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Everything posted by PhilExile

  1. Arcades are the worst! Also, sometimes, pixels aren't square - so sometimes, even though the games look pixel perfect on our TV, it may not be the right size if you compared it to the actual cab. Also, sometimes MAME is wrong in the resolution. That's very, very rare though. Also, if you look at consoles - say SNES - the perfect pixel is 512x448, but TVs used to take that signal and stretch it to 640x480. You can simulate this on an HDTV by using 480p mode, make the screen 512x448 setting 10x11 pixels to ON, and finally set your TV to 16:9. Of course, this doesn't stretch the height, but whatever, you have to let this stuff go at some point. Good point. FBL is a great emulator that needed some more work. I think NES was just done with the scene at that point. Woot! I've only seen emulated scanlines work properly at 480p mode - on the PC and XBOX. Personally, I think it should only be able to be activated in that mode and not bother with 720p. 480i is sorta pointless since TVs that run at that resolution have tiny, thin scanlines - but every TV is different. All the guys over at SHMUPS run their emulators at 480p on their HDTVs. Also, Tobias recommends that - he is the Über Scanline Expert. Check out his site: http://scanlines.hazard-city.de/ I don't remember him saying that, but he may be right in that Blaargs scanlines take CPU power. Here is the link: http://slack.net/~ant/libs/ntsc.html They may be different then, say, the scanline code used in the original NeoGeo CD emulator by Lantus. That one seemed pretty basic and didn't impact performance from what I could tell. Cheers!
  2. Well, I think I know what you're talking about regarding the sound. IQ explained that to me once and I'm sure I'll mangle the technical explanation but - basically, this isn't a bug as much as it is more accurately emulating how the audio was produced on the original board. This is why games like TROJAN and GHOST & GOBLINS sound slow and slighltly off tempo. This is an FB thing, not a bug issue. I also believe its been updated to play the music better on the PC version.
  3. Ya, FBL does goof up a lot - its just little bugs but it gets annoying. Its a shame NES didn't seem as interested in the interface stuff/polish as he did actually getting the port up and running. Not to belittle his work - which is still awesome, especially Nestopia. Maybe we should hold the release of CoinOps 2 to add pixel perfect for all cores & scanlines? I think it would be worthwhile addition - and worth the additional wait! Also, Cos, I found that the buggy-ness of scanlines in 720p mode in FBL is just because its 720p mode. Scanlines (and all retro gaming up-scaling in my opinion) should be done at 480p.
  4. Very true. Its hard to get EVER game in there the first time around. That said - I never saw the appeal of rumbles. (I know you love them, Mega)
  5. This is really cool too! I can't believe Sega shut down the project. You'd think they'd hire these guys as contractors at least. (Could probably get them cheap too considering they did all this stuff for free) Anyway, the emulator works great - perfect pixel and scanlines included - major plus for me! I check it out and all software filters work on Trusty upgraded Xbox systems at least. However, I prefer the default as it is how the game was meant to look. I did notice that if you try to turn on vsync in video options - the emulator crashes and you have to hard-reset your xbox. Again, great port! Thanks A600!
  6. This looks to be a nice little emu. Scanline emulation is perfect in 480p mode. Sadly, in 720p mode its funky - but that was to be expected. 480p is the best for modern HDTVs nowadays. (IMO) Sound is very low, but I expect A600 will fix this in a future release. The one game I mentioned before, Elevator Action Returns, plays well - 60 fps - but I'm on an upgrade. Can someone who is on a stock XBOX confirm this? Sadly, the lights still don't go out if you shot the lights. Looks like this is an issue with the ROM - not MAME or RAINE in this case. See info below from MAWS: • elvactr and clones: Shooting lights doesn't make the room go dark. nicolasa (ID 02002) The interface is efficient, but lacking. BP, if you could team up with A600, it would be nice to see a basic, simplified CoinOps-like interface here. All perfect pixel settings work great. Thanks again, A600! I think we all owe you a number of beers for your recent contributions!
  7. So, Ace, are you going to be the only other seed for the torrent? It would be good if we had more than two people.
  8. Daphne is buggy and never really worked right on the XBOX. I really wish I could say otherwise. I may actually try it on the PC to see if the updates improved anything. Just to be clear, does this mean the support is in the current CoinOPS 2 build that's going to be released and all that's needed is the DVD image to be added and roms rescanned? Thanks to have the same question than me lol I have the Daphne ISOs ... but Daphnex is old ... and really beautifull I would know if we can add our DVD images in a specified folder and rescan our roms ? Is it possible for all Daphne games ? Are they playable or not ? Thanks
  9. I think that's what BP means. BP, maybe the 'read me' should be updated with instructions on how to do this? Its probably a good thing that these aren't included as the DVDs are for still for sale. You can get either DVD pretty cheap on Amazon used, so if people want them, I think they should buy them. (I'm going to - even though I already have both on my phone) Just to be clear, does this mean the support is in the current CoinOPS 2 build that's going to be released and all that's needed is the DVD image to be added and roms rescanned?
  10. Shit, it is!? Thanks for the heads up! I'm still working on those INIs. Sorry, may be a few more weeks!
  11. cool, i'll have to check out their stuff on cydia
  12. I think it would make most sense just to release the files. If we do RARs - someone would have to upload them and then we'd all have to download the 22gbs again. That would delay the torrent by a week or so I'm guessing.
  13. Um, I did. I'm sure if there were bugs found, BP would release a patch.
  14. Once every 6 months would probably make your life a lot easier.
  15. Sorry BP - I got busy with work. I should be able to make a torrent tonight. Can you put me in touch with others that have it so that we can concentrate seeding? PM or MSN msg me. Cheers
  16. This will be nice to see. Also, could you add 128 RAM support? I know the guys at XBMC4XBOX have been struggling with that for a while. Cheers
  17. Well, I know that Elevator Action 2 1994 Taito 4 has some issues in MAME. Its nothing huge, but when you shoot a light it doesn't make the building go dark as it should. Also, on stock Xbox systems, the game runs at 40-or-so FPS - rather than 60FPS. It will be interesting to see if Raine runs it better and without these issues. In any case, the work is much appreciated A600! I'm sure it will be a nice companion to CoinOps. And let's hope it also has perfect pixel of course.
  18. Sometimes, lesbian sex is the only thing that will solve problems.
  19. That's already done by the sorting functionality - you can sort by console, arcade, arcade + console, etc. Its one of the best features of CoinOps. Go back to MameOX and you'll see what I mean.
  20. I completely forgot about the RAPED edition - probably because its totally forgettable! For anyone that doesn't know what BP is referring to, see the link below: http://xboxisozone.com/downloads/2528/Coin...Epic-RAPED.html I can see why he would want to protect his work from rehashes such as this. Such a crude name too. So it goes.
  21. Oh, that's a good point. I think it does Samba well though.
  22. The locks BP is putting in won't stop CoinOps from working the way it always has. I believe its only intention is to make it that you cannot delete roms.
  23. Mega Man, you're no Henry Kissinger.
  24. Hi Mega, I only pointed out that the silly video made the whole thing look fake. Just sayin. Did I flame? I never really understood what that term meant. LOL I don't take sides in fights. I still think we need to fly all you guys to the same bar and get you sloshed to stop all this arguing! Cheers
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