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Everything posted by gotchafx

  1. hey! great i was watting for loooong time! can you please sent me the link? thanx so just overwrite pcsxbox v21 with the files from this release. thanks go to nekotl for this and thanks to bigby for hooking me up with this new release. i have uploaded this release to the ususal sites i upload to if you want it or just pm(private message) me if you want a link.
  2. send me a pv please for the newest release & what about brap boyz? still unplayable? thanx
  3. The NBA games already runs well but w/no sound
  4. Dj boy now playeble?????!!!! (cry) please sendme a PM please YOU ARE THE MANNNN!!! please you are on line now oh i see now i read it al eheheh still not out on the wild , oke please PM me when this get finishe, only dj boy & b rap boys still to get for complete my personal collection, GREAT JOB IQ/BP...really great job
  5. ....maybe....mame djboy ???? or brap boyz '????' sorry being asking for those two, its just that i dont really like the megadrive version. in any case thanx bub'
  6. Hello, what do you expect to put on coinops r6 ? any new driver/playable new roms ? thanx man your work is simply GREAT! im sure we all apreciate it
  7. ! can it be used w/ a modchip xbox? i was trying xlink kai but it never conects! so i'm thinking on try this. if it works....I CHALLENGE YOU! XD
  8. me too XD :s
  9. hello can i get the coinops r5 download link too? thanx
  10. i wanna try it ( coniops r4 )
  11. don't worry just go ahead and format it, that will set up the cd stuff, you only need to do it once, then all cd games should work. thans man it did run well :D
  12. thanx so much ahahaha it did run well ahahahahahah i was just afraid of xd....thatnx to both of you:p
  13. playable dj boy & b rap boyz....... keep up the great work
  14. Now that you all mention...in the sega genesis emulator for xbox ( i have v21 ), when you try to play sonic cd, apears a screen that reads " initialize memory card or format memory card " stuff...so my question is..... what do i have to do to play tis rom?:s...cause w/about if i format....then would the entire hard disk will be formated?! :s just a question
  15. ....:s i just did and it didnt i download it from romnation.net......do you have another link bro? thax Sent pm to U. thanx for the pm buddy:d i managed to fix the problem w/ moonwalker rom: the thing was that the rom had a diferent name than the .cfg file. so, what i did was just to rename the rom file ( it was mwalk.zip ) exact as the same name as the .cfg file ( wich was moonwlkb.cfg ), so the rom stays now as moonwlkb.zip & that works. thanx a lot man;)
  16. !!! hey listen, i fixed the problem w/ moonwalker rom: the thing was that the rom had a diferent name than the .cfg file!!! so, what i did was just to rename the rom file ( it was mwalk.zip ) exact as the same name as the .cfg file ( wich was moonwlkb.cfg ), so the rom stays now as moonwlkb.zip & that works. i dont know you may think " dumb" or else ahahaha, but thing is that maybe some other people had the same prob. and they didnt know how to fix this, so this may be the answer...that easy...but keept me busy for a while trying diferent versions of coinops heheheh. i was downloading from diferent places but they had the same name of the romfile. i hope this may help someone as well at the team. thanx for all & ill keep visiting this site for more info, now i just need djboy & brapboyz ...genesis one :s not so cool
  17. ....:s i just did and it didnt i download it from romnation.net......do you have another link bro? thax
  18. on the xbox?....i still couldnt run it & im using coinops r3
  19. mmmmm....so why do i still cant play moonwalker on my xbox coinops yet?.....maybe a damaged rom? i'll check it again. djboy on genesis....mmmmm not the same but thanx budy
  20. Hi from mexico first of all you are doing a GREAT job on the emulation of mame on the xbox, and yes, i do have a request for next version of coinops. if it could be posible to make run these 3 games: djboy, brapboys & moonwalker it would be great , these are the last games of my list on collecting the games that i used to play as kid; i of course understand that it could not be easy ( bios, etc.), but if its posible to you....?..... MAN YOU'RE GONNA BE THE MAAAAAAAAAAN! Thanx for read my comment & congratulations to you B.S. & the rest of the team for this emulator
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