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Everything posted by DrDystopia

  1. What games are these? I want to split the games up and put the best ones under the respective emulator. --dyst
  2. I just want to say that there are hundreds of us that have enjoyed your work BP. From looking at the d/l numbers of Showcase your work is much appreciated. It is too bad that a few stupid and unappreciative people can ruin it for the rest of us. Good luck and thank you for hands down my favorite emu on Xbox. -dyst
  3. Not sure if this is still the place to post games but are any of these possible? They seem to be no the same hardware as other games that run just fine. Recalhorn (Ver 1.42J 1994/5/11) (Prototype) set name recalh manufacturer Taito Corporation year 1994 genre Platform (hof) category Platform / Run Jump Scrolling (hof) driver status good driver source taito_f3.c / Tetris the Absolute The Grand Master 2 set name tgm2 manufacturer Arika year 2000 genre Puzzle (hof) category Puzzle / Drop (hof) driver status good driver source psikyosh.c The Tetris one was taken out and added back in for .129 The only other game that I would love to see working is Mr. Driller but I don't know if the xbox has enough memory to run it. 1 and 2 are in the Dats but keep giving out of memory. --dyst
  4. What are the Nintendo VS Games that run on CoinOps? These sound interesting. Excitebike and some of the others would be fun.
  5. Easier yet, unzip this and put it in the nvram directory. Do I need a certain number of posts to download attachments. I keep getting a "you do not have permission" from the board. Already cleared cookies and tried a different browser. --dyst
  6. Worked like a charm thanks --dyst
  7. Ok can someone help me out here. I have never had this issue before. I copied everything from R3 over top of the R2 showcase I had installed and now every single game comes up with "Error: required files are missing, the game cannot be run." Is there still a Udata and Tdata file I need or am I SOL and just delete the whole thing and start over? What could have caused this? thanks for the help --dyst EDIT: I just made a brand new folder and just copied over the stuff from R3 and boot new and the same thing. It only found the games included with the link but each one is giving me file not found errors. I really think there is a Udata or Tdata file I might have to delete. Anyone know which one?
  8. After such long time of waiting and watching CoinOPs grow and develop we finally have Showcase, the version we (or at least I) have been crazy excited about. The GUI, the video previews, more and more great games added every day. I am like a kid in a candy shop. The video previews have me trying games I would never have been interested in from just a screenshot. So... Now that we have this amazing emulator, what are the games you just cannot stop playing. I am hooked on Swat Police after seeing another poster rave about it. Also, Armed Police Batrider Battle Flip Shot (this game pisses me off in a good way) Blazing Star Blocken rocks for me and my wife since she loves arkanoid Waku Waku 7 Are just some of the ones that have been keeping me up way to late recently. What game has you hooked?
  9. Half Life 1 soure was never released so there will not be a port of it. They released the souce to the dlls but not the exe. There were a ton of rumors back in 03 or so of a port and again in 05 of a release but it will not happen unless valve releases the whole source. I am still waiting for deus ex source.
  10. Are there any plans to add move list to CoinOPs? This is the only thing I can think of that could make this emulaor better for me. I like to play the old 1vs1's but I am too old to remember all the moves. Even adding the ability to just pull up a text file would be awesome. --dyst
  11. Would love a PM for this. The random feature is something i have really been looking forward to. Most nights I come home and just scroll around with my eyes closed in a random emulator and play what I land on. IDK why but that just how I roll. --dyst.
  12. I just finished Suikoden 2 on PSX. Been playing through a random arcade Beat em' Up or Shooter a couple times a week. Current Rpgs I am working through are legend of dragoon and beyond the beyond Also I have been trying to get my super metroid time down on a 100% complete to below 3 hours. --dyst
  13. It really is amazing how fast you guys push these out. I am just catching up after a long break. I know you get it a lot but great work and many thanks. --dyst
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