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Everything posted by azzman

  1. Hi guys, I have CoinOPS_ShowROOM_X_LITE with R3 installed and wondered if there is somewhere I can download all the screenshots for the roms in one package? Thanks heaps
  2. This project is beyond awesome , great work! Maybe one day it could be ported to the 360 for JTAG users
  3. On 4th Oct 2002, Lantus and TMaul coded and released the original FBA-X Beta 1 for the Xbox. Almost 8 years later the old team has reformed and in association with Logic Sunrise is proud to present FBANext - FB Alpha for the Xbox 360. About FB Alpha (formerly Final Burn(info) Alpha), based on the original Final Burn source code, is a multi-arcade emulator. FBANext is a native port on the Xbox 360 Platform. Features - Supports Capcom CPS-1 roms - Supports Capcom CPS-2 roms - Supports Capcom CPS-3 roms - Supports Cave roms - Supports Neo Geo roms - Supports Sega System 16 (and similar), System 18, X-Board, Y-Board roms - Supports Toaplan roms - Supports Taito 68k roms - Supports Psikyo 68EC020/SH2 roms - Supports PGM roms - Supports Konami roms - Supports Sega Megadrive roms (savestates not supported) - Support for other misc stuff the authors like. - Full graphics/sound - Supports up to 4 controllers - 100% full speed emulation on most drivers. - Savestate support. - Clean and easy to use menu system. - Support for almost 3000 roms. - Previews/Titles - Rom filtering - 13 different software graphics filters - 2 different hardware graphics filters - Strech/Aspect mode settings - Dip Switch Options - Configurable Controller Options - Multiplayers mode (1-4 players) - Source code provided. - Native 16/9 Mode support for SF3.2 (cps3) Todo - Code optimizations - Better button config options (Macros/Presets etc) - Driver fixes we missed this time around - Rom Auditing - Cheats - Patches - 68k CPU overclock option - Better aspect ratio/full screen modes to fit different size screens - Anything else we forgot. Bugs - Savestates may be a little flaky. - European region Genesis/Megadrive roms run poorly. For now run the USA/NTSC versions instead. - Skin issues. Official Site: http://www.logic-sunrise.com/
  4. exquisite!
  5. Thanks m8 , will have a bit more of a play and see how I go. BTW the chick is your avatar pic is awesome, who is it?
  6. Thanks for the reply I appreciate it. Im using a 4:3 CRT , could the fact that I have a PAL xbox be a issue? 576i at 50hz? where do I change the config settings, are there some lightgun specific ones I could download?
  7. Im having trouble getting any light gun games to work correctly with coinops. I have calibrated the gun and seems to work fine there, but when I play a game its wildly inaccurate and jumps about and disappears from the screen making the game unplayable. Is there some settings in coinops I need to add, or a setup for each game? Thanks
  8. Thanks for all your hard work , I know I really appreciate it and I ook forward to your other projects in the future
  9. I have a friend that has quite a few real arcade games that are emulated in coinops. The coinops versions seem to run faster, what settings are needed to make them run the same as the original? Does PAL or NTSC on the xbox make a difference? As in in 50 or 60HZ?
  10. Where can I grab this? thanks guys
  11. I can please test this release also?
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