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  1. I read that thread, the guy was arguing with everyone who said it can't be emulated on the xbox, saying he had a version that worked perfectly, but he really meant the Beats of Rage mod. It wasn't the mod's author. Arguing with the the guy that was saying he was "emulating it perfectly" [lmao] via beats of rage pretty much made me lose interest in porting it to FBA. ATM, all that's left to do is port and hook up the DECO16 graphics routines and squash any bugs. The ARM core is pretty much finished and collecting dust. hey iq this isnt a request but in your opinion do you think this game would run well on fba for xbox and also osman/cannon dancer,im just curious. this is def a request from me - i would love to see Night slashers on xbox!
  2. yes I understand but even coinops won't play it right. Just confirming that NO emu plays this thing. I saw on another post herethat it did work but they didn't say how - infact it might have been the guy making NSX who sait it
  3. ok - so no mame. thanks. but what was the second poster mentioning? coinops? Let me ask this way - does any xbox emu play night slashers on xbox? I also have psp but I don't think anything exists - slim yes - phat no..
  4. Night Slashers is an arcade beat-em up and I am having trouble playing it on the MAME emu for xbox. It loads and then says out of memory. Has anyone got this to work on any emu? if so please let me know which one. Also I see that a mod using BOR has been made (night slashers X) but at this point I don't believe the xbox version is working either. Please confirm. http://lavalit.com:8080/index.php/topic,2841.0.html Thank you
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