Turkish or Bulgarian guys in my secondary school. The university I went to was only a few miles away from my hometown, and it was full of all ethnicities. There were probably more black and Asian people there than white people. I never once heard of any racial attack, apart from oddly enough, against a white American girl. So, is there no longer racism in my area? No. It’s still there; it’s just that people are more afraid to express it due to the consequences. Call a guy a packy fifteen years ago in primary school, no one cares. Call a guy a packy today at university, kiss your degree goodbye. I’ll say the word tolerance again. Overall in the UK there’s now little stigma attatched to being gay. We have many gay celebrities that are loved. People still get attacked and killed every so often for being gay though. The people that hate gays are still there, it’s just that most of them keep quiet about it. Same for the people that hate blacks, Asians, etc. So, where’s the silver lining? Well, Imran has a business degree now, and I’m confident that he’ll end up in a very high paid job somewhere. So he wins. Succeed in what you want to do, and everyone who hates you can fuck off.
  23. It wasn't BP that said that, he may be an arse but at least not that much of one. It was run088. I won't repeat what he said but RX is right, it's not on to be making attacks about people's lives, families etc.
  24. Wow. Looks like BP's got himself a ventriloquist’s dummy. At least it speaks better English. But really, I've never seen such arrogant bullshit in one place. This thread is full of it. I notice you also edited out your comment about CBA's child. Vile comments like that will get you banned and rightly so. You dare call other people immature when you go and say something like that? Inky's right, the Xbox section here is retarded these days. Made so by people like you.
  25. The Project Mayhem 3 HD skin is a PC skin first and foremost. It can be used for the Xbox but it's not really optimised for it. If you're actually displaying in HD too then it's not surprising things are slow. If a previous build worked better for you though, roll back to it. Unless the new build has something specific you want, I see no real reason for keeping up to date.
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