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Everything posted by silkworm

  1. The analog controls for games such as "pole position 2" and "hang on" don't work properly, I mean when I set the left and right triggers for accelerate and brake etc, the car or bike wont go above 170mph speed, and only the sticks seem to work properly for this, I'm having to use the right stick for accelerate and I like to use triggers. Is this a known problem and can it be corrected so triggers work right, ie same as analog sticks ? btw BP, Can't wait for R4 if you are adding the no screens on scolling thing. is this being added ?
  2. a question for BP. is it possible to change the way the scrolling of games works to a way like in nes6502 way ? ie when fast scrolling it doesnt show the screens, but is blank and scrolling is faster, the way it is now is slow having to display each screen shot before moving on to the next, also when I get to a game with no screen shot when scrolling through the list, the hard disk grinds more, why is this ? just wondering. Love that you keep adding more games each release, especially the shmups.
  3. cool game though
  4. why does truxton have so much slowdown and not run at constant 60fps ? the second one plays nice and smooth.
  5. sorry for asking again. when its says UNKNOWN in the dip switch settings, does that mean they work to do something and its not known what, or do they not work at all ? also is it possible to get "astroblaster" speech working properly. it needs to be louder, it can hardly be heard, maybe its not right in real mame ? and is there a way to get sound working in "Atomic Point" ?
  6. how does one go about getting the sound to work in cosmic alien edit: nevermind, I didnt copy over the new samples when its says UNKNOWN in the dip switch settings, does that mean they work to do something and its not known what, or do they not work at all ? also is it possible to get "astroblaster" working with the speech properly, it used to work in older mames. it needs to be louder, it can hardly be heard, maybe its not right in real mame ? and is there a way to get sound working in "Atomic Point"
  7. ok, thanks BP hey fm, bonks adventure says error mp13905a.ic1 NOT Found , 12368-49.ic2 NOT FOUND edit2: I deleted mame save files in E - U+Tdata. and it works now.
  8. cool R3. thanks BP - iq and fm when i overwrite the main files to update on xbox, do the general, cfg etc folders have to be overwritten as well or can i leave them ?
  9. phwoar. love it.
  10. No. He hasn't yet. He has added some Afega games though: Twin Action Stagger I (Japan) Red Hawk (US) Red Hawk (Italy) Red Hawk (Excellent Co., Ltd) Red Hawk (bootleg) [this one is horizontal ^^] Guardian Storm Sen Jin - Guardian Storm (Korea) [this one is horizontal ^^] Bubble 2000 Hot Bubble Pop's Pop's Mang-Chi Spectrum 2000 (Euro) Fire Hawk excellent ! do these play smoothly ? and will they be in R3 release ?
  11. fumanchu could you pm me a link for the new reigniteR2 I wish to play some boogie wings thanks.
  12. this sounds good, some games are definetly better with overclocking, and going to the ingame setting thing everytime is annoying can this setting be saved for each game somehow ? what does xml selected game mean ?
  13. thanks ice , the worst tearing i've seen on xbox is serious sam.
  14. is there a way to stop msdash soundtracks from playing ? could this be an option, i would rather have the default coinops music just loop. also what does the "VIDEO sync smoothing" option do in the secret settings ?
  15. is there anyway to display FPS on xxx-pro version
  16. don't worry just go ahead and format it, that will set up the cd stuff, you only need to do it once, then all cd games should work.
  17. please do this, it would be great. I like to read the info,tips and trivia etc of the games. could it show the text when selected for the game you have stopped on in the selection screen. ie. goto game you want, press start, select history, and it shows the history of that game. is that how it would work ?
  18. I second history.dat. it would be so good to have it. is it not there because of memory constraints ? I never use cheats.dat but history.dat would be so good, really miss that from mame128plus
  19. thanks fumanchu, that was it, I forgot about the two thumbsticks click thing
  20. thanks for the pm fumanchu BP. I like the white highlighter in ingame settings, much easier to see. also How do I enable the remap main button settings ? I only have remap current game button settings showing. where or which is the option in the settings to add it ?
  21. cool one BP, like the sound of the info on loading now can someone pm me a link to the standalone r3 so I can try it over the weekend ? please
  22. where do i ask for a link for r3 ? and do i just replace default.exe for the new one ?
  23. Hi BP, I wrote this in another post, I put it here because maybe you did'nt see it ? I have found out that setting cheats enabled=1 to cheats enabled=0 in the mame.ini turns off the overclocking options in game. is there a way for seperate settings to be added ? so no cheats but still overclock option. I set it to off, so maybe the startup of games would be quicker, would turning of cheats make them load quicker? , when is cheats.dat loaded ? or what about when cheats.dat is deleted ? and much thanks for coinops
  24. an update about my earlier post about the overclocking options going missing. I have found out that setting cheats enabled=1 to cheats enabled=0 in the mame.ini turns off the overclocking options in game. is there a way for seperate settings to be added ? so no cheats but still overclock option. I set it to off, so maybe the startup of games would be quicker, would turning of cheats make them load quicker? , when is cheats.dat loaded ? or what about when cheats.dat is deleted ?
  25. hi all, just registered to ask a question about coinops, I am using the ignite r2 release. been using it for a couple of days now, but today when I press back and right thumbstick to get to overclock option. it was no longer there, only the sound and brightness contrast etc, no overclock options ? just wondered if anyone else has come across this problem and what could have caused it. ? I deleted the U and Tdata on E and replaced default config in cfg directory with the original one, and also replaced nvram folder for original one and deleted hi scores, now its back working again, because its like a new install i suppose, so i don't really know which thing cured it. just any info would be nice. or maybe its not happened to anyone else. and thanks BP for letting me be able to play some good old shootemups.
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